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Everything posted by vudun

  1. vudun


    Released in 1983 by Shrapnel Records. Produced by John Belrose Stani malo,Beehler je i pevao i svirao bubnjeve na prvih sest albuma ?!
  2. Uzeo sam "Ledenu Krv" pre nekoliko dana (popust u IPS) Meni se u globalu obaj album ne dopada prvenstveno zbog srednje zalosnog vokala ( jedan od najgorih, ako ne i najgori thrash pevac je taj "Nesho") Tekstovi su totalno debilni, mada muzika sama po sebi je odlicna, riff podloga me umnogome podseca na Destruction,sto je jako dobro. Znaci, momci (chike?!) rasturaju na gitarama samo tako...ali Neshin glas nikako nemogu da svarim, Bombarder bi bio mnogo bolji bend kada on ne bi bio u njemu.
  3. vudun


    Sam bend Massacra je francuski bend. A Massacre su Ameri , i nepodeljeno misljenje death-era , da su Francuzi bili mnogo bolji i uticajniji od ovih...
  4. vudun


    Ziveo Andy Sneap!
  5. vudun


    Da je Jeff genije , to i vrapci znaju...nego,mene iskreno cudi zasto je Annihilator nakon svakog snimljenog albuma menjao pevacha. Mozda, jer sam Jeff zeli da bend bude upamcen po njemu , ocigledno da je covek isuvise narcisoidan. Iako se pravdao kako uvek naidje neki "veci" bend i preotme mu vokala. Cvrc btw. Novi album cu preslusati ali kada bude i zvanicno izasao.
  6. Sta bre ??? 38 x 70 = 2660 ! Deco, nema mene tamo
  7. Celtic Frost su brutal speed metal, i kao takvi cine neraskidivu vezu sa thrash metal-om. Tako da je ovom topic-u neophodan "Remove"
  8. vudun

    Nuclear Assault

    Cut' bre tu...dabogda ti Ian Gillan po stare dane brijao stidne dlachice
  9. Uvodni solo za Annihilator - Never,neverland Uz to 'ladno moze kolce da se igra!
  10. vudun

    Nuclear Assault

    Ali zato za vokal nemam komentara! 0/10
  11. HYMN OF METAL: -- Testament - Over The Wall
  12. Pih. A pesma k'o da je pravljena za soundtrack "Alisa u Zemlji Cuda"
  13. vudun


    Nadam se samo da gitare nisu elektronski obojene , kao na prethodnom.
  14. vudun

    Aura Noir

    Napokon ih se neko setio...jako , mocno , grandiozno!!!
  15. SIGURAN sam da se svi u bendu iskreno kaju sto su tu pesmu uopste i snimili
  16. vudun


