E spomene mi drugar da mu skinem Little Miss Dangerous - slušao on davno taj album na nekoj emisiji što je vodio Ante Batinović na hrvatskom (?) radiju pa mu ostala u lijepom sjećanju... I skinuo sam ga, ali nisam još poslušao. Nego, trebah posložiti pjesme po redu pa skoknem na Amazon da vidim recenzije, i evo šta nađem:
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
(4/5) Best Nuge Album of The 80's, December 3, 2003
Reviewer: Stefan Todorovic "Srpskielvis" (North Royalton, Ohio) - See all my reviews
Very cool groove to this album. The Title track is the best on the whole album. This is an album you wanna crank up when both windows are down and you're cruisin' the highway. The 80's saw Nuge change w/ the times, as well as many other 70's groups like KISS, COOPER, AEROSMITH, OZZY, ETC. Definantly if you buy any Nuge from the 80's album get this one. "Painkiller," "Angry Young Man," "Take Me Away," and "Strangers.," along w/ the title track are the best cuts on this album. MUST FOR NUGE FANS!!!
Inače, skinuo sam nedavno Free for All, nisam ga imao - nije loš. Kao i albumi prije i poslije njega pati od suve studijske produkcije, ali su pjesme dobre, a Meat Loaf mi totalno zvuči kao neki Nights in White Satin - totalna neka epska širina...