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Vlaja Buraz

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Vlaja Buraz

  1. Ap-one šta imaš na audio diskovima?
  2. Udri Azzo!
  3. *Ovo je post koji se automatski pojavljuje ako tema krene prema drugoj strani.*
  4. Koka?
  5. Kao recimo drugi album... I onda da naprave turneju 'Dvostruki udarac' sa Gluteus bendom.
  6. Joj brate dragi, fino izgleda spisak pjesama, ali zvuk im je kurac.
  7. Jel' viđeno čudo neviđeno?
  8. Jel' vi zajebavate Kraljevski?!
  9. Ma nije bitno koja je gitara sve dok se koristi kako treba...
  10. Kyuss - e tu se ne zna ko je ko. A mislim da je bila tema o AP.
  11. Vlaja Buraz


    Droga, jebiga, droga.
  12. Pa nije to poređenje. Samo navodi usput...
  13. ITMM.
  14. Ne kontam zašto ne mogu izmijeniti svoj post, pošto bih samo da dodam zanimljivost... 02 Apr 2004 Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich has gone on record with his own personal epitaph to Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain on the eve of the 10th anniversary of his passing. Speaking to NME.com Lars said: "In 1991 there was a kind of shift in rock music in America - it was shifting away from all the hair bands in L.A. And with Kurt Cobain you felt you were connecting to the real person, not to a perception of who he was - you were not connecting to an image or a manufactured cut-out. You felt that between you and him there was nothing - it was heart-to-heart. There are very few people who have that ability. "I never met him but our guitarist Kirk Hammett had a relationship with him. We were doing this tour with Guns N' Roses in the US in 1992 and we wanted Nirvana to come out and join us. Kirk asked Kurt, but while Cobain said he would play with Metallica anywhere in the world, at any time, on any stage, he would not step up on the same stage as GN'R - obviously he felt that Axl was the antithesis to what he was. "As I said, I never met Kurt, and he's probably the only guy in rock'n'roll that I have never met that I really wanted to - other than Bon Scott maybe. What a sad thing we can't hear the fourth Nirvana album. It would have been so great to be able to see how that would have evolved."
  15. Vlaja Buraz


    Male su šanse da će ti se svidjeti... Čitav album, to je sigurno, a možda nađeš sebi koju stvarčicu dobru... ANTHRAX GAINS NEW MEMBER!!! John's beautiful wife Tori is pregnant with their first child! OUR CONGRATULATIONS TO TORI & JOHN !!! John Bush, father... God help us! Who knew he wasn't sterile? On behalf of the band and the fans I want to wish them the healthiest and happiest hard rockin' pregnancy and we're all hoping the baby looks more like the mother. Look for the Baby Bush in early November. \m/-_-\m/ BT
  16. Vlaja Buraz


  17. Vlaja Buraz


    Maloprije sam našao da je moderator na zvaničnom Testament forumu potvrdio da će Metal Mike svirati sa njima ovog ljeta... Ništa o trajnom rješenju.
  18. http://www.musicsonglyrics.com/O/Overkill/...ou%20lyrics.htm Stoji: Overkill lyrics :: Fuck You lyrics [Originally performed by DOAT] A na CD izdanju Fuck You EP-a (1991. mislim da je CD izdanje) ima uživo obrada Sabbatha - 'Hole in the Sky'...
  19. Vlaja Buraz


    Aveti prošlosti: Jon Dette and Greg Christian update -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAVOCHATE: Former SLAYER Drummer, Ex-TESTAMENT Bassist Join The Fold - Apr. 26, 2004 Drummer Jon Dette (ex-SLAYER, TESTAMENT) and bassist Greg Christian (ex-TESTAMENT) have officially joined the New York-based metal band HAVOCHATE. The group will enter Pyramid Sound Recording Studios in Ithaca, New York on April 26 with producer Alex Perialas (TESTAMENT, ANTHRAX, OVERKILL) to begin recording their second album, due later in the year. HAVOCHATE's forthcoming CD will be the follow-up to last year's "This Violent Earth", which was released through Root Of All Evil Records. In addition to Dette and Christian, the as-yet-untitled effort will mark the recording debut with the group of new frontman Tim Bouchee, who was brought into the fold last year after the departure of vocalist Jon Mallek. source Blabbermouth Otkad nisam čuo za pojmove... Živ producent, zdrav studio... Na šta će to ličiti... Poslednje što znam za Perialesa je da je radio sa Overkillom na I Hear Black...
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