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Everything posted by Zoidberg

  1. Otiso link u kurac x) encyclopedia dramatica ftw
  2. Zoidberg


    A vjetnamke? x)
  3. ^ The Pick of Destiny?
  4. Zoidberg


    Znam da ga nikad necu imati, al' jebiga x)
  5. Zoidberg


    Ovo mora da je neki zajebani basement dweller
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTYu6P2KhWQ Ovo je jedna od onih obrada koje zvuce bolje nego original
  7. Pa, to i on kaze, al' kasno mu je sad
  8. Anywayz, jedan moj drug je hteo ici na koncert, i nije otisao...
  9. Bah, sve je to kerov kurac za Milana Tarotologa...
  10. Al' ga je panda presavio preko monitora Mora se zrtvovati fan u cast sotone
  11. Ovako to pravi frontman radi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-yg7mkefjE
  12. Ma nista jace nego kad je Araya sutno nekog lika sto se penjao na binu i posle se smejao ko lud Pod uslovom da taj video nije fake A i bacio je nekog ove, ili prosle godine sa bine x)
  13. Zoidberg


    Lombardo jebena masina Ali kako pobedjuje ova Jeffova gitara
  14. Ma jebes to sve, kad on pusti glas to je najvaznije http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHQuwgnWa1s
  15. Pedia kaze za novi album... TBA (2011) Je l' bilo reci o tome uopste?
  16. Dickinson kenja o novoj pesmi i mp3 formatu... Even though British heavy metal legends IRON MAIDEN opted to away a new song, "El Dorado", as a free MP3 download via the band's official web site, the group's frontman Bruce Dickinson wants to make it clear that the finished product sounds much better. After announcing to the crowd at IRON MAIDEN's June 22, 2010 headlining concert at the White River Amphitheatre in Auburn, Washington that the band wanted to perform a new track from its much-anticipated new studio album, "The Final Frontier", Dickinson said, "I do apologize to those of you who've downloaded [the song], ripped it, done whatever... 'cause it's a freebie on the web at the moment. I do apologize to those of you who have downloaded it, not for any other reason but stuff that is on the Internet sounds like shit — it just does. MP3s, how to take all the balls out of the song... It's like, MP3s to music is what zombies are to Shakespeare — absolute bullshit. It's terrible. All these people listening to songs with cotton buds stuffed in their fucking ears. What is that all about? So for all those of you poor victims who downloaded it and thought, 'Oh, right. Yeah.' Well, the song is called 'El Dorado' and if you buy the record, it should sound like this."
  17. Realno, on moze Jamesu samo da popusi.
  18. Aaaa kako me nervira sto sad svi oce da profitiraju na Diu, pa to je strasno...Jos nasli da mu odaju pocast sa Sabbathovom pesmom sa kojom on veze nema Jebeni epic fail.
  19. ^
  20. Ceveras draft?
  21. Zoidberg

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  22. Zoidberg


    A pogle onog mrsavog sto je odusevljen
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