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Everything posted by Kai Hansen
Slusao sam skoro TAKING OVER i to mi je ubedljivo najjaci OVERKILL album, a OVERKILL II eh....kakva pesma Od ostalih skoro sam slusao i BLOODLETTING koji je IMHO najslabiji overalbum. Mislim album nije los...ima stvarno dobrih pesama ..I HURRICANE npr..ali uporedjujuci sa ostalima..nista posebno govora iskreno... a takodje hocu da pohvalim album THE YEARS OF DECAY...mislim kada na jednom mestu imate BIRTH OF TENSION, END, YEARS OF DECAY, TIME TO KILL, ELIMINATION, SKULLKRUSHER....pomislite da je bre ovo thrash best of ...silan album maximalno! Ovih dana bi trebalo konacno da preslusam i FEEL THE FIRE, od pesama znam samo ROTTEN i OVERKILL, nadam se da je ostatak albuma mocan kao ove dve pesme!
Skinuo sam "Fortune Teller" i maaximalno je gotivan..sta goptivan..ODLICAN! I donekle uopste nije greska sto je stavljena tema na Thras Forum, pesme su bogami podosta tvrde(False Identity), a album bi se siurno mogao nazvati thrash kada bi vokal bio nesto grublji, Mislim vokalu, nista ne smeta, naprotiv, covek je obavio posao odlicno stvarno, samo sto nije thrash pevac hehe.. Osim pomenuite gore pesme, omiljena mi je i title song kao i Evil Demand, Blade Of Death...ma sve su bre odlicne!
The songwriting process of the new Kreator album is slowly but shurely taking form ! Those who´ve allready heard some material discribe it as complex, intense,fast, violent and melodic. We got a short statement from Mille this morning: " Dear friends. Writing and arranging a new record is always exciting, interesting, painfull and somtimes frustrating. Right now, we are producing demos, collecting ideas, arrange and rearrange stuff, listening to riffs, get excited about stuff and throwing shit away. It´s like doing a puzzle ! We´ve got the rough versions of seven songs so far and the shit sounds fuckin brutal ! Be patient, as soon as there´s more details, you´ll read ´em here first! Greetings from Essen,. Mille " ! If things work out, the cover artwork of the new record, will be the realisation of a long planned project, finally coming true! Kreator´s agents are courently booking selected venues around the globe, were the band will present their newly designed light and stage set in the end of the year. Details soon..... Also Check out: 15 questions on www.metalcovenant.com featuring Mille, and the colaboration with German melodic terrorists Edguy on the limited edition of their new record " Hellfire Club " Right now, we´re working on a complete new design of www.kreator-terrorzone.de, with brand new sections, more news and a lot more service for you ! Stay tuned ! The webmasters INACE cuo sam pesmu MYSTERIA sa gostujucim vokalima MILLETA i mnogo je gotivno, lep i brutalno hehe kje otpevao svoje delove i dosta doprineo pesmi. Nadam se da ce ovako pevati i na novom album kriejdora koga zeeeljno iscekujem!
Skinuo sam dobar deo pesama sa novg albuma i vise je nego gotivno! Odlican album , pesme su tvrdje nego pre. A dva higlighta albuma su bonus pesme! hehe Jedna inace moja omiljena pesma EdGuy-a CHILDREN OF STEEL koja se samo pojavila na demo-u iz 94-e, opet je uradjena i svaka im cast stvarno! A druga je alternativna verzija najbolje pesme na albumu MYSTERIA sa povremenim vokalima MILLEta PETROZZE koji me je oduseevio! Stvarno se uklopio u pesmu, veoma brutalno hehe, i nadam se da ce ovako pevati na novom albumu kreatora koga zeeeeljno iscekujem!
Preslusao sam sve albume, omiljeni mi je BLESSED ARE THE SICK, posebno zbog pesme BRAINSTORM, od ostalih albuma izdvojicu COVENANT koji je dokaz genijalnosti! BTW svidjaju mi se posebno i demo-i i prvi albumi, koji podosta vuku na thrash!
" Kai-ev Killbox " To bre nije moj disk Nego..odlican album : )
Nuclear Blast Records have pushed back the U.S. release date of the new EXODUS new album, "Tempo of the Damned", to March 23. The delay is being attributed to unspecified "production problems." Ajd da ih zovemo i daim kazemo da albumu ne fali nista
ako su DF rifovi klasicni blek( da tako kazemo) onda je blek cisto govno E pa eto onda...Chimera nema black rifove tako da je odlicna 8)
nisam rekao da su black riffovi...a ako bih rekao 'nesto' rekao bih da su ono black rifovi sa DOOOSTA thrash-a : ) "DF je black - pa Chimera nemoze da se poredi uopste sa bilo kojim albumom DFa..."pa i ne moze ...bolja je od svih njih zajedno
Rifovi su bolji nego kod DF-a u tome je najveci problem...
