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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Џрк

  1. Џрк

    Formula 1

    Zar nije logicno u Monako?
  2. Џрк

    Pes 7 Next Gen

    SLazems e da je kriterijum malo opao...jebeno, nisam jos ni poceo da igram posteno, a vec na "top player" dajem i po 7 komada, i to cesto. Nije da ja znam ekstra da igram, vec sto je lako... Probacu na hard za ligu, sta drugo
  3. Bas sam to kvotovao neshi na mirc
  4. Behold the Vastness and Sorrow Behold the vastness and sorrow of this empty land A dark and Fell Rider clad in garments of shadow Is the lord of this place A cruel and wonton king, A priest of a black religion is he The hoof beat of the rider's steed pound a mournful drumbeat upon the dry cracked earth To this rhythm the world moves The sun blasts down upon the earth Until the soil turns to powder and blows away Lifeless chaos is the order for the rider has mastered the seasons Ancient kings Cairn now have been defiled The gates of strongholds long breached left swinging lifelessly in the fetid wind The pillars of holy places lie dead He rides day and night The relentless Hoof beats echoes Cleansing Yes, to the darkest place that we know Outside of the rider's domain To the heart of the wood To the hidden places beyond the briar thickets The dance must begin as dusk gathers around Our skin drum and rattle know the tune jaw bone driven through the skull of a great foe bested with wooden spear the tip hardened in fire Bathe in the clear cold stream Fresh water from the unsullied endless spring that flows from the mountain We will sing the most ancient song Spark the fire upon dry tinder The dance must begin as dusk gathers around Our skin drum and rattle know the tune jaw bone driven through the skull of a great foe bested with wooden spear the tip hardened in fire I Will Lay Down My Bones Among the Rocks and Roots The torment has ended the beast has done his work Great fires rage outside of this wooded sanctuary But soon they will be quenched by a purifying rain the embers of the ceremonial fire burn to ash A new warmth stirs within the center of the earth I am alone here no more The wood is filled with the sounds of wildness The songs of birds fill the forest on this new morning This will be my new home Deep within the most sacred grove the sun god is born anew I will lay down my bones among the rocks and roots of the deepest hollow next to the streambed The quiet hum of the earth's dreaming is my new song When I awake, the world will be born anew Ovo je za 2 Hunters, za diadems ima samo 1,
  5. Sta kenjate o terenu, kad nije mogao da se popravi, jer ne moze da se ceo busen menja u toku sezone, jedino su mogli ono sto su i uradili, da stave zakrpe. Teren je upropastio Colicev koncert, jebao ga koncert neka ide u Sarajevo pa neka tamo unistava terene...
  6. Џрк

    Pes 7 Next Gen

    Ja sam poceo da skidam, preko huba skinuo jednu verziju koja nije radila, poceo da skidam drugu, i danas kad sam isao kuci lepo u gradu lik drzi u ruci i prodaje novi PES kao novine, vice "novi PES" Nisam mogao da odolim pa sam pukao za nj 250 kintosa, ionako nemam trenutno DVD rezac a ovo hocu da imam na dzividziju. Stvarno je odlicno uradjen (sve po mom ukusu, niti mnogo faulova, niti nekih smarackih detalja, jedino su replay trebali da ostave stari a ne ovaj novi), jedino ne znam zasto je prazan stadion a cuju se navijaci, mozda neki bag.
  7. ...ne kazem, jeste mozda malo kriv za golove ali nije jedini krivac. Kriva je odbrana kojoj koncentracija popusti oko 90og uvek, vec su mislim u svlacionici...
  8. ...pretpostavljam da vam nije smetao kad je odveo Zvezdu protiv Groklina dalje
  9. Samo 1 rec - steta...
  10. Џрк

    Formula 1

    Nije jos...
  11. Prosto je, Down verovatno nece doci jer da bi dosao: 1. ljudi iz Legacy-ja bi morali da budu fanovi (sto nisu) ili ljudi iz TN (to ne znam) ili 2. Down bi mora da bude vrlo isplativ bend, sto nije. Tako da, fat chance.
  12. 4ti put za redom me sjebe 1 par
  13. fix'd.
  14. Џрк


    22.10.2007 - Gorgoroth Part Ways, European Tour Goes as planned Gaahl, King and Infernus have decided to part ways. Gorgoroth have existed as a three-piece for the past several years but have ceased from this moment on in this incarnation. Vocalist Gaahl (lyrics) and King (bassist/composer) will continue the scheduled European tour in November under the name Gorgoroth with a replacement for Infernus. King and Gaahl will continue to work together musically, performing their art live and recording in the future. This decision was reached by Gaahl and King as they have been the driving force behind Gorgoroth's music for the past 8 years. Infernus has stated he will take King and Gaahl to court over future use of the name Gorgoroth. 22.10.2007 - Website Update Gorgoroth.org is now run by King and Gaahl. http://www.gorgoroth.org/frameset.html :tear:
  15. Џрк


    Brate ovaj Reinkaos nije los, ali tu nema ni S od zla Sve neke rocky solaze i happy gothenburg riffovi....
  16. Џрк


    nasla krpa zakrpu
  17. Џрк


    Ne kapiram koja je poenta Towelovog postovanja na ovoj temi...kao kad bih ja otisao na Linkin Park temu i poceo da se ubedjujem sa likovima koji to slusaju.....
  18. Џрк


    Iako sam zvezdas, poznajuci Vujosevica verujem da ce nesto od njih izvuci. Samo se setite Avdalovica koji nije znao loptu da drzi kad je dosao, a posle postao najbolji odbrambeni igrac i vrlo dobar plej.
  19. Џрк

    Formula 1

    Svaka cast
  20. Po cemu je Mozart sinonim za klasiku? Nemoj da govoris jer je poznat i da sve ljude asocira na klasiku, daj konkretan argument.
  21. :)
  22. ova logika = megafail Jer da se tako ide, mogao bi da kazes "reci da je Metallica dosadna je isto sto i reci da je Metal dosadan, jer je Metallica sinonim Metala."
  23. Brate sta serete, licno volim Mozarta da slusam, ali kapiram da ima ima ljudi kojima je to dosadno, sta tu nije jasno...
  24. Pre bih rekao da su bili neobavesteni
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