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Everything posted by Lou

  1. 'Ajde što svi živi hoće da prave neke super-grupe, pa najčešće ne ispadne ništa posebno, ali nikako mi nije jasno za koji kurac više iko želi da ima veze sa Maksom.
  2. As you surrender to the virginborn and as you bow in faithful devotion To the golden laws of manmade instinct We take a look in the crystal ball
  3. Rif je bombona, pesma sasvim dobra. Nisam našao dobar rip, samo 192kbps, budite milostivi ako naiđete.
  4. U duhu skorašnjih zezancija. Pa i Metju "now-would-be-the-time-to-take-my-shirt-off" Mekonahi dobi sada, šta reći.
  5. Lou


    Start with a text book bowl cut One you can mow down slow as you grow up Learn a couple great new curse words Buzz a cool rat tail, take 2, your turn
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLkTNVKH0Sw
  7. Lou


    Kada bude izbacio album, i ja ću do glave.
  8. Ja se tako nasmejah i na "Glumca".
  9. Sve je jasno kada moj crnja Leo još uvek nema Oskara.
  10. Lou


    Meni je prvo Thorns bio na pameti, nije mi toliko važno šta radi sa onom ekipom. Videćemo da li će da odsvira neku novu pesmu, tako neko sranje, to bi bio pokazatelj razvoja stvari.
  11. Lou


    Ako su mogli jednom da dođu, mogu ponovo. Taman da sviraju negde gde im neće uključiti svetlo i skratiti set kao slepci iz SKC-a onomad.
  12. Lou


  13. Lou


  14. Lou


    Pa kaže Satyr: Rockefeller 21st of March! More and more guests are getting onboard for this special night and check this out: Snorre Ruch/S.W Krupp/Blackthorn, the mastermind of many names, shapes and forms is coming to play Thorns with us! The cult act Thorns is one of Black Metal's first and most inspirational band, influencing bands like Mayhem, Darkthrone, Emperor, Burzum and so on. Satyr has worked closely with Thorns' music, and Mr Ruch worked closely with Satyricon on Now, Diabolical and The Age Of Nero. Together we will perform classic songs from the album Thorns that Satyr co-produced and did vocals on. Thorns do not play live, so this is the first time these song will be performed live with one of Norwegian Black Metal's most influential artists on stage for this exclusive. With Darkthrone's Nocturno Culto and Sivert Høyem already confirmed as guest artist, this is shaping up to be a night to remember. PA JEBEM IM OCA KAKO SADA U OSLO DA ODEM
  15. Nema, to je to. Jednog dana da odem, da mrem.
  16. Taj death metaller je preslikani Samoth.
  17. Na prethodnoj strani Chelsea Wolfe teme. Identična priča, 'bem li ga.
  18. Na Obscene Extreme su najbolje žurke. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSxNHVprjjE
  19. Obratite pažnju na to kako Džona Hil pogleda Lea.
  20. Eno, rekosmo azal i ja na prethodnoj strani.
  21. Lou


    Talvi, nisi pomenuo Snoreta, šupičkumaterinu.
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