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Everything posted by Lou

  1. Na času hemije u srednjoj je gostovao student hemije sa predavanjem o pivu, na kojem je rekao da je pivski stomačić posledica hemijske reakcije koja se odvija između piva i prethodno pojedene hrane, tj trenutnog sadržaja i punoće želuca. Što bi značilo da manje posledice ostavlja kada se pije na prazan stomak. E sad, bilo bi lepo da se pojavi, na primer, Stolet i kaže koliko tu ima istine.
  2. Ako ti ovo nije prvi put, onda samo pas može da kaže da voli svog gazdu. A ti treba da otkriješ fioku.
  3. Tipično rezonovanje sataniste.
  4. Ne seri da je bitno da li je greh smrtni za sataniste.
  5. Lou


    A kukao si? 'Vataš trend kao i uvek, to je to.
  7. Lou


    Ali još nije slušao? I jako mu se sviđa?
  8. Pun mi komp nepreslušanog doom-a i sludge-a, sutra ću biti vredan, pa da vidim ko je zaslužio plusiće.
  9. Parkiraj pred crkvenom kapijom Povrati na ulazu crkvenom Ne ljubi ruku popa *check Pljuni ga u lice Odnesi mu cipele s' praga Razbi mu prozor Slušaj potonju Okreni krst naopako *check Omrsi se na vaskrs *check Nemoj nikada da postiš *check kad sve to zavrsis: Žderi k'o svinja, jebo te bog *check Dug je put predamnom.
  10. Lou


    Slušaćeš? I jako će ti se svideti?
  11. Lou

    Dimmu Borgir

    Baš sam sad video na njihovom forumu. Biće DVD, bez sumnje.
  12. Banuj me samo na ovom forumu, pa da napravim po 666 na svakom podforumu.
  13. Eagle Twin sam slušao tada kada je izašao, odličan album.
  14. Da li postoji dobar tutorial za Adobe CS5 Master Collection, neko uputsvo u .pdf-u? Ili ako znate za neku dobru knjigu i gde može da se nabavi.
  15. Active Posts: 1869 (2,47 per day) Most Active In: Black metal (500 posts) Čime da osvečanim nesveti trenutak kada budem dostigao 666...
  16. Vozi Piroćanac devojku na motoru. Prolaze pored ćevabdžinice. Devojka kaže: - Kako lepo miriše roštilj. - Hoćeš još jedan krug? Pred čas veronauke, sin pita oca: - Tata, kako se zvala Adamova tašta? Otac: - Pa, Adam nije imao taštu. To je bio raj, sine. Sipala baba dedi Vijagru u kafu. Deda otišao u WC i vraća se sav mokar. - Šta ti se desilo, čoveče? - Ja otišao u WC, izvadio ga, vidim nije moj, pa ga vratio.
  17. Therion gets own board game Award-winning Scribabs game developer Paolo Vallerga has unveiled his latest creation: “011,” quite possibly bestowing Sweden’s THERION with the prestige of being the first metal band with a board game to their name since 1978’s “KISS On Tour.” THERION mastermind Christofer Johnsson provides a little background on when the band was told about the idea: “Paolo Vallerga approached the band at the show in Milano [italy] last year with this great idea of making a fantasy board game based upon stage characters mixed with mythology. We instantly thought it was the coolest thing we've heard in ages and loved the idea! The name of the game is ‘011’ and you will find me, Thomas [Vikström, vocals], Christian [Vidal, guitars], Johan [Koleberg, drums], Snowy [shaw, session/touring vocalist], Katarina [Lilja, session/touring vocalist], Lori [Lewis, session/touring vocalist], and Nalle [Påhlsson, bass] appearing as even more fantastic characters than we are in reality! There will be more news on this coming soon!” According to the Scribabs website, “‘011’ is set in a time ucronic, during an undefined ‘year 011.’ The world can be described as an alternate version of XIX century. The world can be described as an alternate version of the nineteenth century. Science is deeply bound with esotericism, as many religions and creeds coexist with philosophies and convictions, in a cauldron of cultures and ideals that is both challenging and frightening at the same time. Science is deeply bound with Esotericism, as with many religions and philosophies co-exist… in a cauldron of cultures and ideals that is both challenging and frightening at the same time. Events take place in Turin. Events take place in the magical city par excellence of Turin.” The website goes on to say: “One of the very particular notes is the extraordinary participation in the game, in the guise of Protagonists, of the members of THERION, the Swedish symphonic metal band founded by Christofer Johnsson. The musicians have performed with great steam punk enthusiasm to embody the atmosphere of the game. The month of June will see the creation of a video… in which the band will appear in the alter ego of themselves in the game. For now we can say nothing more!” View the Scribabs homepage (in English via Google Translate) for a description of “011” and more pictures here http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=it&tl=en&u=http://www.scribabs.it/
  18. Mali nije zaista povraćao, vidi se da je fake. Pogotovo što se snimanje završi odmah nakon toga, čuje se dugme.
  19. Lou

    Amon Amarth

    Akerfeldt, naravno.
  20. Lou

    Amon Amarth

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teJUfTbjmLk&feature=feedu Johan zvuči kao Mikael, haha.
  21. Česi. Navikao sam da zajebancije stižu iz tih predela.
  22. Oštra kritika. Budući da sam video ovde tvoj ukus, pretpostavljam i da je opravdana.
  23. Zvuči zanimljivo.
  24. Ja nisam hteo da gledam dok ne se ne pojavi DVD rip... 'Bem li ga, pogledaću, radi reda.
  25. Lou


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