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Everything posted by KRANG

  1. hehe, video sam taj test.. meni je ispalo: You are... an atheist, though you probably already knew this. Also, you probably have several people praying daily for your soul. Instead of simply being "nonreligious," atheists strongly believe in the lack of existence of a higher being, or God. atheism 100% Satanism 96% Buddhism 63% Islam 58% Paganism 46% Judaism 42% agnosticism 42% Christianity 8% Hinduism 4% ** ..The universe is completely self-contained and not affected by anything outside itself... What place, then, for a creator? Stephen Hawking
  2. zašto mi niko ne odgovara na pitanje?
  3. verujete li u boga? ima li to neke veze sa inteligencijom? (mislim, to da li je neko religiozan.)
  4. sad ću da uzmem da ga preslušam.. skinuo sam i ovo Circa Survive - Juturna.. upravo
  5. pojavio se novi dream ja skinuo, ali nisam slušao više od jedne pesme. priča se i da nije loš. edit: tarja? sad si preterao.. vrati sliku onog pedera.
  6. ozbiljno? moraću da proverim. koji mi album preporučuješ za početak?
  7. ako ti kažeš, onda mora da je mnogo dobra grupa
  8. KRANG

    Anal Cunt

    a ovo je tema
  9. pa vidiš da može.. nemam ja pojma oko tih stvari..
  10. evo ti: samo, slika se nešto smanjila.. možda što mi je ušla neka vlaga u aparat.
  11. evo vam malo orphaned landa: i još malo i malo Paradise LostA
  12. KRANG


    jel mogu da stignem da izvadim vizu za ovih nekoliko dana?
  13. KRANG


    to je iz studija čoveče.. novi album. forest metal!
  14. KRANG


    šta bre? ja sam upravo skinuo.. i sad sam proverio link. radi najnormalnije.. samo klikni i odaberi opciju "free"
  15. KRANG


    evo nešto direktno iz studija... sa novog albuma, postavljeno na rapidshare: http://rapidshare.de/files/1945731/opeth_interlude.mp3.html
  16. e, svaka ti čast kako si ovo genitalno sročio/la
  17. izašao je novi album.. Kénôse evo prvi review na koji sam naišao: album ima samo 3 pesme, 30 minuta... deathspell potvrđuju dominaciju današnjom bm scenom
  18. KRANG


    ladno sam pročitao "face lift", i onda sam pao sa stolice slučajno.
  19. ja neću da skidam ništa, dok se na torrentima ne pojavi.. dosta što sam jednom skidao 100 MB za džabe.. poželeo sam labriju sve najgore tada.. moji krici i proklinjanja su odzvanjali krajem.
  20. hmmm.. imaš rezon tu. haha ali, ti si prvi to rekao za katatoniju.. za ulver se već sve zna.. blood inside je novo poglavlje u istoriji muzike uopšte
  21. mračnije.. znači biće verovatno više vokalno orijentisan album + teže gitare.. ne znam kako će to da ukomponuju, ali što reče kent, ja očekujem ni manje ni više nego novo poglavlje u istoriji gitarske muzike.. toliko što se očekivanja tiče.. videćemo šta će od svega ispasti
  22. ovaj prethodni post je izlišno komentarisati.. ---- aaa.. leba vam.. ja zaboravio da prenesem PRVI deo intervjua. nisam sve selekovao pri kopiranju.. evo početka: Being known as one of the most depressive, melancholic and emotional bands to appear in the metal scene, Katatonia is a band that (hopefully) doesn’t need any further presentation. After releasing two compilation packages containing all of their old EP´s and Demos and scheduling several live dates throughout Europe, the band is now working on their new long awaited album. - We are working on the new songs now in our “home studio”, but we haven’t entered the real studio yet. So when have you planned to enter the studio? - I think it will be sometime near the first of June and we will probably be recording in the studio for about a month or so. So all in all I guess the album will be released sometime during the end of October. What can we expect from the new album? Will it sound much like Viva Emptiness or different? - It will sound in the vein of Viva Emptiness, but I feel like the songs on the new album will be a bit darker. The new album will also contain a bit more complex arrangement. But we are not finished yet so its difficult to say. What I noticed on Viva Emptiness was that although it was a Metal album, it did have that certain “rock” feeling to it. Will the new album sound the same way? - I understand what you mean, but I think that the new album will be more metal with more heavy riffs. Will you be releasing any single before the full length? - We are discussing that at the moment. Our label wants us to do it, so hopefully we will release a single in the end of summer sometime. But nothing is decided yet. Yeah, because I was thinking of your older albums like Last Fair Deal Gone Down for example when you released Teargas before the full length as the single. - Yes, but at that time it was us who wanted to release the single and not our label. What about the cover? Will Travis Smith do the new cover as usual? - We haven’t actually decided that yet, so I’m not really sure who will do the new cover. Travis Smith is the guy who has done most of our stuff, so then perhaps it’s about time to try working with someone new. So that’s why we are still undecided.
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