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Everything posted by krchulj

  1. Beer fest, Rock village, mi sami... dobro je bilo i onoliko ljudi . Možda dodjemo opet u spetembru, na Groždjnbal, tu smo redovni, videću s Tanjom da li možemo da se prijavimo i ove godine. U Rumi sviramo na gradskom trgu, biće valjda bolja bina, ovamo u domu su od najbolje bine u Srbiji napravili platformu za DJ pult, eventualno može klavijatura i pevaljka da stanu . Btw, ako neko iz Rume čita ovo, mi smo u 21:30, dodjite na vreme . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCIhmoPWJTA&feature=share
  2. What happens in Vršac, stays in Vršac! Mogu samo da kažem da je to bila jedna od najzabavnijih svirki na kojima sam bio . BTW, sviramo u petak u Rumi, ponovo, ovog puta na gradskom trgu. U subotu Crvenka.
  3. 'Spit or Swallow' is a simple album. Thrash/Groove Metal that’s either played at break-neck speeds or with back-breaking, heavy grooves, all played with extreme aggression. We have lots of breakdowns, lots of shredding solos, and an abundance of angry growls and violent screams, that are quite similar to Phil Anselmos’s later work in Pantera. There’s lots of brilliant heaviness and raw aggression here, and it put on a pretty spectacular first impression, but after the first full listen through the album, you realize how familiar it all sounds. Where could I have heard this before? Oh yeah! It’s called 'Vulgar Display of Power', and it came first. Tracks like “Sell Your Soul” have some really heavy, crushing riffs to flaunt, and so do most of the tracks on this album. They’re very effective in getting you pumped and angry, ready to throw a chair through a window, but really, as cool as these songs may be for the first few listens, the lack originality and generic vocals don’t warrant many repeat listens. However, there are shining moments here, such as “Secret to You…Denied,” which shows the band can really offer some original material if they really tried. In their defense though, this album is probably the best Pantera rip off I’ve ever heard, and I’ve heard a lot. There are some really cool, memorable melodies hidden in the album, the solos are kickass (to say the least), and it effectively gets you pumped up. It’s not too original, but it’s cool and it’s fun. Not a bad entry in the Groove/Thrash genre, and I suggest that you get all the enjoyment you can from this album before it inevitably gets put down and forgotten about, because there’s definitely some enjoyment to be had here.
  4. epilog svirke u Šidu: elem, putešestvije se nastavlja: 19.8. Ruma - Rule fest 20.8. sVršac - Dom Omladine 27.8. Crvenka - Cmok Fest
  5. moraš da paziš, ako je previše dobro jebeš, ima odmah da se zaljubi; moraš da fušerišeš pomalo, al ne mnogo, jer će onda da ti da pedalu, moraš da nadješ pravu meru, e to ako umeš, onda si iskusan jebač btw, iz više izvora i iskustava sam čuo da kod matorki to prolazi 100%, samo direktno i konkretno, ali sa stilom naravno... ja sam pedofil pa nisam lično isprobavao, al sam video svojim očima da prolazi ili to... nešto mora da ima!
  6. ako je i lepa i može da se priča s njom, onda se loše jebe... ako je i lepa, i može da se priča, i dobro se jebe, onda ima ružnu pičku... nešto mora da ima!
  7. dobro ste i to ućarili, s obzirom da joj se ugasio digitalac još dok smo mi svirali mislim da ima i nekih video snimaka iz bekstejdža, moram to da prebacim i okačim
  8. Najveće zlo koje se desilo srpskoj istoriografiji je austrougarska, tj. germanski istoričari, ovaj je samo budaletina, čovek je za kovin a ne za univerzitet! što je najgore, verovatno ima dobar broj sledbenika medju svojim studentima, na takve ideje je najlakše napaliti se...
