:haha: moguće da mi je ovo ostalo u podsvesti
kupio sam pre par dana knjigu White Line Fever.... odlična je!
Mislim da me je ovaj intervju najviše istripovao u vezi tog bulelt belta. Nardwuar pita Lemija za njegov prvi boravak u Jugoslaviji (4:15), i onda je Phil promrmljao nešto when you finnished national costume if I'm correct oO?
ipak je reč o Finnish (finski) national costume koji su nosili likovi iz Rocking Vicars :haha: :haha: :haha:
I first saw Reverend Black and the Rocking Vicars at Manchester ’s Oasis club. The Oasis was where
all the bigger rock bands played. I took to the Vicars straight away. The drummer ’s kit had double
bass drums – the first time I’d ever seen that – and he sat at the front. And they wore the Finnish
national costume: reindeer-skin boots, white trousers with lace-up flies, these smocks from Lapland
and vicars’ collars. I thought that was very big, you know. They were extremely loud and smashed up
all their equipment, just bashed everything to bits. That was very cool, too. And they had long hair.
šteta što je isečen intervju kada ga pita za situaciju na kosovu....