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Iskreni članovi
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Lou last won the day on December 13 2011

Lou had the most liked content!

About Lou

  • Birthday 06/06/1966

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    Jordan River flows on evermore

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Nolifer of Metal

Nolifer of Metal (5/6)



  1. Misliš li na ovo? http://www.dailymail...knew-about.html
  2. Matt Elliott - The Calm Before (2016) skačatrlj 320kbps 1. A Beginning 2. The Calm Before 3. The Feast of St. Stephen 4. I Only Wanted to Give You Everything 5. Wings & Crown 6. The Allegory of the Cave Jeste li slušali? Nije spomenut na country temi, koliko vidim. Izdat u hladnom dobu godine, pa preskočen u toplom delu, konačno je došao na red za slušanje i odlično legao. Prvi utisak je da ima gomilu pamtljivih deonica koje nisu ni napadne ni "catchy", jednostavno su lepe i prisutne, što je meni ovde pokazatelj vrsnog pisanja muzike, sjajna suptilnost je u pitanju. Album se ciljano veoma sporo gradi, što je uživanje slušati do kraja. Napisao bih još komentara na pojedinačne fazone i trenutke, ali ne bih da onima koji imaju nameru da slušaju album nabacim očekivanja ili da pokvarim uživanje u novoj muzici. Nepretenciozan album prepun atmosfere, toliko.
  3. Asmodeus comes with terror!
  4. Ođe
  5. A u komentarima: louderthangod +zakkeryc Matt has had issues with every amp. As an owner of two Dave Green-era Matamps they are problematic. However I will strongly disagree that when he had the Matamp stacks it sounded radically different than he does now with those Oranges or his Soldano or any of that. I rehearse just a few rooms over from High On Fire/Sleep at the Oakland music complex and I've been seeing them for years, the tone isn't close. That being said, they're also finally working on new material.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZqmbo9CGO0
  7. Lou


  8. So sabi..
  9. Mi volimo ciganjske skale.
  10. Lou


    Sasvim sigurno.
  11. Brate, blago tebi..
  12. Lou


  13. Lou


  14. Lou


  15. Lou


    Lagano, samo si pričao to okolo, pa je stiglo do mene, pa si ćutao danima nakon toga ovde, toliko te boli kurac.
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