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Everything posted by vudun

  1. vudun


  2. vudun


    Ja bih voleo da sam dugovečan k'o Matuzalem i da imam 1001 švalerku.
  3. Ja ću se pentrati na stage. Pa pravo u vas, nosićete me.
  4. Nisam ni sumnjao da će Vojvoda znati. ... a Smorock me je baš zaintrigirala sižeom.
  5. vudun


    http://news.bmezine.com/wp-content/uploads...281952-pix1.jpg твинс.
  6. vudun


    Jes' vala, Mica je to. ''Rđavome kupcu i dlake smetaju'' u Related Videos je još bolja. Avangarda za svoje vreme ...
  7. Ali molim vas, još više je ukusniji sa etiketom.
  8. Идеалан споменик за све овиснике од интернета.
  9. Još jača fora bi bila kada bi na koncertu pržili ceo ''Kill 'Em All'' a ostala 3 albuma da prođu kao medley.
  10. А у доњем десном углу - WARNovi.
  11. vudun


    Pogledajte taj izraz krapinskoga čoveka na licu. Ima li veće rugobetine među košarkašima? Nema rođaci, nema.
  12. Da da. Dr Manojlović. Samo ovi u Nišu ga zovu Peđa Katastrofa. Ja sam inače na pravnom, ali sam imao prilike slušati njegova ispitivanja koja su nezaboravna. Čovek je lud 110%. Dovlači se pijan na ispite, odgovara po sat vremena umesto studenata, pa ih na kraju obori. Mada, ruku na srce, prava je enciklopedija i zajebant prve klase. Rasplete na ispitu od krečnjaka, a završi na mineralnim vodama i njihovim hemijskim sastavima. Manijak sveznajući.
  13. vudun


    Evo upravo traje snimak tekme na RTS2. Onaj Štimac je tutuban neopevani & neprevejani. Ma ''Dom za vešanje.''
  14. Je л' си положио геоморфологију код Пеђе катастрофе ?
  15. vudun


    Tumba je ćale. Kisser može da ga poljubi u pedu.
  16. vudun


    Јебига, тјунинг стајлинг и ти фазони су привилегија. Млого то кошта а беспарица страшна влада. Једино Хејтбридер буџи, мада дуго га овде није било. Па да, очи петице, бочна линија и ретровизори тројке. Гузица седмичина ... и идеалан коктел.
  17. vudun


    http://rapidshare.com/files/163528525/C_1987_BFTD.rar[code] pass: hardcoremetal.biz за почетак ...
  18. vudun


    Ма Лох Нес.
  19. Ima li ičeg lepšeg od kivija?
  20. vudun


    Британски мелодични спид метал. Имају два албума иза себе. ''Warriors of the Dead'' и ''Back from the Dead.'' Све нешто мртво у ћораву страну ... овај други ми баш лежи, сјајан албум из '87. Распали се ко ће га знати када, штета. Онај Paul Edmonson беше страшан вокал. Немају никаквих конекција са Сабатом и Онслотером, иначе.
  21. vudun


    1. Kerry King doesn't go to tattoo parlors......he grows them. 2. Kerry King didn't shave his head, he just got pissed and scared the hair away. 3. Biggie wasn't shot, Kerry King merely threw a menacing glance his way. 4. Kerry King doesn't tune his guitar, he scares it into tune. 5. Kerry King doesn't have a chin behind his goatee, just another guitar 6. Kerry King can actually flex his goatee 7. Kerry King sired Chuck Norris 8. Chuck Norris checks his closet for Kerry King before he goes to sleep 9. If you spell Kerry King in scrabble, the board will catch on fire, spew blood, and Satan will emerge to give you a foot massage. 10. The dinosaurs weren't destroyed by a meteor, Kerry King ate them. 11. The Grand Canyon was formed by Kerry King scraping his guitar pick across the southwest. 12. The big bang was the result of Kerry King wailing too hard on his guitar. 13. Kerry King doesn't bowl with bowling balls, he uses the regurgitated skull of the shoe guy. 14. Contrary to popular belief, Cliff Burton was killed by flying Kerry King guitar picks. Metallica knows this, but is too scared to say anything. 15. On the 7th day, God wasn't resting, he was recovering from a Slayer concert. 16. Kerry King bit off Ozzy's head, and then raised him back from the dead. 17. Kerry King doesn't headbang, he's just growing more neck muscle. 18. Kerry King's birth was a c-section. His mother couldn't possibly be expected to pass him, his guitar, and his amp. 19. With every Slayer shirt, you get a free pound of Kerry King neck muscle 20. Kerry King's dick has four rows of serrated teeth and it's own goatee. 21. Kerry King's goatee can also play guitar. 22. Kerry King doesn't ride the tour bus, his evil propels it. 23. Kerry King didn't shoot the sheriff, he made the sheriff's head explode with a mighty guitar wail. 24. Jimi Hendrix once lit his guitar in the hope of summoning Kerry King 25. The Slayer tour bus is followed by a cattle truck... to feed Kerry King 26. When Bruce Banner gets pissed, he turns into the Incredible Hulk, when the Incredible Hulk gets pissed, he turns into Chuck Norris, when Chuck Norris gets pissed, he turns into Kerry King, and when Kerry King gets pissed, everyone dies.
  22. Najjača Lazmi slika...iz NBA dana.
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