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Everything posted by Frankenchrist

  1. Zato i jesam imao osecaj da sam vec negde video ovo, ali nisam mogao da se setim gde. Nema veze, bar sam se jos jednom ismejo ko budala. Inace, uzeh danas Voodoo na originalu, i to DIGI PACK!!!
  2. A ja sam cuo da je bio ozenjen, pa se razveo, a da je Liviu ozenio 2003. Sad sta je tu istina nemam pojma, ali se i ne interesujem puno u to. Za one koji nisu videli, postavio sam njenu sliku na KD temi. Slatka pichoka.
  3. A evo je i gospodja koja je otpevala sve one predivne zenske vokale na The Puppet Master.
  4. Ranije nije imao ni sa KD ni sa MF, sad peva Olivia sa njim, riba koja je pevala na The Puppet Master albumu, koliko sam cuo, njegova zena.
  5. Sve su odlicne stvarno, ja sam se danas pisao od smeha dok sam gledao. Gotivna je i ona kad je obucen kao spajdermen haha, a i ona kad sedi za kompom i provali za ove crteze. Inace lik koji ih je radio je iz kanade, i ovi crtezi ce, mozda, izaci kao mala strip-knjiga, ili zajedno sa nekim od sledecih izdanja KDa, mada je to pod znakom pitanja jos uvek.
  6. Apsolutno sve, i za MF i za KD albume. Kako sam kaze, kad snima album, prvo sve pesme otpeva onim krestavim glasom, pa posle preslusavanja tog materijala odluci na kojim delovima ce da peva drugacije. Naravno posle se tripuje pa nasnimava vokale jedan preko drugog itd...
  7. Pa, manje vise hehe. Jos gore je sto je lik postovao sve ovo na jednom forumu, pa sam pregledao 28 strana da bi sve video, kopiranje toga ovde i nije bila neka muka.
  8. King dressed up as Spider-Man. Here he is at the bank, in the waiting line, discretly scatching his crotch. King just made an umbeatable score at Tetris, unfortunately, no one is there to witness it. -Hey King! It's Andy! Sorry to wake up ya up so late in the middle of the night, but I got this riff ya gotta listen to! *starts playing* -Uh... hello? Whenever King wants to go eat a burger without being recognize, he wears this "low profile" outfit and make-up. Oh, but you can't fool real fans, King. Here they are, asking for an autograph as the King is about to take a bite at his burger. king finds out about "King's everyday life cartoons". The guys having their weekly tea party. -...Hum,Hello? -Hello, king. -Who...who’s this? -Never mind. Come to the old house tonight. there’re quite a few people there who’d love to see you... -Stop it, grandma...Damn I told you to stop making prank calls at 5 in the morning... bitch...
  9. King's at the restaurant with Lucy. Suddently, he has an urge; brings Lucy to the men's room and he shows her what a man he really is and why they call him King! To get rid of the Poltergeist living in his house, King called THE profesionnals. But they told him there was nothing they could do about it and that he would need an exorcist. King remembered his friend... The father he is here. He came to King's house from New Orleans. -"King, it is not a Poltergeist you've got in your home" he says. "But there's definitely a spirit here trying to communicate something to you. Beware..." It's at night. King has a visit from the dead. A dream is sent to him. There is a church. "This Place is terrible" inscribed above the door. Lucy is entering King's dream now. She's wearing a wedding dress. King has an axe. Now what has he done? Lucy's on the floor. Will he escape the dream? The wedding dream... Oh the dream... King's at Lucy's cabin, deep in the woods. It's a trap; she asked him to marry her. King escaped, running for his life. 6,6,6 miles... King's running through the woods. And now before him, the cemetery gates... King's been hiding in the graveyard. There, he met a hobo named Joe. Joe is showing King how he can swallow his own nose when he takes off his dentures. King came back home. Lucy has been here. She wrote everywhere on the walls. This madness's got to stop! With the help of two pals, Doctor LaCroix and Salam, King put a voodoo spell on Lucy to put that bitch out of his life once and for all! Ah, now with Lucy out of his life, King can breath again, peacefuly sleeping, dreaming he's playing poodleball with a bunch of friends. King's at the doctor. While waiting, he can't take off his eyes of that huge mole on the face of that guy next to him.
  10. Monday morning. King just stepped in a warm hairball Spirit just puked on the floor. King just woke from the most erotic dream about that cashier Lucy. A moze i ovako King waking up from the most erotic dream with a huge boner. King doing a joy dance after Lucy agreed on a date with him. King had one too many burritos, now his toilet is jammed. King's first date with Lucy. They went to the theatre to watch a movie. Lucy let King choose the movie, saying that she didn't mind, so they went to see The SpongeBob Square pants movie. Oh, she should have decided of the movie. She could have seen Bridget Jones instead... King's second date with Lucy. They're playing pool and just as a certain sexual tension starts to rise between them,accidently, King tooched one of her breast... King woke up in the middle of the night for a pee. But, King noticed the presence of a Poltergeist living in his home, and feeling watched, he can't pee... It's finally King's first time in bed with Lucy. Unfortunatelly, the Poltergeist is still there, watching in the dark. Feeling watched, nothing could happen, King couldn't deliver the merchandise and poor Lucy was left unsatisfied... King just realised while gardening that he forgot to get rid of his jack-o-lantern.
  11. King had some problems with his car so he has to take the bus for today. King had a tough day. Now he's just relaxing with a nice bubble bath and a good book. King's at the beach with Andy. Watching the girls around, they both agree on a generous 9/10 for the girl with a blue bikini. King's playing Scrabble with Grandma. Grandma's pissed coz King just made a 83 points word using all of his letters. King's babysitting is nephew Tommy. They're watching Pokémon togheter. King's at his uncle Henry's funeral. Oups, someone has just farted and everybody laughs. King's chicken taste like shit. He's thinking about ordering a pizza or something. King's at the video rental store. He wants to rent an adult movie, but he can't make up his mind between "Danish girls on Danish girls" and "Horny nersie Needle's fantasies" 1973- Amon's basement- King's having his first joint with his friends. King went to the grocery store to buy some cigarets. That cashier has the bluest magical eyes. He might ask her out...
  12. Ja vid'o takvu za 350€.
  13. Frankenchrist