    Ma briljantno : I fuckin´ LOVE Thrash!! I mean the kind of Thrash when it makes you constantly bang your fingertips against a table or some other hard surface near by you while at the same time unconsciously make this headbang move with your big´n´ugly head. I bet you surely know of what I´m talking about here, don’t you? This happened to me just recently when I got a promo copy for the latest album of these highly admirable and appreciated Bay Area Thrash veterans, Exodus, in my hands. TEMPO OF THE DAMNED, Exodus´s absolutely fantastic comeback album, having Steve “Zetro” Souza back in the ranks again as the band´s shouter, has a tempo that makes you want to bleed, sweat, spit, piss, shit and vomit (uh... or whatever really!) metal after you have finished your private lesson with these monstrously heavy, testosterone-filled, blood-stopping and damn addictive songs on Exodus´ best album to date since the band´s both BONDED BY BLOOD and PLEASURES OF THE FLESH albums. Wow, it´s been 15 and 17 years ago when those landmark Thrash Metal albums came out?! Time really flies... However, to make it clear right from the start for the Exodus –fans, TEMPO OF THE DAMNMED is neither any calculated continuation to BONDED BY BLOOD nor PLEASURES OF THE FLESH albums, so if you are hoping to get one of those landmark Exodus albums from them in a form of TEMPO OF THE DAMNED, just go bury those kind of hopes right there. BUT instead of that get ready to face the band´s finest album for many years as with this new album Exodus has seriously proved to return back to the Thrash –form, actually better than none of us could have possibly hoped in our secrets dreams in the first place. Here´s what the glorious Exodus –camp has on offer on TEMPO OF THE DAMNED: Totally hammering, relentlessly moshing songs that shamelessly nail you to the wall, spiced with some really nasty, brutal and ´in-yer-fuckin´-face´ -riffs into the well-known recipe created by a dynamic duo Holt/Hunolt, offering you a true thrashing ´war dance´ from the 1st tune “Scar Spangled Banner” all the way to the closing track of the album, “Tempo of the Damned”. The whole band would have seemed to rise from the dead again just to give us a lesson what they can do best: Thrash!!! And there´s just no question about that the Exodus -team can still fuckin´ thrash the similar way like they used to do back in those ´good & old days´ when everyone seemed to walk around wearing on proudly hard-earned Exodus, Forbidden, Death Angel, Heathen, etc. teeshirts and looking for acceptance amongst fellow speed merchants and thrash bangers. It´s certain now that these 5 fine gentlemen in the Exodus –camp can proudly wear on their Exodus –shirts anytime or anywhere – it doesn´t matter, knowing that they can still offer something important and valuable musically for what they can be remembered for many years to come and what some other bands can only dream of. TEMPO OF THE DAMNED is a fuckin´ fine retro trip back to the true essence of what Thrash Metal should be all about. First and foremost, it´s about unpretendedly heavy brutal and menacingly thundering riffs, damn catchy rhythm – and tempo changes, memorable choruses and it´s also about vicious and pissed-off vocals that not that many guys can spit out in Thrash Metal these days. Mr. Souza sounds convincing enough to sound like a really pissed-off man on this brilliant comeback album of the Exodus -troops and that´s of course just one of those positive things that can be said about TEMPO OF THE DAMNED. Such songs as all-out thrashing and ear-mangling “Scar Spangled Banner”, “War Is My Sheppard” and the old Exodus demo song classic “Impaler”, album´s dead-heavy rollers as f.ex. “Blacklist” and “Shroud of Urine”, all speak for great volumes about these fellows´ burning ambition and devotion to conquer the most gigantic Thrash –throne back for these mighty Bay Area Thrash veterans Exodus again and I honestly see that happening for them unless a couple of other almost recently happened Thrash –comebacks won´t prove it otherwise later this year? Having Andy Sneap at the production helm on TEMPO OF THE DAMNED, you shouldn´t expect no less than a crystal-clear, sharp and heavy sound. Andy has done a really splendid and respectable job once again and his production skills definitely give an extra kick for the songs on the album.
  17. vudun


    1990 - Final Holocaust 1991 - Enjoy The Violence 1992 - Signs Of Decline 1994 - Sick 1995 - Humanize Human Evolucija je cinila svoje
  18. Nabrojao si sve moguce pravce ( cak i nu "metal")..a od thrash-a nista! Uzmi pistolj i rascopaj sebi lobanju
  19. THRASH : Slayer - Angel Of Death DEATH : Obituary - Slowly We Rot BLACK : Dimmu Borgir - Behind The Curtains Of Night... POWER : Blind Guardian - Imaginations... HEAVY : Judas Priest - Painkiller Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast Gotiku ne slusam (ma ni power ali)............................
  20. vudun


    Pa dobro prvi album jeste iz '83 ali nije thrash , pre bi se moglo reci da su Thrash Metal zapravo pokrenuli Metallica i Slayer , koji su svoje prvence objavili bas u to vreme.
  21. Znaci, sa Load nema nista da sviraju...a sa ReLoad samo Fuel (svuda tako)...sto znaci da nas drug lemmy ima da ga ispushi ako ode na svirku
  22. vudun


    Pa meni je ionako muka da ih slusam (verovatno zbog Corpsegrinder-ovog vokala), doduse bolje "grmljavina" nego da pisti /me Annihilator - PhantasmagoriA
  23. vudun


    Da, cini mi se da se to bas svojevremeno desilo Stratovariusu ( e ako im je) Naravno, momci su ih tuzili i zdrpili veliku sumu novca! Mora se biti oprezan cak i na novinarskoj poziciji
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