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Everything posted by Vlaja Buraz
Ja sam se isfurao kad sam čuo da malo koji solo odsviraju čitav, uglavnom režu na tim mjestima jer je mali nesposoban. Ruku na srce, kažu da i Scott ima pokoji solo i da to zvuči kako treba, ali opet - blasfemija.
Istina. Onaj live sa njim je fenomenalan.
Da ima znatno boljih albuma od toga...
Jesam bio jeben igrač... Uh kad vidim ovo gore... Nego, vijesti: ANTHRAX have issued the following announcement through their official website (www.anthrax.com): "Comrades, Stop the presses. Big important announcement. Please pay attention because I'm only gonna say it once. All your begging, pleading, imploring, haranguing, and soliciting has paid off. Metallum Maximus Aeternus is coming. What the hell is that you ask? Our black-metal side project? No, it's the record you've been asking us for for almost eleven years now. Because of you, our loyal listeners, we are going to re-record your favorites from Fistful Of Metal, Armed And Dangerous, Spreading The Disease, Among The Living, State Of Euphoria, and Persistence Of Time live in the studio. Live in the studio? Yes, because with the amount of songs we want to record, we could never properly do it as a live concert. This will be a 100% live, balls out, in your face representation of how f**king brutal this band is, was, and will always be. We're gonna film it too. Here's the story; we've posted all the tracks from said albums and you'll vote and tell us which songs you want us to do. We really want to know what you boys and girls are feeling. I've never been a big fan of doing a live record (I think Live: The Island Years blows) but this idea has changed my mind about it. Just the five of us in a room ripping, it's going to be intense. It will be like when we first wrote these songs and started playing them for the first time. Except now the songs have evolved after years of playing them live to where I wish they were when we first recorded them. Like good whisky, they've aged wonderfully. And now you'll hear them with John Bush. The way I always imagined them in the first place. So cast your votes my friends. It's going to be so f**king metal. Hence the title." Anthax - Metallum Maximus Aeternus. Vote at www.anthrax.com Biće ovo momenat koji će pokazati da li su oni ustvari sposobni da urade pravu stvar... Ja sumnjam.
Ne zna se... Jedino se za ameriku - www.riaa.com - može govoriti o tačnim podacima (4 dijamanske ploče u americi, a IV je dvostruko dijamantska - preko 20.000.000 prodatih primjeraka), a tamo su među prvih 4 (Beatles, Eagles, Pink Floyd, Zepp, AC/DC - mislim da je taj redoslijed prvih 5), a o ostatku svijeta se teško može šta reći, ali otprilike je sličan redoslijed... Ustvari, sigurno su jači od Eaglesa na ne-američkom terenu, ali teško da su Beatlese nadjebali.
Derpe, a? P.S. Žensko-autoritet, da, to je malo kritična kategorija, ali žene polako preuzimaju svijet, naći će se nešto... Pa ti klikeraj još.
Izbezumljeni fan? Ma zna on ko si ti, nemoj se čuditi ako na idućoj svirci sjedneš negdje bliže pozornici a dođe čiko iz obezbjeđenja i za ručicu te odvuče malo dalje... Otkud znaš da žensko nije za BS? Pa zaboga miloga, Tony Martin je pjevao u dotičnom bendu (a i Halford na razmjeni studenata). Zašto da ne? Svejedno, to više niko (uključujući i leševe iz originalne postave) ne može odsvirati kako bi to mi htjeli čuti.
MTV (www.mtv.com/news) report that although SCOTT WEILAND (VELVET REVOLVER, ex-STONE TEMPLE PILOTS) was due to have his arraignment on a DUI charge on Monday (November 17), the case was continued until December 3rd. The singer is completing his court-ordered stay at a residential rehab facility, and will not have to appear at the next court hearing, as his lawyer can enter a plea for him since it's a misdemeanor charge. Meanwhile, Weiland's former STONE TEMPLE PILOTS bandmates confirmed in an interview with Guitar One that the band is officially over. Lead guitarist Dean DeLeo told the magazine, "Along with the beauty of STP there was a dark trail that went right along with it... There's not much I can look back on and say I really enjoyed, without wondering if the floor was going to drop from under us." The DeLeo brothers, having just produced ALIEN ANT FARM, are now focusing on producing the new band MONTEREY. Sad će kompilacija, pa Velvet Revolver, pa za dve godine re-union turneja...
Podržavam te čovječe!