    Jebote, ja kad bi imao ovakav bas, potrudio bi se da naucim da ga sviram. A i tetovaze bi popravio, da ih imam. Videcemo sta ce reci novi album, ali za sada imam neki osecaj da nece doneti nista dobro i da je sa DEICIDEom gotovo.
  14. ZLO I NAOPAKO!!!
  15. U kurac, nasao sam CD na netu, al' nema ploce nigde. I mogli bi malo da pozure sa izdavanjem albuma, jel znaju oni kolko jos ima do aprila?!?
  16. U Lionu, Francuska. BTW, zna li neko kakve sve gume mogu da se nadju za stisavanje bubnjeva? Bilo bi cool ako neko ima neki link.
  17. http://www.baguetterie-lyon.com/mov/baguetterie_point3.mov Evo nasao sam ovaj link, ovako izgleda ova prodavnica bubnjeva i ostale opreme, na par minuta od mene.
  18. Frankenchrist


    Pa verovatno ce odsvirati ovih par koncerata i to je to. Inace Ihsahn do jaja lici na Invistusa na ovoj slici.
  19. Ako je set dobro ocuvan i dobre koze, nisi dobro pazario, vec si odlicno pazario.
  20. Jest'. Al' posto imas original ne racuna se, sad je namenjen svima onima koji NEMAJU Graveyard a voleli bi da imaju.
  21. E jeb'ga onda nista. Da vidis zaboravih da kazem da imam i GRAVEYARD original.
  22. SAMO?!? Majku mu, dobro mi rece, ja bi ovde dao, minimum, duplo toliko. Blagodarim za ovu lepu vest.
  23. Meni se ne uzima jer vec imam ABIGAIL, i to reizdanje. Dva mi bas ne trebaju. Voodoo moram da kupim na originalu, extra album, prica, a bogami i booklet je prilicno dobar, ima mapa celog imanja, slicice, textovi...
  24. Bice to uskoro na netu, ne brini.
  25. Pa, svako ima svojih pet minuta heheh, ali ne treba preterivati jeli. Inace skinuo sam prekjuce Dave Wecklov Back To Basics 2, i ko nije gledao preporucujem da nabavi i odgleda. Lik objasnjava pravilno drzanje palice, vezbe za sviranje prstima (koje su slicne kao one Derekove), i objasnjava jos neke udarce kao single roll, double strike roll, paradiddles, i jos dva koja ne znam kako se pisu. U svakom slucaju gotivan video, dobar i pocetnicima a i onima sa stazom. A za heel toe tehniku, evo ga dobar video http://ota.tr.samk.fi/~jupiltt/musiikki/Heel-Toe_Video.wmv 44 mega, lepo objasnjeno, plus par vezbica za vezbanje.
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