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Everything posted by KRANG

  1. http://www.zerosec.ws/dexter-s04e01-preair-xvid-tl/ FUCK YEAH
  2. KRANG

    Sunn O)))

    ja idem ako remover ide
  3. gledo sam neki standup ovog morona, nije los : - I like to read the Bible in public places so people are watching me read it, and I just like to murmur out to myself...Oh bullshit!! - I like to go the Olive Garden by myself on Saturday night and have the waiter sing the Happy Birthday song to me...and just sit there and cry - my girlfriend looks a little like Charlize Theron... and a lot like Patrick Ewing - Whenever i am with a woman I like to whisper softly in her ear. "Touch my vagina." and she's like "What?!" and I'm like that's what your supposed to say. - My sister was recently diagnosed with multiple personalities... yesterday she called me... and my caller ID exploded. - My southern accent starts to come out a little when I drink. Like I'll say "Y'all" or "Niggers" or things like "Y'all niggers git away from me - What is it Noam Chomsky used to say about eating pussy? - Using the N-word is wrong, but I did use the term “Sand nigger once… Not, like, as in to demean Arab people or something. I said “Get off the sand nigger, volleyball’s a white man’s sport. - And finally, I dream of moving to India, or Pakistan, and becoming a cabdriver.
  4. moracu da napravim novi username i krenem iz pocetka, ne postoji kul nacin da se izvucem iz ove situacije sada
  5. imas linkove na http://meatspin.com/
  6. HEALTH - Get Color [2009] - http://www.sendspace.com/file/ereutm - http://rapidshare.com/files/264668609/Color.rar ocekujem da ce biti makar u top5 godine sad se pojavili linkovi
  7. mozda nekog zanima novi mute math album http://www.mediafire.com/?rnhx4zdz2zl
  8. super, onaj prosli njegov ep je bio super
  9. second wave je bolji, ima par novih pesama, a najbolje stvari sa tsunamija su ponovo snimljene i zvuce jos bolje. taj novi je najavljen bas odavno ali od tada im je i sajt crko a meinspace ne apdejtuju, nema semena od te price WHAT IS LOVE??? baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more sad ce ovo da vam svira u glavi ceo dan
  10. KRANG


    i put on my robe...
  11. B92: Mladić živi u starom automobilu
  12. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LEAWGO42 Mew - No More Stories EP
  13. medusa hat!!!! 500$ + 250 za naočare
  14. haha, new moon. to ko twilight nastavak verovatno i ciljaju na slicnu publiku sad kad razmislim
  15. magnolia electric co - josephine mediafire pogresio sam temu, ko ga jebe
  16. jeste da je verovatno skriptovano, ali sam umro od smeha mein kugelsack ima dobar video ovde http://www.thebrunomovie.com/featured/brun...v-movie-awards/ mortiisov sin
  17. evo pojavila se nova pesma http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDDmLwxMwAY
  18. dobre vesti
  19. na mom si bolovo btw, ni ne znaš šta je sarkazam
  20. http://www.empireonline.com/crypticcanvas/ resio sam svih 50.
  21. najsličnije što sam mogao da nađem je ova slika banana pištolja
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