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Kai Hansen

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Everything posted by Kai Hansen

  1. Stvarno ne mogu da trosim reci koliko OBOZAVAM ovaj bend! LE-GEN-DE!
  2. Pa, ni endorama nije bas toliko losa! Chosen Few RULES!
  3. Nabavio sam novu sepulu.Album bi bio fantastican da ga je pevao neko drugi.Drick je upropastio par pesama svojim "vokalima". Muzika je stvarno na nivou sepulture.ali moraju da zamene ovu budalu :x
  4. Deep Purple I potpunosti se slazem!
  5. TEORETSKI!!!!!!TEORETSKI!!!!!!!!
  6. Maidenu mogu ladno da t smore ako ih slusas samo 2 dana zaredom.Metallicu i Hammerfall,a i jos neke bendove, mogu da slusam i po nedelju dana a da me ne smore!
  7. Ne ,ali sam cuo njihovu verziju Die With Your Boots On i rastura! _______________________________________________________ Ljudi zesce sam se zajebao(zatrcao). :oops: Die With Your Boots On je preradila sonatta arctica a ne HammerFall.Izvinjavam se svima
  8. Deucalion-e ajde ti meni objasni sta je za tebe thrash metal?
  9. Ma bre dobro prvih sto,ali prvih 1-NE!
  10. Jel gledao neko spot za Ratamahatu ?Mnogo mi se svidja.
  11. Nabavio sam TUNES OF WAR Genijalan album.Ono je stvarno bez premca!
  12. Tribute Tale 1: Jump in the fire! Its not painful like Anesthesia I`ll know if you dont I can smell your Motorbreath I`ve got my Four Horsemen and my Militia I`ll Hit the lights to Seek and Destroy you! Whiplash!!! Tale 2: I`m Trapped under ice ,I cant Escape i tried to Fight Fire With Fire But then saw a Creeping Death Everything Fade To Black And i heard that i have to Call the Ktulu When suddenly the Bells Toll! Ktulu! Tale 3: Disposable Heroes told me:Welcome Home! They took me to the Sanitarium Cuz my Battery got empty and Thats The Thing That Shouldnt Be Master of Puppets or a Lepper Messiah They are all Damage Inc for me Orion! Tale 4: On the Dyers Eve I became A Harvester of Sorrow The Eye of the Beholder was wathcing me And my whole world turned to Blackened Because i got the Shortest Straw. I am the One with the Fried Ends Of Sanity Seeking Justice for all! Live and Die! Tale 5: One night I saw Sandman And told him to Enter Cuz I`ve got a Struggle Within. I was marching Through The Never Seeking for the God That Failed But found MY lost Friend of Mysery. He said:"Dont Tread On Me!". Wherever I May Roam Nothing Else Mathers Its Sad but True I am Holier Than Thou! Wolf And Man! The Story ends: I Killed Em All so I could Ride The Lightning to look for the Master Of Puppets to demand Justice For All but I failed cuz everything got BLACK!
  13. Nemoj bre da lupas nego idi slusaj majstore.Mzoda nisu najbolji ali su veoma znacajan bend.Mozda si uzeo da preslusas Bestial Devistation pa ti sad lose.
  14. Kolko i load i reload
  15. 8O :? :? :? :? 8O
  16. Dodji posle shkole kod mene na chaosve engleskog
  17. c c c c c :ne: ne zna shta je minde?!?!?!?!??!
  18. Odnosno death to nu metal
  19. Ja nisam chuo original verziju, pa sam naveo metallicinu,koja je ,verujem bolja.
  20. Slayer-Seasons in the Abyss Megadeth-Rust in Peace Metallica-Kill `em all Sepultura-Chaos A.D.
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