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Everything posted by Lou

  1. Doom iz Portugala, prvenac iz 2011. godine je bio odličan, Jare se možda seća.
  2. Istina, prebacih se. Disleksija, bolest najmilija. +
  3. In Satan we crust.
  4. Pogubili su se zato što sada sviraju samo spore stvari. Idemo hronološki. Smrdljivi metalci, odavno me nije onako zapuhnulo. Propustih Sphere, ismejah se na RP. Momci kao da su tek otkrili Scar Symmetry i Meshuggah i iskombinovali takve uticaje u nekom trendi ruhu, brakedown fazoni i sve po spisku, baš komedija. Oduševila me je poseta, cenim da je bilo makar dvostruko više ljudi u odnosu na prethodni nastup. Leprous...Više sam uživao na prošlom koncertu, za to je definitivno zaslužno sinoćnje forsiranje novog albuma. Einar još uvek ne ubada deonice uživo, na žalost... Kada sam video setliste od ranije i "Moon" za bis, bilo je jasno da neće moći da izvuče one divne vokale. Mora da se čuva i vežba, ovako se napinje već nakon pola sata svirke. U suštini, "glavni" deo nastupa mi je bio izmešan, a "bis" je bio ono što mi je leglo redom. Za pohvalu je što piče bez prestanka, bez priče između pesama - naročito kada sam nastup traje sat i po vremena. Video sam vas mnogo, pozdrav za sve. <3
  5. Last.fm event Facebook event
  6. Lou

    BM noviteti

    Dragged Into Sunlight/Gnaw Their Tongues - "Visceral Repulsion" https://soundcloud.c...ceral-repulsion Pesma sa kolaboracije po imenu N.V. koja izlazi 13.11.2015. Producirao JK.
  7. "A Doomed Lover" kad se razvuče...
  8. Postojao je pokušaj, nije bilo izvodljivo.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGjSO_m_YpM In 1902 workers completed a mysterious tower, 187 feet high and shaped like a giant mushroom, on which rested the hopes of one of the 20th century’s most prolific geniuses. Facing the beach in the hamlet of Shoreham, N.Y., on Long Island, the Wardenclyffe Tower was, according to its inventor, Nikola Tesla, the key that could unlock an age of wonders. As Mr. Tesla later wrote, the tower’s ability to transmit information to the far side of the Earth would someday allow the creation of “an inexpensive instrument, not bigger than a watch, [which] will enable its bearer to hear anywhere, on sea or land, music or song however distant.” Sometime in 2016, Tesla’s other prediction—that it isn’t only possible, but commercially viable, to transmit power as well as information through the air, without wires—is expected to come true. What is coming are hermetically sealed smartphones and other gadgets that charge without ever plugging into a wall. And soon after there will be sensors, cameras and controllers that can be stuck to any surface, indoors or out, without the need to consider how to connect them to power. Wireless power will be, in other words, not just a convenience, but a fundamental enabler of whole new platforms. The players in this field are myriad, but their technology can be boiled down to four basic types. There are those power mats you may have seen at Starbucks, an older technology that hasn’t been widely adopted. The second, pioneered by the 8-year-old company WiTricity, is slated to show up in Intel-chip-powered laptops sometime in 2016. It uses “magnetic resonance” to efficiently transmit power, over distances ranging from centimeters to a meter. “It’s really charging that Intel notebook as if you’d plugged it in,” says WiTricity Chief Executive Alex Gruzen. But it is the third and fourth kinds of wireless power that are the most intriguing, because they involve beaming power over significant distances. One, which the startups Energous and Ossia are racing to commercialize, involves transmitting power more or less as Mr. Tesla envisioned—through radio waves. And the last, pioneered by uBeam, involves transmitting power through sound waves. The challenge with these approaches isn’t technology, but physics. Radio waves, after all, are in the same range as the waves generated by a microwave oven. There’s only so much energy you can beam through the air without cooking whatever gets in the way. Energous CEO Michael Leabman claims his two-year-old company has this problem licked, and not because of breakthroughs in focusing radio waves. The key, experts say, is that mobile devices use less power than ever. “It’s really the chip makers who deserve most of the credit for this stuff,” says Gregory Durgin, a Georgia Institute of Technology professor who is an expert on wireless transmission of power. He says the claims that Energous is making for its technology are in line with his own experience. A typical smartphone might be able to charge quickly from a wall outlet putting out 5 watts, but if you can—as Energous claims—beam up to 2 watts of power over a distance of 10 feet, to a small radio antenna embedded in that phone, you can “trickle charge” it in a matter of hours. If you think about how much time we typically spend in our offices and homes, this is a perfectly reasonable way to almost guarantee that we’ll never have a dead phone again, especially if our devices start charging automatically the moment we walk in the door. Energous has shown off a workable demo, and Mr. Leabman says the company’s technology will be a mass-market product by the end of 2016 or early 2017. Just as exciting is the potential of wireless energy to solve the problem that has always plagued the Internet of things—or the idea that we will cover our entire world in sensors and tiny motors that control devices, leading to “smart” everything. The hitch is, how to power all those little chips and their electronics, some of which may be as small and thin as a stick-on price tag. Energous already has a patent on the idea of putting a power transmitter into the base of a light bulb, allowing its technology to cover an entire room, and putting out enough power that a device 15 feet away could absorb one watt. “Wireless power could enable a whole new class of devices,” says Mr. Durgin. Those devices will include sensors on all the mechanics of a home, business or factory; detectors for heat, light and motion; and cameras and controls that we can move and upgrade at our convenience, without ever having to touch the building’s wiring. These controls will include “peel and stick” light switches and thermostats, which are already a common senior design project among Prof. Durgin’s students. Meredith Perry, CEO of uBeam, says that her company’s technology will be able to beam more power, via ultrasound waves, over greater distances than what is claimed by companies like Energous, and that uBeam will unveil a working prototype by the end of 2016. Both of these technologies face major issues. In the case of uBeam, experts I spoke with were skeptical that, based on the physics involved, the company can deliver on its promises. Moreover, energy transmitted via radio waves represents a major pollution of the bands of unregulated spectrum that already are crowded with everything from microwave ovens to Wi-Fi routers. That could limit the places wireless power can be used. So it isn’t likely that the three-prong outlet will be obsolete anytime soon, but it is likely that in the near future ambient power could be commonplace. It would be the ultimate vindication of Mr. Tesla, a hundred years after his tower project shut down for lack of funds.
  10. Soon, Power Will Be Delivered to Your Device by Air
  11. Zaboravih: http://vimeo.com/123548675 Zvuči kao da je JK remiksovao nešto sa Loveless-a. Solidno, ali nisam oduševljen. + omanji intervju
  12. Lou


    Friški EP, potpuno free. Klikni na sliku za prolaz ka linku.
  13. Lou


    'Lebe bože, ovo mi treba.
  14. KOMBO!
  15. Zauvek.
  16. http://youtu.be/uzLhT39DSE0
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg7-ImqGFb0
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