To je Blasphemer. Zajebali su ih ovi iz izdavačke kuće, dali su neke rokove i čovek nije mogao da postigne sve što je hteo. Po mom mišljenju, čuje se da su negde stvari pogrešno procenjene, kao ponekad otegnuto ponavljanje rifova; valjda bi bilo i većih izmena od toga da je sve išlo kako je zamišljeno.
Inače, pošto je na nekoj od prethodnih strana potegnuto pitanje komponovanja (reči Atile):
Everyone has a job in the band in a way. Rune and me have to do the arty-farty side, hehe! We create the album and lyrics and final things. Hellhammer is just like a ground for everything. He is fixing the rehearsals, setting up the instruments and of course making a basement with his playing of excellent drumming. Necro is taking care of the business but he’s not composing. Even Hellhammer doesn’t compose. They may have some ideas when we’re putting together the songs. In this way they get involved. But basically it’s Blasphemer who writes all the music in the band.
Iz istog intervjua, reči Blasphemera:
As I said, Necro is the businessman, he doesn’t really do anything. Hellhammer only plays the drums. Come on, he plays in twenty bands—you know what I mean. Attila is more like me. I reckon a part of me is in him and that’s why we fitted ourselves so well on the album. He’s burning for this thing. He knows that when there’s no way back, there’s no way back. You have to go all the way through it.