Genre: Melodic/Progressive Thrash
Lyrical theme(s): Christianity, Biblical
Ja sam dobio tri albuma( to je celokupna diskografija) u razmeni pre par dana sa Nagashom
Odlican thrash/death, iako nisam pobornik hriscana ovo je ekstra. Ima malo i klavijatura.
Extraction From Mortality, 1989 R.E.X.;
Sanity Obscure, 1990 Roadrunner;
Dimensions, 1993 Roadrunner;
Vise nisu aktivni. Presli su put od nekog thrash/death-a pa do prog thrash-a.
Da vidimo sta o njima kazu BNR Metal Pages:
"Over the course of their three albums released from 1989 to 1993, Believer transformed from a primitive death metal band to an impressive progressive thrash/death outfit -- indeed, Dimensions is still widely regarded as a classic both within and outside the Christian metal scene. Though their was never an official breakup, the band quietly disappeared in the nineties, with the members apparently pursuing other interests (one of which is Fountain Of Tears). However, reports as of late 2005 are that the duo of Kurt Bachman and Joey Daub (the latter still active in FOT) are in the process of writing new material, so there may yet be life in Believer."
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