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Kai Hansen

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Everything posted by Kai Hansen

  1. EVo cisto da "probudim" ovu temu..pokusao sam da 'poredjam' albume od najomiljenijeg..do "zadnjeg" ..teska rabota..aliii iapk: 1. Land Of The Free 2. No World Order 3. Powerplant 4. Heading For Tomorrow 5. Somewhere Out In Space 6. Insanity and Genius 7. Sigh No More
  2. Na poslednjem koncertu izmedju ostalog svirali i :The Thing that shouldn;t be,Stone Cold Crazy i an moje veeeeliko odusevljenje No Remorse!!!!
  3. Ah greska ..taj smeh je upucen post-u iznad tvog..jer suako se ne varam..Gorgrothovi lyricsi jedni od retkih koji kao da ne postoije ...tj...nema gi bre ni u bookletu od diska..a kamoli na netu!!! A inace..meni je Incipit mnogo dobar album...
  4. Nem' pojma
  5. Jedini album koji mi se iskreno svidja je ovaj zadnji tj.."World Funera"..ovo starije
  6. Pentagram, Anti'rist, Under The Sign Of Hell
  7. OH YEAH!
  8. Da nazoves Death-Painkiller govnavom obradom...
  9. Ovaj je zakon...Deaths am cuo..i to je mozda i najbolja obrada priesta Na ovom su uglavnom Thrash bendovi, i par heavy i power bendova... DA helloween je ovde uradio ELECTRIC EYE..i to stvarno odlicno
  10. Zar i ti sine Brut(alni)
  12. Ja imam oba "Tribute To The Legends" i to su mi najbolji TRIBUTE albumi ikada Ali nigde tu nemam HammerFall heh
  13. cc Pusti ovu i ima odma da se predomislis: np: Nuclear Assault-Radiation Sickness
  14. Ma stage je maestralan, a u EVropi ce biti jos bolji..ali bre provali Larsa ovako isplazenog BTW Vader je za 5 puta manje para
  15. Old news On mu je u stvari svirao neke slagere na nekoj proslavi
  16. breeeee
  17. Hmahm
  18. Bolje Lemmy nego Tony Kakko Mislim stvarno..ja ne znam zasto se ljudi tolko bune na njegov glas(llemmyjev )
  19. Reunited New York thrashers NUCLEAR ASSAULT have announced the addition of guitarist Scott Harrington (MINUS, AIMED AGGRESSION) to the group's ranks. Harrington (photo) replaces original lead guitarist Anthony Bramante as the only non-original member of the revamped lineup, which includes Danny Lilker on bass, Glenn Evans on drums, and John Connelly on vocals and guitars. NUCLEAR ASSAULT will be releasing "3rd World Genocide", their first studio album in 10 years, this summer through SPV America/Screaming Ferret Wreckords. Tours of Europe, Japan and the U.S. will follow.
  20. Kai Hansen


    Former ANTHRAX singer Joey Belladonna has announced three dates with W.A.S.P. in July/August. Belladonna will be supporting Blackie Lawless and co. at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ on July 31, at Northern Lights in Clifton Park, NY on Aug. 6 and at The Quest in Minneapolis, MN on Aug. 24. Upcoming Joey Belladonna tour dates: May 22 - The Dome - Girard, OH Jun. 10 - Webster Theater - Hartford, CT Jun. 11 – Asylum - Portland, ME Jun. 12 - Jarrod's - Attleboro, MA Jul. 31 - Starland Ballroom - Sayreville, NJ* Aug. 06 - Northern Lights - Clifton Park, NY* Aug. 24 - The Quest - Minneapolis, MN* *with W.A.S.P. Belladonna is currently selling copies of his third full-length solo album, "03", via his official web site. The follow-up to 1998's "Spells Of Fear" (DeRock Records) was recorded in Syracuse, New York and features Belladonna on vocals and drums alongside songwriting partner Matt Zuber (ex-FUTURE DRIVEN). He's alive! CAR bre!!!!
  21. Kai Hansen


    Meni bi bilo ovako: 1. Among The Living 2. Spreading The Disease 3. State Of Euphoria 4. Persistence Of Time 5. Fistful Of Metal ..... BELLADONNA!
  22. Uzdigao sam se duhovno
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