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Aa, pa to. Pa, realno, nije imao los ton, iako je isao vireles.
Do 'aja. Ali, ima jedna zvrcka. DEVET BODOVA
Cekaj bre, ti me zajebavas? Izvadio je lampe iz Valvestate-a? Srsly?
Ladno si u Taurunum Bojsima? Majko, koja je to bagra Ja sam se na to lozio pre jedno 7-8 godina, u 7. razredu
I ja imam slicne probleme Inace, kad spominjete vireles, Death je koristio na koncertima zadnjih godina, nesto ne cujem da je ton bio sranje. Mada, istina, Chuck je isao kombinacija gitara pa direkt u pojacalo, bez pedala, protzova, midi kontrolera...mozda zbog toga
Gde je tacno taj Kanibal, i da li tamo imaju te muske neutrikove konektore?
Inhuman Form trenutna stranica - majspejs - Inhuman Form Death/Thrash/Experimental Metal. Za sada, jedina 'stranica' benda Inhuman Form. Demo ce uskoro izaci, trenutno se na myspace-u nalazi pre-demo verzija pesme The Day After The Verdict, dostupna je i za download.
Ja uzeh ojacani Fenderov od 1000 i nesto kinti pre par dana u Mitrosu, i zadovoljan sam, do jaja je ojacan.
Ma to je ker, samo su ga maskirali
Hoces da kazes da si ruzna i da smrdis? :)
Mod 1: Jews die Mod 2: Taking over the earth
Snimate sa metronomom ili sa pilot verzijama, da bi bilo vise 'ljudski'? Srecno, u svakom slucaju.
Njihov bassista Sean Bean je na jednom forumu koji posecujem, lik je car, kakve izvale ima Inace, ima masu para i seta neku haos cicu, on je valjda Australijanac a zivi u Bournmautu u Engleskoj.
Da li ce da rade posao i ako se direkt steka iz izlaza zvucne?
A, ša to naravno, nisam to ni poricao, samo sam istakao moje vidjenje stvari Za ovo drugo se slazem. Ljudi su kvarljiva roba.
Pa nisam siguran da sam te razumeo. Hoces da kazes da slusanje muzike ne utice na raspolozenje? Da recimo ono sto nam se svidja utice na nas jer nam 'pali' odredjenje receptore i da nema nista iza toga? Ne kapiram te tacno
Cekaj, kako to hipnotisali, daj cinjenice koje govore da je ta teorija pogresna? Drugo, barem se ja njih ne bojim ili tako nesto, znaci opet zakljucujes a ni ne znas me. Trece, ovo zvuci prepotentno mozda( ali to nije namera), otkud ti znas da npr. neko od nas ovde nije veci um ili nikada necemo pisati kao Nikolaj ili neko drugi kad nas ni ne znas? Bavis se pausalnim odrednicama, ne znas ljude, a sudis o njima. Sto se tice slepe vere, pre bi se ti mogao tako okarakterisati nego mi.