  9. Although this band hails from Kovin, Serbia they could be from right here in the states. Seriously there's a Thrash/Groove Metal act in every burg around the country that has a live music scene. But I shall not let my own personal stateside experiences and prejudices effect a quality (?) review of this release. Everyone knows I'm objectionable (ha!) I mean as far as my ignorance the Serbian music scene goes these guys could be kings. What has become old here in the states is still thriving in Europe. Look at Thrash and Speed Metal for example. Now I'm probably wrong in classifying this as only Thrash and Groove Metal, not that those styles are not in play here which they are. But the fact is that COUNTERIGNITION play a combination of many variations of those themes which run throughout their songs. They even toss in some folk elements and more melodic passages which really blows away any pre-conceptions. Pigeon holing them would simply be an insult. What I like is how they pile on plenty of sludge into those grooves at times plus they include some edgy solos added to that the vocals are rough sounding. Those three elements alone plus with their variations show that these guys are not playing by the genre template rules. When I first read the info about em and saw those words "thrash/groove metal" I thought the worst. For those of you who read Scumfeast Metal 666 regularly (and frankly who doesn't) you know that I have no love for that genre of metal. I even consider it mainstream instead of extreme. Listening to this release I can honestly say that this band has progressed ahead of the tired thrash/groove genre to add personal character into it. And they do it with subtlety plus the production on here is slightly raw which makes it an interesting release. You wouldn't think it to be technical but once again that's all in the subtlety. They throw a cool sounding headbanging groove at you and then bend it towards a different direction completely. You listen to this a few times and you can catch so much they are hitting you with. Like I said I'm not a fan of the genre but after listening to this it's obvious that COUNTERIGNITION is pushing the boundaries to meet with their own creativeness.
  10. jbt, ovaj čovek radi na beogradskom univerzitetu
  11. čitam malo ovo na temu da li je fašizam uspeo, i da li je hitler uspeo, pa se setih neke priče od pre jedno nedelju dana... pogledajte mapu evrope, a naročito balkana i prostora bivše jugoslavije, i uporedite je sa mapom iz vremena okupacije... o zakonima i uredbama je već bilo reči, da ne ponavljam, lepo je čovek napisao...
  12. CounterIgnitioN na SOUNDS FROM HELL kompilaciji 1.LOGICAL TERROR - gender 3000 03:31 2.SIMUS - drops and lies 03:42 3.COLLAPSE - terminator 03:28 4.DLL- la noia del boia 03:35 5.WORMHOLE - storyteller 04:54 6.WINDFALL - life challenge 05:08 7.IBRIDOMA - face to face 03:23 8.LAST CALL BACK HOME - where te line starts 03:20 9.WINTERAGE - ancient forces 04:57 10.NAFAK - apocaliptica 05:14 11.COUNTER IGNITION - life sentenced 06:56 12.SWEEL99 - race 03:19 13.MAD CHICKENS - hysteric head 04:02
  13. uleteše 2 svirke ni od kuda: 28.7. Zrenjanin 30.7. Smederevo obe sa Dehumanization a onda:
  14. ... Branko Miljković (27) baš sam o tome razmišljao ovih dana, pošto mi se bliži 27. rodjendan
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5agjkjX5x-4 moj drugar uradio remix blackeneda i izvukao bas u prvi plan, da konačno čujemo šta je newsted tu prčkao
  16. evo konačno sam stigao da preslušam malo ovaj novi album, i na prvo slušanje, ovo mi deluje bolje nego prvi, rifovi su mi interesantniji, tekstovi bolji, sad mi onaj prvi zvuči kao "ovo je otprilike ono što hoćemo da radimo", a ovaj novi mi je "e, ovako treba da bude". što bi rekli braća amerikanci "this time you nailed it". jedino što mi se ne svidja u vezi nadimača je to što ste moja generacija, umesto da ste bili tu gde ste sad pre 10/12 godina, kad sam bio totalno u ovom fazonu, bili biste mi (o)kultni koliko i SMF
  17. Recenzija Banta Loknera sa TMM magazina potvrdjeni nastupi za jun/jul: 24.6. Prnjavorstock II 30.6. Mosh with pirates, klub Ladja 9.7. Moto skup, Visegrad 23.7. TBA 31.7. Adrenalin fest, Becej CounterIgnitioN Official website
  18. i opet ovaj rapid force. bili su dobar bend, al su sranje od kad su promenili pevača
  19. krchulj


    slažem se za igora, ali pored svega toga ima ideju, pogledaj koliko je sepultura ritmički bogatija od bilo kod thrash metal benda, čak i u beneath/arise periodu, iako je na prvi pogled sve kec i dvojka, i koliko se čuje kad igor svira, da je to igor. da ne pričamo o periodu posle. što se tiče kisera i maksa, kao što većina ljudi uzdiže maksa potpuno nekritički, a nipodaštava kisera, tako si ti sad otišao u drugu krajnost, kao iz nekog inata, jebem li ga, ali istina je na sredini, dobri su i jedan i drugi (pričam kao autor, o makovom gitarskom umeću je sve već rečeno ), ali to što su radili zajedno, taj sukob i u isto vremenu kompatibilnost njihovih stilova, to je potpuno drugi nivo, i dobro je da su dva tako jaka ega uspela da ostanu zajedno toliko dugo i naprave toliko dobre muzike, pre nego što su popičkali.
  20. krchulj


    ne znam koliko šesnaestina može da odsvira u jedinici vremena (čak i da ima toliko brz trzaj to mu je jedini kvalitet što se tiče tehnike), ali znam koliko ofrlje sve svira, što ga na kraju krajeva u mojim očima ni ne čini lošim muzičarem. kiser je veliki muzičar ne zato što ume da riba najbrže na svetu, nego zato što je genijalan kao autor, isto koliko i max, samo na drugačiji način, i totalno su bili kompatibilni, i zbog toga su i bili to što su bili, i niko od njih dvojice nije sam uspeo da napravi nešto što je dobro kao ono što su radili zajedno, ali da je neki virtuoz, nije, niti ga interesuje da bude. e za igora sam se možda ogrešio, sad šta znači najbolji bubnjar, u to neću da zalazim, svakako jedan od najkreativnijih bubnjara u metalu. danas sam pričao sa jednim ortakom koji je još veći fan sepulture od mene, i on isto kaže da su i chaos i roots snimani na tu foru, kao uživo, i da se na nekim mestima trzaji razilaze, i da ima greškica... ono jeste da zvuče poprilično živo, ali sepultura je to, mogu da prihvatim eventualno da su stvarno tako sve nasnimili, pa su onda izabrali tejkove gde je bubanj odsviran dobro, pa su onda popravljali gitare. da su oduvali sve na jen dva tri, to ne mogu da poverujem, za testament verujem da su mogli, megadeth je youthanesiju isto snimio na tu foru, ali sepultura, nema šanse
  21. krchulj


    to možda može kad imaš normalan bend, a ne bend u kojem dvojica ne umeju uopšte da sviraju svoje instrumente, i dvojicu koji umeju ali brljivo
  22. ako je dotle došlo...
  23. krchulj


    ma 'de oni umeju da odsviraju sve na "je'n dva tri"
  24. čekaj, nemoj mene da mešaš s tim kovincima, ja ne slušam nirvanu pošalji mi adresu ovde ili na fejsu, i reci kako hoćeš da platiš, pouzećem ili na uplatnicu (tako poštarina izadje 70 din. umesto 130, ako ti to znači nešto)
  25. evo i prve recenzije koju sam dobio: COUNTERIGNITION Spit or swallow Counterignition is a Trash Metal band from Kovin/Serbia. This band exists since 2006 and till now they recorded two demos and the album “Spit or swallow” back in 2009 and it’s now released. Now they signed with DDN Records and released it finally. On this album are 11 songs and they are all between 3 and 8 minutes long. 8 minutes can be a long playtime for a Trash Metal song, but these longer songs are not boring in anyway. They need the time to fully show their potential. Counterignition mixes the best parts from bands such as Pantera, Slayer and Megadeth with their own style. Sometimes, some kind of folk music can be found in the songs. Some of their songs are very good and have something new to offer. They are not the regular kind of Trash Metal band which make only noise. “Border” is a good example of their good ideas they have. I am not picking this song out of the list as an only good idea in the whole album. Every song here has some new ideas too. “Lawless” is maybe the best example when it’s up to the fresh ideas. Some of the guitar lines in this song sound a little bit folk in them. Some other song here have also quiet a potential to be a hit. “Life sentenced” is the longest song on this record, but the length of it doesn’t border the potential of this song to be a hit. I can’t say that there is a weaker song on this album, but these tow songs are the best songs for me on this album. If you like Trash Metal and you got tired of these normal Trash bands, than I would recommend you this album. VOTO: 75/100 http://undergroundzinewebzine.weebly.com/4/post/2011/06/counterignition-spit-or-swallow.html
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