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Everything posted by Ivan_Creed

  1. Ne svidjaju mi se uopste... Klinci probaju da budu opasni... moje misljenje.
  2. Tesko, jer niko od njih nece da se vratio da radi u neki Armenski quick-stop ili benziskoj pumpi u Downey-u!
  3. Says who, chunky?
  4. Da, da... a kakve onda veze imaju sa bendovima kao sto su CC, Deicide i Dying Fetus na primer (mislim, kako to da su u istoj sobi?)? @Prof. Baal - mnogo si ti pametan, kao i tvoj drug Kent (i jos drugara). (Za mene je Slipknot Power-Doom *sa primesama Irskog folka* Metal u stvari!!! I ne znam kakve veze on ima sa ovom temom...)
  5. Magistri sa muzickih akademija... Ajde, prosvetlite me, kako su oni death?
  6. Fender Ovation.
  7. Vokalno meni bas zvuce kao black!! Ne znam sta je 'death' u njima....
  8. Iz nepoverljvih izvora! Procackaj net... zagubio sam adresu......
  9. Nema na cemu, ja sam vas lokalni Slipknot baja! P.S. Kaze se sa 'the'...
  10. Cuo ja da mozda snime video sa Scooter-om... Sta kazete na ovo? P.S. Ja sam fan stari od Scooter-a!
  11. Videh nedavno da je Manowar zabelezen od strane Ginisove Knjige rekorda kao najglasnija muzicka grupa!
  12. Hard Dunlop...
  13. Svi su lepi u Motley Crue osim Micka... on je ko neki kineski mish... Uzgred, Vince je pevao u Reno, NV sa nekom grupom u Harrah Hotelu... Sto se tice ostalih, nadam se da ce da se skupe u skorije vreme.. Rekao je Nikki da ce oni biti MC dok neko od njih ne umre...
  14. Ivan_Creed


    Ok, ne znam zasto sam stvarno stavio 'najuticajnije'... ajde da prepravim na najbolje! Nisam upoznat toliko sa radom Mayhem-a, pa 'prosirujem' vidike malo! Imam odavno nekoliko njihovim pesmica, pa ono, listam po mp3-u, i naidjem na njih, i shvatim da mi treba jos (zagusio sam hd vec)! Od pesmica imam samo (koje sam i ujedno jedino cuo) 'Funeral Fog', 'Freezing Moon', 'Necrolust', 'Carnage', 'Chainsaw Gutsfuck', i 'Deathcrush'... Meni se cini da 'fali jos nesto..
  15. A sta ti mislis??
  16. A jesi li videla kada je neko gadjao Sebastiana sa necim (ne mogu da se setim sta je bilo), i prekinu pesmu i kazem 'Who the fuck just threw that..?'... i publika pokazuje na neku jadnu devojku (koja je to uradila namerno), gde se ovaj 'kosarkas-konjina' Sebastinan baca sa bine, i drop-kickuje tu jadnicu!!!!!!!!!!! NAJJACI MOMENAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Posle je Baki isao na sud..)
  17. What kind of Jonathan Davis are you? http://selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=kornkwiz
  18. Spamujete opet.. "UNIVERSAL CITY, California — After reuniting for a fall tour, Korn and Limp Bizkit are ready to throw down. Don't go looking for Back 2 Brawling Tour tickets just yet, though, as the bands are set to battle only in the cyber world, in a video game Jonathan Davis is developing called "Pop Scars." "It's basically a celebrity fighting game, but in the context of a 'Soul Calibur' or 'Mortal Kombat,' where it's a real fighting game and it's not just a cheap fighting engine, just for the hell of it because it's celebrity fighting," Davis said, pointing out the alleged difference between his game and "Def Jam Vendetta" (see "Battle DMX, Method Man And Redman In Def Jam Video Game"). "It's going to be this real killer fighting [game] with these incredible different worlds where you can go." Along with Korn and Limp Bizkit, the game is slated to feature some of Davis' other musician friends, like Staind and Marilyn Manson — all sketched by comic book artist Marty Emond. "It's not going to be just rock people, though," Davis said. "It's going to be everybody. Mary J. Blige and some more on the pop side that I've got to go after, just a well-rounded roster, so it'll be cool." Spokespeople for Blige did not return phone calls. Each celebrity will have a world catered to his or her personality. "With different traps and things that can just really eat them up," Davis said. "It's going to be gory and it's going to be good." Short of the actual programming, Davis said he has been involved in every part of developing the game, including choosing the designs. He is currently meeting with different game makers to find a home for the product. "I'm really excited about it because we spend most of our time gaming," Davis said. "It's music and games, that's my escape. I love it." Davis loves gaming so much he worked with Xbox to sponsor the Back 2 Basics Tour with Limp Bizkit (see "Bizkit, Korn Take It Back 2 Basics In L.A. — But Throw In Nirvana And A Mohawk"). Before the shows, Davis competed with fans in various video games onstage and is proud to note he never lost. "I like the shooting games, the fighting games, the adventure games, I'm a big fan of them all," he said in the fall. "Like 'Splinter Cell,' and there's a new game 'Rainbow Six.' I'm a huge fan of 'The Legend of Zelda.' I just love the way that thing looks. I've beat it twice already." Davis said he plans to continue making video games after "Pop Scars." In the meantime, Korn have just released their latest single, "Y'all Want a Single" (see "Korn's Attempt To Not Write A Single Backfires").'
  19. Before I Forget je himna!
  20. Sasvim su ok!
  21. Tebe bas ne mrzi da pises (copy/paste)? Ajde da vidimo i ovo svetsko cudo broj 3! Inace, propustio sam ih za dan blizu mene, u Sacramento! Niko nista nije objavljivao, pricao... A ja 'zaboravio' da imaju i site sa datumima!
  22. Ivan_Creed