Nisam hteo da napisem celu recenziju dok ne skinem ceo album, ali posto me je malo "uzdrmala" butcher-ova recenzija napisacu sada. Cuo sam 6 pesama od 8 koliko ima ovaj ako ne i najbolji album Mayhem-a Krenucemo od ovoga "ceo album im ide kec 1111111 i dupla bas pedala" Brate uporedi Dark Funeral i uporedi OVO pa mi reci sta je bolje... HellHammer nije odradio dobar posao...odradio je O D L I C A N posao! A bogami i ostatak kompanije, Maniac-a inace volim od onog supka Dead-a tako da mu i to dodje + vise za album Kao sto sam i pretpostavio "Slaughter Of dreams" je najjaca pesma, u pocetnih 2 minuta...tj do pevanja...muzika je THRASH/black da bi kasnije preslo u klasicno black : ) Naravno ova pesma ima DREAMS u sebi tako da je....jel te...sranje :roll: Chimera je pesma koja kao da je skinuta sa GDOW-a, i to ne samo zbog "pricanja " hehe....nego uopste...vrlo dobra pesma. I od nje bih najvise voleo da nabavim lyric. Mrzi me sada da opisujem ostale pesme, jer do sada im nisam nasao nijednu manu osim sto su bolje od "Pure Jebenog Armageddon" Najbolje pesme su upravo one koje sam izdvojio : Chimera i Slaughter MayheM with mercy!
Pa skidam ga bas sa Dc++-a Whore sam skinuo veci deo pesme...nista specijalno iskreno Ali "SLaughter Of Dreams" AAGRHRHRHHHHHHHH KAKVA PESMA!
Poceo sam da skidam album. Jebote nema pesme manje od 10 mb :|
6. Slaughter Of Dreams Ova ce biti najjaca
Vodite me slobodno. Necu se buniti.
Former SLAYER/SYSTEMATIC drummer Paul Bostaph has officially joined TESTAMENT, informed sources have told BLABBERMOUTH.NET. The band, whose most recent drummer, Jon Allen (SADUS), reportedly left the group over an "extremely fragile and urgent family situation" involving the health of his 11-year-old daughter, are currently rehearsing with Bostaph for their upcoming live shows in March, including scheduled appearances at Florida's Sun N' Steel Festival (March 6-7) and New Jersey's March Metal Meltdown VI (March 12-13). TESTAMENT are continuing work on the material for the follow-up to 1999's "The Gathering" and are reportedly planning on entering the studio in April/May to begin recording the album for a late 2004 release through Spitfire Records. The band will likely premier two brand-new songs during their festival appearances next month, the sources have told BLABBERMOUTH.NET. Bostaph is no stranger to the TESTAMENT camp, having played several live dates with the group in 1992 and appeared on the band's 1993 live EP, "Return To The Apocalyptic City" (Megaforce/Atlantic). He subsequently spent nearly a decade in SLAYER, with whom he recorded four full-length albums (1994's "Divine Intervention", 1996's "Undisputed Attitude", 1998's "Diabolus In Musica" and 2001's "God Hates Us All") before leaving the group (for the second and final time) in December 2001. An official press release issued by the SLAYER camp had listed a chronic elbow injury as the reason for Bostaph's departure — an account later disputed by Bostaph, who almost immediately went on to join San Francisco Bay Area metallers SYSTEMATIC. "I didn't leave SLAYER because of an arm problem, and I certainly didn't leave SLAYER to join SYSTEMATIC," Paul told the San Francisco-based Internet music magazine Perfect Pitch Online last year. "I was ready to go. It was nothing personal towards anybody in the band, it was just my time to leave. Musically, I wanted to do something else. And in terms of the problem I had with my arm, I re-aggravated an old softball injury by lifting up a laptop at the airport. That happened right at the beginning of the tour, and it never had time to heal. But even at that point, I was considering moving on from the band. "SLAYER's a great band, and I had a lot of fun playing with them, but I have to feel like I'm taking chances musically. "The first time I left SLAYER, I did [a project called] THE TRUTH ABOUT SEAFOOD. Sure, it never got signed, but I enjoyed it a lot. "SLAYER took my drumming to a new level, but there are also other levels of drumming that I haven't even touched yet. I want to become a more eclectic drummer." Bostaph officially left SYSTEMATIC last October, with the rest of the band attributing his departure in part to Paul's slower-than-anticipated progress following a knee surgery last fall. He has since been replaced in that band by his predecessor, Shaun Bannon.
Ljudi , ne mogu da se odlucim koji je bolji. "Pentagram" , "Antichrist" ili "Twilight Of Idols" Pomagajte
Da, ali ima tu i deatha... naravno, ali samo sam hteo da napomenem da nisu bas svi : " gore, grindcore i grind bendovi loši totalno. Tu nema nikakve muzike, samo nekakvo krljanje i iživljavanje po instrumentima."
Grind your genitals 8)
E da bas zbog toga sam promenio avatar!!! Svaka ti cast! Kako li si me provalio ?!
E da Legion je otisao, a ne Kaligula Jebiga blek mi nije jaca strana A mortuus je novi pevac
Pa...ako cemo po brutalnosti ...u stariji a:
E ceo dan slusam "Sigh No More" ..jes da je Ray-ov najgori...ali je bre ubistveno dobar a: