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Everything posted by Angele
o radosti moje ohoo, koliko smajlija! meni majnard na profilnoj, sikth u potpisu, najtviš u srcu, večite dileme oko pravaca i žanrova na pameti... i jarac.
laki, ne pamtim kad sam pisala ovde na yum-u, sstavisse ne pamtim kad sam uopsste posetila sajt poslednji put.... mozzda je ovo neko nekim ccudom do sad i izvalio, ali morala sam da dodjem da ostavim post. trazzim ja neke dobre wallpaper-e i naidjem na super kolekciju... neki holandski page, whatever, vidim, odeljak: Muzika. ponadam se bicce nekih slika sa, recimo, notama ili ssta takvo. kad prva slika: http://www.free4uwallpapers.org/show.php?c...aven-Rain)-5097 Pala sam sa stolice.
a i wellerhill im valjda rade produkciju...
kapiram da cce sad da skocce cene mercha na ibeju haha
auh al' ste se okupili! haha pozz ekipu
megahit NARAVNO haha snima spot za sta? "rodjen i sad mator u Va"? odvratna sam... btw kako sad funkcionise invazija? mislila sam da je misha negde po inostranstvu bio? i ko je ostatak ekipe? (izvinjavam se ako postoji na nekoj od prethodnih strana)
mali singl sa starom (prastarom) verzijom Zivane Pogledacu od kad je i ko je izdao..
bane jezdic? btw pronasla sam prastaru malu plocu (singl) - s jedne strane invazija, a sa druge dolar! reci!
daj reci neshto shto je novo hahaha ocu nekad kad ga vidim! x
ej bre ti, vidim svasta se dogadja sa ovim bendom! nisam nestala, naterala sam se da zavrsim fax, jos malo pa gotovo i da, nisam bila u Va 100 godina i ko zna kad cu! grrrrrrr
sta te briga sta je meni bitno
moj ujak pisao tekst za Zivanu, cisto da se zna
i ko je sad, konacno, u bendu? Vujetic svira bubnjeve?
to nije trebalo da budu NI tracevi
gde se o ovome govorilo vec duze vreme?
July Tour To Be The Last With Current Line-up SIKTH's FORTHCOMING tour in July under the 'This Ain't The Summer Of Love' banner will be the last with singers Mikee Goodman & Justin Hill. The decision for the frontmen to part company with the North London troupe is an entirely amicable one, with Goodman leaving to pursue other musical activities, including his longstanding Sad Season project, another brand new outfit (based in Brighton) plus work on the production side. Hill, meanwhile, is going to focus on the production work that is becoming increasingly successful for him. The remaining four members, guitarists Dan Weller & Pin, drummer Dan 'Loord' Foord & bassist James Leach, are now well underway with the writing of the third SikTh album; already they've amassed a great deal of fresh material guaranteed to further extend the boundaries of progressive metal music. Simply, the future for SikTh continues to be an exciting one. Needless to say, SikTh is now on the look-out for a new singer or singers, and applicants should contact the four musicians at [email protected] All of which makes the July tour very special indeed; not just the end of an era (and the start of a new one), but a series of all-day mini-fests with each & every band on the bill specially selected by the members of SikTh based on musical originality, technical ability & downright heaviness! The line-up for all of the dates is as follows, with a second stage bill due to be announced shortly for the London show:- *ARCHITECTS (chosen by SikTh bassist James Leach) *CRY FOR SILENCE (chosen by SikTh guitarist Dan Weller, who – along with Hill – has produced the debut CFS album) *BIOMECHANICAL (chosen by SikTh guitarist Pin) *TED MAUL (chosen by SikTh drummer Dan'Loord' Foord) *MALEFICE (chosen by Justin Hill) *BARRABUS (chosen by Mikee Goodman) The full list of dates is as follows, with all shows taking place at weekends... JULY 07 - London, Islington Academy (including Second Stage acts, TBA) 08 - Brighton, Concorde 2 14 - Glasgow, Garage 15 - Manchester, Academy 2 21 - Exeter, Lemon Grove 22 - Sheffield, Corporation 28 - Newport, TJ's 29 - Yeovil, Ski Lodge
lepa i debela :*
e, da, to za slova. pisala sam svugde nasa slova, ali sam samo kopirala u blog i automatski neka ne prepoznaje. valjda se razume! darthmaul, ima dosta o muzici u delu 'masada', bice notno zabelezenih primera, grafickih prikaza shema oblika nekih kompozicija i audio primera, tako da ce sve biti prosarano muzikom.