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Everything posted by krchulj

  1. evo još svirki: 12.4. Danguba, Demo masters 14.4. Livingroom SKC, Metal battle e da, svirka u Pančevu nam je opet bila otkazana naravno, izgovor je bio totalno glup, i njegova neistinost se potvrdila još u petak
  2. da se ja pitam... al ne pitam se 'lence, aj kaci na rapid, opet sam promasio emisiju, tj. uhvatio sam pocetak ali sam morao da odem da radim nesto drugo... e, nesto mi nije jasno, valjda zato sto nisam odslusao do kraja... jel problem samo s hrvaCkom, ili ne moze da se ide ni u npr rumuniju, posto mene to vise interesuje
  3. ma ja sam za to da se orgnizuje tone svega i svacega, svirki, protesta, akcije a la fight club (ne tuce, nego ono kad poslpu besne automobile mrvicama pa se goubi iskenjaju ), sta god, da se zapocne prava bitka za UG, jer je krajnje vreme za to, ovo sa estradnim umetnicima je samo triger... ili da prestanemo da sebe nazivamo undergroundom i da budemo picke koje eto slucajno slusaju metal...
  4. pa kakav ste vi to rokenrol bend :) :) ?
  5. e, a šta sad treba da radim, osim što sam napravio stranicu, da bih ih ubedio da sviramo ?
  6. čekaj bre, ovde i ja radim? ili ne... nisi me valjda već izbacio
  7. CounterIgnitioN na exitu
  8. evo još jedne svirke: 28.3. Centar za kulturu, Niška banja ma piše sve na plakatu
  9. counterignition.com novi domen, Laki, aj obrisi onaj post od gore i obrisi ovo objasnjene kad procitas
  10. CounterIgnitioN - Demo2008 Žanr: Thrash/metalcore Lokacija: Kovin CounterIgnitioN demo download http://counterignition.com/
  11. tototo, to je prava stvar
  12. pa nismo mi neki pozeri da se tu nesto slikamo :) e, skinuo sam i ja ambush sad skoro, nisam ni imao tu finalnu verziju, super je, bas steta za te stvari... mozda ih snimimo opet (i strikeback) jednom kad budemo potpisali za neku veliku pokvarenu izdavacku kucu pa kad budemo morali da snimimo album ispostujemo ugovor
  13. vlaski i rumunski jezik su isto kao srpski i slovenacki... nemoj da mi mesas rumune s vlasima
  14. Band: CounterIgnition CD Title: Demo 2008 Year: 2008 Website: myspace.com/counterignition MySpace: myspace.com/counterignition Label: None Featured on: Loucifer Speaks... and wherever else I can post it! Rating: 8.7 / 10 More Links: COUNTERIGNITION THREAD ON LOUCIFER SPEAKS' FORUM. CounterIgnition Knowing absolutely nothing about this band at the time of this review, I can't start this piece with a brief account of where they're based or how long they've been together. I know I could go off and do some research, but what would be the fun in that?... and I'll have plenty of time to check out their MySpace later anyway... The demo kicks off with "Life Sentenced" and I had absolutely no idea what to expect. The song begins with an almost 80s rock intro before jumping into more metal territory. CounterIgnition really remind me of Black Label Society in this track... perhaps it's due to the vocals? "Ordinary Mortal Man" picks up the pace a bit and has a fantastic thrash influence in it. The melodies make the song accessible, but the aggression in the rhythm knocks you flat on your arse. Marvellous. The groove/rhythm in "World of Lies" makes the track instantly enjoyable. In fact, the riff really reminds me of something Obituary would do... but only with more of a Thrash approach rather than Obituary's Death Metal one. Highly memorable. The drums in "Fight" really make it stand out and it's very easy to imagine myself enjoying this one a huge amount at a gig. I can also easily imagine that this song would be responsible for me killing a few more braincells because of headbanging. The demo closes with "The End of Mine" and this provides CounterIgnition with an excellent way to finish this collection of songs. In fact, with it's energy, lead guitar, melody and awesome riffs, I'd go as far as to say "The End Of Mine" is the strongest track on the EP. If you want a band that has well and truly grown up on a diet of decent metal bands and then gone on to add their own twist to the sound, then CounterIgnition could be right up your alley.
  15. ma na alavi bio neki boks...
  16. gde ste bre gledali inter-roma?!
  17. ne znam kakav ce biti u stvarnm zivotu, ali se u master ligi na PES Markisio razvije u opasnog igraca posle par sezona
  18. najava svirki: 7.3. Zrenjanin + TBA 17.3. livingroom SKC, Beograd + TBA 27.3. Zajecar + TBA 28.3. Nishka banja + TBA 4.4. Pancevo + TBA
  19. vidi se da si (bio) basista pa to je to, samo što je B (jebe?) uobičajan izraz ugl, ono je prebrutalno
  20. jbt, koji je ono štim ? B?
  21. pa da... čuo sam... pa što bre?
  22. abdejtovan LEGACY deo sajta okacili smo snmike Ambusha i StrikeBacka za one koji nisu čuli kako se u Kovinu cepao thrasheraj i metalcore pre 5-6 godina
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