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About Ninoslav

  • Birthday 11/07/1983

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    Novi Sad

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Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. Nightwish - Noise (2020)
  2. Nightwish: Decades - Live in Buenos Aires Recorded on September 30th 2018 at Estadio Malvinas stadium in Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires Release date: December 6th 2019 Tracklist: 01. Swanheart 02. End Of All Hope 03. Wish I Had An Angel 04. 10th Man Down 05. Come Cover Me 06. Gethsemane 07. Élan 08. Sacrament Of Wilderness 09. Deep Silent Complete 10. Dead Boy’s Poem 11. Elvenjig 12. Elvenpath 13. I Want My Tears Back 14. Amaranth 15. The Carpenter 16. The Kinslayer 17. Devil & The Deep Dark Ocean 18. Nemo 19. Slaying The Dreamer 20. The Greatest Show On Earth 21. Ghost Love Score MP3 320 CBR https://we.tl/t-EIB0cmgQ7O FLAC https://we.tl/t-9vpcJKXmwT PASSWORD yumetal Friško mi danas stiglo , jedan dan pre zvaničnog izlaska! Link aktivan 7 dana! Uživajte!
  3. Vehicle of Spirit (EP) TRACKLIST 1 - Shudder Before the Beautiful (Live @ Wembley 2015) 2 - Alpenglow (Live @ Wembley 2015) 3 - Stargazers (Live in Tampere 2015) 4 - My Walden (Live in Tampere 2015) https://mega.nz/#!0Q92XL7A!ANL0NwAslIZ59-ieb6q59wCZLK0ANjoweSG1u2_87Eg
  4. KINGDOM OF HEGYALJA, TOKAJ, HUNGARY Nultog dana, (sreda, 15. jul) nastupaju Nightwish, a posto su oni jedini bend tog dana, bice klasican a ne festivalski nastup. Prevoz je organizovan preko Minje (kontakt) a karte se mogu uzeti preko Eventima - do 30. maja su jeftinije! Nas nekoliko ide pa ako ima zainteresovanih da ide sto vise, onda ce i prevoz biti jeftiniji!
  5. Album će biti dostupan putem svih digitalnih prodavnica i streaming servisa širom sveta, a u isto vreme će stići i fizičko izdanje albuma. Momci su 10 novih pesama snimili u studiju Road pod producentskom palicom Dragana Alimpijevića Pika. Za omot je bio zadužen niko drugi do Leonid Pilipović Leo. RITAM NEREDA - "To nisi ti" (Nocturne media, 2015) 01. Intro 02. Daleko putujem 03. Drugačije 04. Divan dan 05. Boli me sve 06. Nema dileme 07. Zauvek 08. Depresija 09. To nisi ti 10. Seti se
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_9MaPWBf4s Masno.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPonioDYnoY
  8. Élan Leave the Sleep and let the springtime talk In tongues from the time before man Listen to a daffodil tell her tale Let the guest in, walk out, be the first to greet the morn The meadows of heaven await harvest The cliffs unjumped, cold waters untouched The elsewhere creatures yet unseen Finally your number came up, free fall awaits the brave Come Taste the wine Race the blind They will guide you from the light Writing noughts till the end of time Come Surf the clouds Race the dark It feeds from the runs undone Meet me where the cliff greets the sea The answer to the riddle before your eyes Is in dead leaves and fleeting skies Returning swans and sedulous mice Writings the gardens book, in the minute of a lover's look Building a sandcastle close to the shore A house of cards from a worn out deck A home from the fellowship, poise and calm Write a lyric for the song only you can understand Riding hard every shooting star Come to life, open mind, have a laugh at the orthodox Come, drink deep let the dam of mind seep Travel with great Élan, dance a jig at the funeral Come! Sagan Make me wonder Make me understand Spark the light of doubt and a newborn mind Bring the vast unthinkable down to earth Always wary of a captive thought Beware the very first unkind word See who you are, where from, what of Entering the unknown Daring to see beyond the manmade Woe to you who evade the horizon Listening to Sagan Dreaming Carl Sagan Unseen streams With understanding no poet is trapped Woe to all who stop at the horizon What kind of world would we call home Our own Oasis of love, humility and hope Eradicating all that's not for life What kind of aim would we call high What kind of life would bathe in the brightest white A limitless world will rise Son a man, dare to let go of cowardice Link gore u jednom stihu se odnosi na Saganov Contact (1997)
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inJPplLE92Y http://youtu.be/nYSZPZeD2N8
  10. Evo i jačih verzija: MP3 320kbps (114 MB) FLAC Lossless (368 MB)
  11. da, mp3, 160kbps. Okacicu za sat vremena 320kbps i FLAC verzije...
  12. Evo, da učinim dobro delo, izvukao sam "Psychoactive" disk iz lične arhive. Izuzetno teško nabavljiv album, ali opet, prošlo već skoro 14 godina, ko bi rekao... Album je izašao decembra 2000. MP3 320 kbps (145.5 MB) FLAC lossless (454 MB) Uživajte
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