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Everything posted by Drogarito

  1. :tehkista: :tehkista:
  2. :tehkista: :tehkista:
  3. https://teramobil.bandcamp.com/album/magnitude-of-thoughts novi teramobil :tehkista: :tehkista:
  4. https://teramobil.bandcamp.com/album/magnitude-of-thoughts novi teramobil :tehkista: :tehkista:
  5. jel ima neko kartu za stoned jesus ???
  6. jel ima neko kartu za stoned jesus ???
  7. burner :pivopije: :pivopije: ko li je pravio ovo?? svaka mu čast
  8. burner :pivopije: :pivopije: ko li je pravio ovo?? svaka mu čast
  9. kurve establišmenta \m/
  10. kurve establišmenta \m/
  11. http://agoraphobicnews.com/interview_with_andreas_gerre_geremia_of_tankard.php Intervju sa Gerreom iz Tankarda \m/ :pivopije: Agoraphobic News: Is there any chance of Tankard playing in Serbia again? Maybe at Belgrade Beer fest (haha)? Gerre: We really would love come back to Serbia one day! If there is an offer we will going to have another big thrash party together for sure! :tehkista:
  12. http://agoraphobicnews.com/interview_with_andreas_gerre_geremia_of_tankard.php Intervju sa Gerreom iz Tankarda \m/ :pivopije: Agoraphobic News: Is there any chance of Tankard playing in Serbia again? Maybe at Belgrade Beer fest (haha)? Gerre: We really would love come back to Serbia one day! If there is an offer we will going to have another big thrash party together for sure! :tehkista:
  13. http://agoraphobicnews.com/interview_with_andreas_gerre_geremia_of_tankard.php Intervju sa Gerreom iz Tankarda \m/ :pivopije: Agoraphobic News: Is there any chance of Tankard playing in Serbia again? Maybe at Belgrade Beer fest (haha)? Gerre: We really would love come back to Serbia one day! If there is an offer we will going to have another big thrash party together for sure! :tehkista:
  14. http://agoraphobicnews.com/interview_with_max_cavalera_of_soulfly_cavalera_conspiracy.php intervju sa max cavalerom
  15. http://agoraphobicnews.com/interview_with_max_cavalera_of_soulfly_cavalera_conspiracy.php intervju sa max cavalerom
  16. http://agoraphobicnews.com/interview_with_max_cavalera_of_soulfly_cavalera_conspiracy.php intervju sa max cavalerom :pivopije:
  17. kupiću sad novu i to mnogo besnu kameru :rockdevil: hvala na sugestiji :pivopije:
  18. http://agoraphobicnews.com/interview_with_igor_cavalera.php Intervju sa Igorom Cavalerom :pivopije:
  19. http://agoraphobicnews.com/interview_with_igor_cavalera.php Intervju sa Igorom Cavalerom :pivopije:
  20. http://agoraphobicnews.com/interview_with_igor_cavalera.php Intervju sa Igorom Cavalerom :pivopije:
  21. nisam ni znao da ima meet n greet :haha: :haha:
  22. nisam ni znao da ima meet n greet :haha: :haha:
  23. samo ću da kažem PROCREATION OF THE WICKEDDDD :tehkista: :tehkista:
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