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Everything posted by HADES

  1. HADES


    Kako nema tema?! Baš me zanima na šta će da liči taj album, ja sam mislio da je Holocausto izgubio interesovanje za bm.
  2. Legendarni album
  3. HADES


    Završili su sa snimanjem albuma! IKONOKLAST is the title of our new album, and it's also our first Norwegian entitled album. The recording of the new album is all done! Nefas nailed the vocal last weekend, and it sounds even abit more aggressive than our previous album. Maybe you thought we were getting old and soft over the years, cunts? Mannevond did also contribute with his peculiar vocal skills known from Koldbrann, Nettlecarrier, Delirium Bound etc. Claimed by many to be the most evil voice of today's Black Metal. (Read: CRAFT) We would also like to send our Unholy blessings to the evil genius Lars F. Frøislie for his help and effort. His work will remain a mystery until the album's released.
  4. Pa to je otprilike ta neka standardna set-lista, teško da će kod nas onda išta menjati. Ne znam koji kurac sviraju Ace of spades, bolje da ubace neku sa 'Til death do us unite ili još koju sa Tapping the vein i Better off dead. Ako će već da sviraju neku obradu nek ubace onda Aber bitte mit Sahne, Don't walk away ili Cold Sweat:)
  5. Realno, Bombarder bi bio najbolja predgrupa...
  6. HADES


    Meni je posle Tapping the vein-a taj najjači album Sodom-a!
  7. Sabbat - Sabbatical Holocaust Sepultura - Roorback
  8. Aj daj link, možda se nešto zanimljivo nađe.
  9. HADES


    Forever fighting the world!
  10. Dajte neke setliste sa ove turneje! EDIT: Videh sad na prethodnoj strani, odličan izbor pesama!
  11. Pa tek izađe ovaj EP, ja mislio neće album bar do leta.
  12. Kako si nabavio ta potpisana izdanja i koji su albumi? Ja imam sve studijske od njih, našao mi je Rakić pre par meseci od nekog lika, jebeni kult!
  13. HADES


    Najavljen je album za ovu godinu: A follow up to the 2001 debut was recently announced, Snorre had this to say: We are in the process of recording our second album now. We are working in Oera Studio here in Trondheim with Jostein Ansnes and a couple of other good technicians. We started recording drums on September 1 and will start recording guitars and bass the coming week. Vocals will be recorded in a separate session later this fall, and we will use some time with additional instruments and recordings to accompany the basic instrumentation. We hope to deliver the master to Moonfog before Christmas and that the album will be out first quarter of 2009. We are proud to say that we have 10 great songs written by myself and Jon Wesseltoft. Lyrics are mainly written by Aldrahn. The material on this album is mostly harder, darker and more energetic than on the 2001 album. Gratification guarantied!! Inače, odličan im je taj full-lenght, baš me zanima kako će drugi album da zvuči.
  14. Agent Steel Destruction Desaster Exodus Girlschool (doduše, upao sam pijan tek na pola koncerta:) Inferno 3x Inquisition Iron Maiden 2x Keep of Kalessin King Diamond Kraftwerk Kreator Marduk Max Cavalera Metallica Megadeth Morbid Angel 2x Negura Bunget Nokturnal Mortum Prodigy Robert Plant Rolling Stones Samael Sepultura Slayer Tankard WASP
  15. Svaka čast! Gde nađe ovo? Inače, stigao mi je danas Witchfinder General - Buried amongst the ruins.
  16. Do jaja! Dolazim opet da gledam legende!
  17. Ne, prodavao je neki lik na forumu, bila tema na berzi.
  18. Slayer - Divine intervention
  19. Inquisition - Into the Infernal Regions of the Ancient Cult
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