Dude, that's way too gay. Ja nisam, za Blanc ne znam, ali smo ih* gledali 2.11. kad su se predstavili na svirci Triggera... Tamo smo (na temi otvorenoj za tu svirku) ujedno iznijeli i dio utisaka, a neki su i ovdje. Uglavnom, mužikaši jako dobro zvuče, prirodno, ali je vokalni solista homoseksualac i po srbijanskim standardima, a tek po mojim bosanskim... On bi trebao raditi Motley Crue tribute, a ne BS. No, opet, da ne pretjerujem, jako je teško naći dobar vokal za BS tribute, a ja, lično i personalno, bih radije pokušao sa ženskim vokalom. *Ne sumnjam da se radi o istom bendu, BS iz Pančeva
Ma znam ja da ti ne bi tako ekstremno, ali ja bih ekstremno volio da sam vidio tvoju facu u trenutku čitanja... Šta ću kad sam matori pokvarenjak. Ali, šta bude - biće. Nadam se lijepom vremenu uoči koncerta, a ti ćeš biti naknadno kontaktirana o mom dolasku, i ovaj put smisli neki dobar plan jer ako budemo radili po mom, loše ti se piše. A WS je moj stari saradnik, jedan od najboljih.
Istina, a bend se igrom slučaja zove Zabranjeno pušenje. O crnjaka. ... Razmazuje po licu njemačku kremu, Madam Brams, pedantna u svemu Danas je imala naporan dan Po prozoru dobuju kišne kapi Oči joj se gase u močvari sna Madam Brams se sprema da zaspi A TADA U ODAJE UPADA ON NJEN LATINO LAVER IZ VERA KRUZA POD PROZOR JE DOVEO MARIJAČE I GOSPOĐA BRAMS U SNU ŠAPĆE Povedi me, vodi, odavde... Ta i još 'Na straži pored Prizrena' su mi omiljene, a prva dva albuma su legendarna, druga dva su odlična... Ja nisam odavle je jak album, težak, realan, a hrvatsko Pušenje je više pop nego rock, ja sam slušao samo singliće 'Možeš imat' moje tijelo' i 'Yugo 45' i iako su to dobre stvari, nisu me naročito zainteresovale...
Vala možeš i ti meni. ALAJ VOLEM ŠTO SAM KONFLIKTNA OSOBA!!! Al' dobro, a zašto bi ti da oni tebi puše? Jesi tako ugrožen?
Ima negdje, ne znam sad tačno gdje, BS faq, pa u njemu piše o obradama, nije bilo kopanja... Made In Japan ti donosim, jer je u tvojim godinama sramota da nisi to slušala. To je DP danas... Kako bi to Josip Pejaković rekao - kakav je, takav je - moj je. Znam ja da bi ti htjela 25ogodišnjeg Jana Gilana, da kad on zavrišti ti od uzbuđenja baciš grudnjak na pozornicu, da da. Znam ja to, i razumijem, na kraju krajeva, i ja bih, bar ovaj dio sa grudnjakom. Al' ne može. Nema. Eto vidiš, ti si ga već zamislila u Ozijevom obliku iz '76. Ali, mi smo djeca novog milenijuma... Možemo samo da patimo za tim vremenima, a i video kasete pomažu, ali... Ne postoji siguran lijek. Pretvoriš li se u nergala moraću te lično eliminisati. Ali nećeš, bar ne u ovom životu. Dobro jedi, odmaraj, uči pa se vidimo... After the wall of sleep
Sigurno je da je A strana nastala prije no što je on došao u bend, ali mislim da je on snimio te stvari... '8 & 30', i 'Neki moji drugovi' su mi najbolje, a kroz album se provlače neke klasične rok šeme i ideje koje će oni kasnije veoma vješto izbjegavati... Ima i soliranja koje će takođe nestati... Btw. jel' nekome možda simpatičan 'starogradski' završetak pjesme 'U krtogu'?
Jailbreak album je remek djelo... A od stvari još koje mi se izdvajaju su 'Thunder And Lightning' i 'Don't Believe A Word'... A onda i ostale sa ovog Best Of-a što ga imam.
c c c Šta sad radi? Pa sprema se da 7.12. dođe u Beograd (zajedno sa mnom). Nije valjda da nisi slušala Made In Japan? Sabbath - obrade? Ne baš u jeku, ali su zato u početku, čuvena je 'Blue Suede Shoes' - iz 1969. iz njemačke TV emisije 'Beat Club'... Može se lako naći preko programa za razmjenu fajlova.
Kasapine sine... Blago majci, blago ocu.
To je bilo neko ljepše i sretnije vrijeme... BS sviraše DP hit. A što ne volite Gillana? On je baš fin mladić.
Imaju tekstovi na omotu kasete, mogao bih to skenirati pa postaviti pošto mi se ne da prekucavati...