Brate, ti bas navalio, a? Niko ne odbacuje ako se ne kose sa nasim pogledima( bar ne ja), niko ne porice jednog Njutna i slicne njemu, ali ne naturaj. Ima inace mnogo knjiga koje nude neka alternativna resenja, poput Dipak Chopre i Tonija Robinsa recimo( ne kazem da su one najbolje). Ti sam sebe porices, jer pricas kako se samo zamera Hriscanstvu. Procunjaj malo, pa ces naci. Ima ih koji nude i neke odgovore. Ali naravno da te interesuje, kad si ubedjen da Bog postoji, onda ne vredi. Ja nisam ubedjen da ne postoji, samo mislim da ga nema( nije mi pruzen dokaz za to, niti culni niti materijalni), jer ne osecam njegovo prisustvo niti ga vidim. Ako se to promeni jednog dana, i budem osetio njegovo prisustvo ili ga video, naravno da necu okretati glavu, za razliku od tebe koji si ubedjen( ne kazem, mozda imas razloga za to, ali razloga, a ne samo da verujes) i nisi spreman na drugaciji odgovor, jer zaboga, ti to znas, ne moze biti drugacije. To su one price, 'moras da se otvoris i da stvarno verujes, pa ces onda spoznati Boga', a naravno ako ti se to ne desi( velika verovatnoca) onda si ti sam kriv, jer pobogu, nisi bio iskren. Po tome zaljucujem da su Bibliju pisali ljudi, za ljude, jer je toliko stvari nemoguce proveriti... Ako pogledas ko sve veruje u Boga( mislim da stvarno veruje, ne po default-u kao ogromna vecina), to su ljudi koji su tako odgajani ili im se desilo nesto u zivotu( neko 'cudo'), sto su on spoznali kao Bozju intervenciju, jer je jednostavno to preveliko za ljudski um da shvate da je moglo tako nesto da se des. To je toi. Ljudi koji su na samrti ne trebaju biti uzimani u obzir, jer oni osecaju da je njihovo telo na izdisaju, pa na sve nacine pokusavaju da nadju snagu za zivot, koje naravno nema. Za Ostrog sam cuo da imas osecaj kad udjes, ali zasto mislis da je to jer Bog postoji? Ja licno ne verujem da postoji Bog, vec da je on u proslosti bio samo personifikacija Sila Prirode( tj. bogovi, u vreme paganizma), ali da se negde to u toku vremena izgubilo, jer je tako neko hteo, da bi izvukao korist, pa je preinacio od persionifikacije u 'svemogucu istinu' . Ti ovde radis sto i vecina drugih, teras iz krajnosti u krajnost, po tebi ako ne verujemo u Boga, ne verujemo ni u sta i samo cekamo Smrt. Klasicno izvrtanje reci. Ateista je onaj ko misli da nema Boga ispred njega( ja sam jedan od tih) a Nihilista veruje da je zivot nistavilo, ne mesaj. I da, Nice je bio ateista. Samo po sebi Hriscanstvo nije toliko lose, koliko su ga ljudi takvim nacinili( ratovi, uzajamna veza Crkve i vlasti, itd). Primer - jednog od postulata Hriscana je da ocekujes od drugoga tretman kako se ti ophodis prema drugome. Pa ipak, mnogi samoproklamovani vernici idu okolo i ponasaju se prema 'nevernicima' ruzno, tipa 'ici cete u pakao' itd, cime krse ono u sta veruju, tj. 'veruju', znaci ponasaju se kao skotovi, da ne pricamo o onoj 'ne ubij'.... Zato kazem, ljudi su krivi najvise, ne sama knjiga, ljudi su kvarljiva roba... Smatram da religija treba da bude duboko licna stvar, a ne sredstvo za mlacenje para i hipnotisanje masa, kao sto je bila i uglavnom jeste. Znaci, da sluzi za uzdizanje sebe, a ne da se drugome natura na nos ili slicno. Toliko.
To nije tacno, naravno. Ja sam dosta dugo slusao dm pre nego sto cuh Dismember, imas masu takvih slucajeva. Nemoj da generalizujes, pusti te price tipa 'uf, pa to je lektira', nismo vise u skoli
Ja samo crna, jer je 'peskirana', crvena ima glatku povrsinu.
