Anthrax Re-Union: Belladonna Speaks -- Joey Belladonna has spoken exclusively to TotalRock about those rumours that he’s re-joining Anthrax for a special
anniversary show at the Dynamo Festival in Holland on May 7. “Right now I don’t know anything,” he says, squashing reports that this is a done deal.
Posted by MalcolmDome on Friday, February 11 2005
Kako to kaže Nervozni poštar:
Ja sam još u letu
Skitam se po svijetu
A ti si domaćica
Nekom slatka ženica
Lete, lete, lete godine
Ništa više nije kao prije
I da se Belladonna vrati, opet sam blago nesiguran.
Volio bih da to bude jedan trijumfalan povratak, ali ne znam šta da očekujem.