Nisam slušao ovaj live sa Gillanom, ali ima vremena, nego... Holy Diver, odgovorio sam ti na PP, pa ćeš se snaći, i ja sam istraživao za video snimke kod Gothica, provjeravao sam šta ima... A što se tiče Cross Purposes Live, s obzirom da DVD izlazi 25.11. možeš očekivati da će se divx rip pojaviti na netu najkasnije mjesec dana nakon toga...
Približava se dan: http://www.metalhammer.co.uk/article.asp?I...D=7700&type=NWS 17 Nov 2003 Seminal LA cyber metallers Fear Factory are back up and running and back on Roadrunner! "Everything is going great," guitarist (nee bassist) Christian Olde Wolbers told Roadrunner Records.co.uk. "We just finished tracking 14 songs at Rumbo Recorders in LA. This is where Guns N Roses recorded all their albums! The studio had a great vibe. A lot of history in this place! Roy Orbison still wanders thru the hallways! "I must say this was the smoothest record we have ever recorded. We tracked the whole thing in 28 days! The record is called "Archetype" and was produced by FF ourselves. We used Ken Marshall (Skinny Puppy) to engineer and record the album. Another Canadian!! LOL! "Currently I'm finishing up programming and keyboards with Rhys Fulber, Steve Tushar and John Bechdel. We will start mixing on the first of December in Vancouver with Ken Marshall. I must say this is a pretty heavy classic FF album and our hardcore fans will be pleased! "No watered down songs, no stripped parts...blah blah blah...Just brutal Fear Factory!!!! Raymond has especially pushed the bar in Metal drumming to the next level!!!! The drums on this record make Demanufacture for beginners!!!! LOL.... "I played all the guitars and bass on the album and we will start rehearsing with Byron Strout (Strapping Young Lad) on bass guitar in December. He will be our bass player for FF. I feel Byron has the perfect mentality for FF and he's a cool motherfucker!!!! And he's from Canada!!!! What's up with all them Canucks!!!!! LOL! "We will be touring with Korn and Static-X in February which we're really excited about!! Both Static and Korn are longtime friends and I have nothing but respect for those guys! It's gonna be a great tour...and a great year for Fear Factory! "We feel this FF is stronger that ever..more hungry than ever....and most important of all....Burton, Ray and myself have become best friends in the last 2 years! We see and hang out more with each other now than we did in 10 years of touring!!! It feels truly amazing!!!!! "The website is under construction. We are doing a better site at the moment! Tracklisting: Slave Labor Cyberwaste Act of god Default Judgement Corporate Cloning Archetype Drones Bite The Hand That Bleeds... Bonescraper Undercurrent Human Shields Ascencion (outro) "School "Nirvana cover" Bonus track "I played some for Ross Robinson and he looked at me saying this is the best work he's heard from FF yet. Rhys is saying similar things...... "It feels good to be back!!!!!" 'Archetype' will be released by D3 in the USA, and by Roadrunner in Europe. A release date has tentatively been set for April 2004. Jebiga, ja se krenem ufuravati u bendove čim se raspadnu, tako je bilo sa FNM, Soundgardenom i još nekim, a i sa FF... Ali evo ih opet... U fazi su transformacije u kanadski bend...
Evo nešto o novcu... vijest: http://www.metalhammer.co.uk/article.asp?I...D=7715&type=NWS 19 Nov 2003 Metallica frontman James Hetfield recently told US news agency Reuters that the sales of the band's latest album, 'St. Anger', which now total 1.5 million copies, are "a bummer". "In Europe it's doing really good, and some other places," explained Hetfield. "It is what it is. We can't change that. We do our best and that's all we can do. It's a bummer," 1.5 million? Most bands would give their right arm for sales figures like that in the US! Metallica's motormouth drummer, Lars Ulrich, added that 'St. Anger' is the band's biggest album in Europe since 1991's 'Metallica'. "'St. Anger' is a very challenging record," said Lars. "US rock radio programmers seem more interested in playing bands like Nickelback these days." Postali su k'o Alogija.
Hali Gali Halid - 6 pjesama, droga ljuta... Njegova je i 'Ne pitaj me (zašto živim u kafani ja)'... A imena ostalih pjesama (za koje je malo vjerovatno da ste ih čuli): Samo za tebe, Samo noćas da zaboravim tugu, Mirela, Moje srce zna... Stvari su prejake, posebno u kombinaciji sa supstancama, ako imate priliku da zbavite album, nemojte je propustiti.
Biće da je audio... No čekaćemo na pravi odgovor. Znači priznaješ samo video zapise? Vidjećemo, gdje ima audio, mora biti i video kaseta... Valjda nije došlo odvojeno. Biće još prilike da ga udaviš... Ili makar nagovoriš da ti prepusti mikrofon...