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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by HADES

  1. HADES


    bas smor, a taman sam hteo da ih uhvatim negde ove godine
  2. HADES

    BM noviteti

  3. HADES


    da, to sam nekako potisnuo iz secanja :)
  4. HADES


    Dal je realno da je Megadeth predgrupa za Disturbed? https://www.loudersound.com/news/disturbed-announce-the-sickness-25th-anniversary-tour-europe-uk-megadeth-2025
  5. HADES


    Slazem se, ja sam ih gledao u Pragu pre neki dan i stvarno odlican koncert, super energija, Brian se uklopio kao da je oduvek u bendu
  6. HADES

    Black Sabbath

    odose karte za 15 minuta
  7. https://metalstorm.net/events/news_comments.php?news_id=57382 Novi album u aprilu, nisam uopste ispratio da im peva lik iz Sumerlandsa.
  8. HADES

    Black Sabbath

  9. Okultni doom iz Brazila, zenski vokali, a na gitari ni manje ni vise nego Wagner Antichrist iz Sarcofaga. Imaju jos jedan album iz 2017, ali nisam ga jos slusao.
  10. https://blabbermouth.net/news/candlemass-to-reunite-with-singer-messiah-marcolin-for-one-off-performance-at-rock-hard-festival-greece
  11. HADES


  12. HADES

    BM noviteti

  13. RIP
  14. https://metalstorm.net/events/news_comments.php?news_id=57071
  15. Dark Angel - Will Play Live First New Music Since 1991 Next Month
  16. Jos jedna nova:
  17. HADES


    In a recent interview with 'Loudersound', Sepultura guitarist Andreas Kisser confirmed that the band, who are in the middle of their final world tour, plan on releasing a new EP featuring four new songs. If coming out in 2025, the EP will be the first release of new material from Sepultura since 2020's Quadra.
  18. HADES


  19. https://blabbermouth.net/news/iced-earths-jon-schaffer-sentenced-to-three-years-probation
  20. HADES


    Najavljeni su za Monsters of rock sledece godine u Brazilu https://www.instagram.com/reel/DBjRdpsJBis/?igsh=MWN3Zmw1MzRkNXN3eQ==
  21. https://blabbermouth.net/news/watch-king-diamond-debuts-two-new-songs-at-2024-north-american-tour-kick-off
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