    Koje su po vama najuticajnije pesme Mayhem-a?
  23. Dosta off-topikovanja, AMAN! "Blabbermouth.net reports, Olivier Rouhet of Rock Hard France sent us the following report from the 2004 edition of Fury Fest, a three-day event held June 25-27 at the Park Des Expositions in Le Mans, France: "Headlining the last day of the Fury Fest Festival in Le Mans (France), Slipknot had to endure the hostility of French so-called music 'fans'. Before going on stage, a majority of the audience (hardcore and black/death metal fans) organized themselves in order to sabotage the Slipknot show. It started before the band went onstage with a non-stop 'Slipknot, enculé' (Translation: Slipknot, fuckers). "When [drummer] Joey Jordison went on stage, the battle started: a large part of the audience started throwing anything [they could find] on stage (the security crew allowed bottles in the venue!). Pretending to defend the integrity of music, those so called 'fans' ruined the show. Slipknot played 48 minutes (they were supposed to play 90) and it must be said that it's a very courageous move as any band would have left the stage after one song. "The rumors provoking the furor was that Slipknot had a very long soundcheck in the morning (this is true) but nobody can believe that this was a spontaneous move. The people there had planned to ruin the Slipknot show: a real silly move. If you don't agree with Slipknot, the best way is to leave the festival. By provoking violence, the fans have given France a bad name. "During 'People = Shit' chorus, Corey sang (it depends who you talk to !) 'You are full of shit' or 'people throw me shit'. As Rock Hard France is a sponsor of the Fury Fest, we can only condemn the attitude of all these so called 'fans.' The Slipknot show for the opening of Metallica (23rd June) at Le Parc Des Princes was perfect. "Some days ago, I had the chance to talk by phone with [singer] Corey [Taylor] about his love for France. I just hope that the attitude of those hooligans in Le Mans won't affect the relationship with true fans of music. "To sum up everything, let's say that it's everybody's right to dislike Slipknot, but it's a shame to ruin a show, for the band and the fans, and the best way to show his dislike is to boycott. Shame on the Fury Fest audience. For the first time, young French people organized a good festival. The audience ruined it. No surprise if bands don't play in our country anymore (not being Parisians, this kind of stuff would not have happened in Paris). Slipknot is a good band. If you don't like them, don't look at their show, and don't ruin the fans' pleasure." In related news, Slipknot have replaced David Bowie on the bill of this year's Roskilde Festival in Denmark. "With David Bowie no longer on the programme, we had to think fast," the festival organizers write on their web site. "After hours of hard work, we are finally able to announce a new act for the programme: Slipknot will play Roskilde '04. Slipknot have just been on a very successful tour, including a super gig with Metallica in Copenhagen, and they accepted the job on the spot when we contacted them in the times of trouble. Slipknot's desire to play Roskilde '04 was so strong that they agreed to make last-minute changes to their already tight schedule: Slipknot will be playing the T-Mobile Park in Prague Thursday night, 1 July. Immediately after the concert they will pack up their gear and jump on the bus to travel the 1,600 kilometres to Roskilde. And as if that wasn’t enough, Friday night, immediately after their Roskilde gig, the band will jump on a plane to go to the With Full Force Festival in Leipzig where they will be playing the same night at 1:00."
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