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Everything posted by KRANG
od novijih vesti: momci su već snimili negde oko 100 minuta novog materijala, u demo kvalitetu i sa drum mašinom.. čeka se izdavač, i kad ga nađu, par nedelja u studio i imamo album vrlo brzo. po dužini, rekao bih da će ipak biti dupli, ako ga ne iseku značajno. odlična vest
This has got to be just about the most retarded mallcore album masquerading as metal I’ve ever heard. Granted, I haven’t heard many, but if this shit came on the radio tomorrow I can guarantee the baggy pant-legged skaterboarder jerkoffs who listen to homosexual noise like this would be all over it in a second. The most distinguishing aspect of Polars is that it “features” a retarded screamer (of the hardcore genre variety) who sounds like the guy from Korn after he was gang raped in prison by a mob of HIV positive shemales. The guitar riffs are total nu-metal/hardcore faggotry, and I think I even caught a few hardcore breakdowns in there. In case you still have any doubts at all, let me say it once more: THIS IS NOT METAL. PERIOD. -- nešto ne verujem da ću nabavljati ovo.
a ja taman mislio da te zovem "bačje".. sad ništa.. treba to da zaslužiš prvo.. razočarao si.
jebote, kad kent postuje na nekoj temi, ja ne moram.. same goes here
šta bre pare, smeo bih u desnu ruku da se kladim (htedoh da kažem u sopstvena muda, ali sam onda shvatio da stvarno previše psujem) -- osim toga, ja sam relativno zadovoljan bojom kose.. bila je još 100x gora prvi dan. malo sam je popravio posle.. sad mi je sve jedno. pazite ove brojeve: 5 12 16 21 31 32 38 na njih sam igrao loto (prvi put in a lifetime), i dobijam sigurno.. ako neko želi da postane milioner, neka odigra slobodno, pa ćemo podeliti iznos.
jest! ovo: 01 06:42 Poison Eggs 02 05:50 Life Under the Swatter 03 04:09 Hive Destruction 04 11:48 Relocation Swarm 05 05:42 Streetcleaner 06 02:24 Charmicarmicat Shines to Earth 07 05:26 The Minus Times 08 07:17 Red Sea 09 06:02 Smiles and Handshakes 10 04:26 Catalyst 11 04:40 Ochre 12 05:52 Lines Across Eyes 13 08:36 Hand of Doom to.. nisam stigao ni da preslušam .. u zadnjih nedelju dana sam nabavio preko 30 GB DOBRE muzike.. užas
vidi malog kako je naoštrio kurac.. ako si jebo nešto (ako si uopšte), ne znači da si uhvatio boga za muda.. proći će te i to, videćeš jebote al psujem kao svinja. užas.
aaaa.. pa što odma ne kažeš?! tek sad nemam pojma o čemu pričaš. umirem od gladi, jer nisam izašao da kupim hranu, devojka mi nije došla danas da mi donese nešto, a sada mi je mnogo hladno da izlazim napolje i mnogo me mrzi + nemam ništa u frižideru + sutra imam ispit koji nisam spremio. zato sam igrao loto i nadam se sedmici, pa da mogu da batalim ovaj život. eto šta, jebo si nešto?
wtf? -- btw, provalio sam da u "mi nismo anđeli2" ona riba čita alistera kroulija do jaja
ok.. viđao sam i ranije postove od samo jednog smajlija, ali nikad neki koji je delovao ovako debilno ... da se vratim na temu: preslušao album jednom, i ne dopada mi se previše.. to je sve za sada.
lyckantropen zakon!!!! ja sam se odvalio kad sam nekoć nabavio.. btw, "nekoć" je do jaja reč, samo ne znam šta tačno znači. znam približno @slopdiver: baš sam je tako i zamišljao!! kako ono beše telefon? a,da: 343-0205 nisam zvao odavno. napravimo neki avantgUarde party i zovemo i nju.
a što sam ja glup?! btw, odakle su uopšte anekdoten? šta na njihovom jeziku znači seljak? glupa je kentova fora. šta sam trebao da kažem: "jeee, koja fora, anektoden ima pesmu "seljak", vidi kakva genijalna dosetka, pao sam na bulju od smeha"? aj leba ti... :evovamgana:
ove obrade ac/dc su jedan od najgorih albuma koje sam ikad čuo. a čuo sam mnogo glupih albuma
donesi. meni je odličan.
ništa veći od tebe diveru mi Op*th fanovi smo je*eno glupi ajde me sad svi jebite..
uuu, bilo koja od te 3 pesme, i ja sam srećan keva?! pa... može, ako nije mnogo matora.. i ako ima snus. ajd kad se vidimo
znam ali ipak:
ma kallocain bre. za anekdoten već rekoh da je fenomenalan. prepun raznih soničnih bogatstava.
pecite ih na 200 stepeni 2 sata, gotovi su.
ma ko njih jebe.. i onako su svinje. ovaj novi paatos odličan album, a ja ga tek sad nabavio.. seljak
tačno tako.. nemam čak ništa ni da dodam, rekao si sve. mene su i karma i epica oduvali već n aprvo slušanje, a ovaj slušam već 10i put i .. ništa.. dobar album, ali nije to to
šta je to? zanimljivo.. evo, sentenced se raspadaju.. We’d better put this out in the open before you hear it somewhere else. The title of the new album is ”The Funeral Album”, and with it we, SENTENCED, are coming to the end of our road. This album will be our last one. The decision is mutual, thoroughly thought over and final. Metaphorically speaking, this is a mass suicide of 5, and the new album is the kind of note we want to leave behind. One last time around for good-byes. The decision was made during 2004. The reasons are many, and I don’t feel any need to go into details here. I will say however, that everyone will walk away as friends. In my eyes we are even not splitting up, but ending our recording career together. And there is major difference between those two. Our wish was always to go out with style and at the peak of our so called success. I think with ”The Funeral Album” we will do exactly that. Once the album is released, there will be an undefined number of farewell shows. When, where and how many, those are questions that at this point remain open. Intense and long touring, however, will unfortunately not follow, and most of these shows will take place on festivals where we can reach as much people as possible at one time. At the moment it seems that all of these funeral shows will be in Europe. If everything goes as planned, we will also make a live-DVD out of those last shows and include a lot of stuff from the past on it. Not to mention all the music-videos we have done during the years. The working title for the DVD is ”Buried Alive”. After that SENTENCED is no more. And: THIS IS IT. There will not be a re-union, come-back, or any other pathetic and soap-operish circus that seems to be in fashion these days. SENTENCED will rest in peace. We will make the most out of the band’s last year, and hope you will all join us. See you on the last run. /Lopakka & SENTENCED
da, da.. slatki možeš da jedeš nekoliko dana, pa se pokvari.. kiseli možeš da jedeš mnogo duže.. mada se slabo razumem u kupus.
da, jonas, pokazao si mi.. nego, šta si slušao od ovih zadnjih 5?