TESTAMENT Frontman Is Hoping To Record 'Really Br00tal' New Album Peter Atkinson of KNAC.COM recently conducted an interview with TESTAMENT frontman Chuck Billy. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow: KNAC.COM: How was the first show with [drummer] Nick [barker, ex-DIMMU BORGIR, CRADLE OF FILTH]? Billy: It went great. Sold-out show. A lot of energy. It was good, man. It was our first show since September or October, but it was killer, it sounded really good. It had a lot of energy, that's what I really took away from that show. And the stuff him (Barker) and Eric are writing is pretty extreme (laughs). KNAC.COM: How did you come by him? Billy: We've known Nick for quite a while. It's funny, we went out to dinner with the record company people and Nick was there and he was telling us how he was a TESTAMENT fan, he'd grown up playing the songs and if we ever needed a drummer to give him a call. And, of course, we thought it was just in good fun because we were drinking and having a good time. And when we came through where he was last year, we talked to Nick and said, "Hey, why don't you learn 'Over the Wall' and you can come onstage and jam with us." So he came down and played "Over the Wall" and it sounded great. And at that point it was like, "Man, that song sounded really good, it be interesting to see how the other ones sounded with him," so that was when we decided Nick would be the drummer we worked on the new album with. And we're excited about incorporating his style of playing with us, and vice versa. KNAC.COM: Was the idea to keep working with Louie [Clemente] and/or John [Tempesta] and they just couldn't or wouldn't do it? Billy: Yeah, of course we wanted Louie to be here, but he has his furniture business and he has some health issues, so he wasn't able to be here. He has some arthritis issues, and if not he'd be right here with us. He did a great job with what he did with us last year, but I think playing again just kinda caught up with him. But we got to do it with the five guys, the "classic lineup" (laughs), for a while and that was cool. It was a lot of fun. We'll have him come out and play a song or two when we're in the area, but doing a whole set is just too much for him, so doing a tour is definitely out of the question. And John Tempesta, he plays in THE CULT now, they hired him for a year or two years, so he has no time. We keep him tuned up for better, easier gigs (laughs). KNAC.COM: When do you hope to get into the studio to record the new album? Billy: The plan is to, hopefully, get in there in April. Nick's gonna be here up through there working with Eric. We've got probably four really great songs pretty much in the can and with a few months of writing we'll hopefully have it ready to go. Alex [skolnick] has been out here working with the guys too, so the ball has started rolling. And as soon as they give me the music, I'll be listening to it in my car all the time until the words and melodies appear. KNAC.COM: You mentioned what Nick and Eric had been working on was pretty extreme... Billy: Yeah, one song they played me is really br00tal, it is beyond like even "The Gathering" stuff, like "D.N.R.", it was really, really crushing, tight, heavy. It had everything, I loved it. If we can write 10 more songs like that, then we're going to have a fucking great record. So it's there, it's just a matter of bringing it out and getting it down on tape. We're due, and hopefully we'll have a good record out this year. KNAC.COM: Do you have a label right now, or are you doing this on your own to shop around? Billy: We'll, it's a bit complicated. We're still with Spitfire, but they've been sold to another company so we don't really know where we're at. So we're just forging on and writing the record and getting it ready. Someone's gonna come along and it's gonna happen. KNAC.COM: But that's not stopping them from putting out that new greatest hits album ("The Spitfire Collection", due Feb. 13). Billy: Yeah, that's weak. When Spitfire got sold, the company that bought it decided they needed to put out a "best of TESTAMENT" album, and it's all the same shit that we have on the two other "best of" albums, not to mention that album of songs we re-recorded. And these companies put them out without us letting us know or having any say into what goes into them or how they are packaged, but in the contract they have the right to do that, so what can you do? They just grab the songs and put ‘em out, which I think kinda sucks. KNAC.COM: Given all that the band has been through with the record company turmoil, the lineup changes, your illness, etc., was there a time when you thought "let's just put TESTAMENT to rest and move on?" Billy: Well when you're sick and you're looking at yourself bald in the mirror, yeah, it makes you wonder. I had to take these steroids as part of the treatment and gained a lot weight, really ballooned up. It was pretty rough. And during that whole process of a year, year and a half, I really didn't think of the band, talk about music, sing or any of that, really. We shut the studio down and put it all in storage and stopped. I just had to deal with what I had to do to get better. But once I was free and clear, and the doctor said I was back in good health, at that point it was like "OK, let's think about playing music." But me being native American (he's Pomo Indian) and always having my long hair, performing with short hair was a whole different thing for me (laughs), I would be banging my head and nothing was moving. It was weird. So that whole thing was the only hard thing about starting up. But after that it just felt great, and then Alex came back in the picture and everyone else in the band, so it was just timing I guess. And even though we've been through some rough patches, Eric and I were able to keep TESTAMENT going and maintain the spirit of what the band has always been about. I think as long as we have that, TESTAMENT will be around. Read the entire interview at KNAC.COM.
Ne sa pijace ako ti je stalo do tona. Evo da izreklamiram, Usher ovde sa foruma radi adaptere sa stabilizatorom_( to ti treba) za nekih 700-800 kinti, meni treba da uradi jedan. Posalji mu pp. Nadam se da ce da mi plati ovu reklamu