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Everything posted by KRANG

  1. KRANG


    ne seri??? zamisli taj sunnO))) album: jedna pesma sa ulver, +jedna sa njim. npr white4 jebote daj izvor!
  2. KRANG


    ma odmah su se izdvojile sve pesme. hm.. šta zanči "alaj"?
  3. KRANG


    naravno da imam, i to na originalu. onda na audio kopijama originala koje sam narezao (koju ću ti i dati, i koja je ista kao original) i na nekoliko mesta na mp3 .. meni je sa deliverance nekako najdraža "a fair judgement".. iako cenim da nije najbolja.. ali ima nešto!!! što se ne može opisati ovim našim bednim jezikom
  4. KRANG


    odlična je recenzija.. u svari, u pravu si.. moja greška.. nisam ni mislio da je potcenjen, jer oni kji se razumeju i koji su ga čuli, oslično znaju koliko vredi.. hteo sam da kažem da album (a i svi ostali njihovi albumi) zaslužuje mnooogo više publike, mnogo više prodatih diskova.. i priznanje od mnogo šireg kruga ljudi.. razumeš šta pokušavam da kažem.. jebi ga, malo sam isprao mozak pivom pa mi ne ide. - ny times radi metal recenzije?! svi opeth albumi su na vrhu..
  5. ma jevreji su kEwL btw, my negation = nova lethe.. jes toliko dobra!!
  6. just kidding... tool jebe se meni za politiku. -- btw, "my negation" razara!!
  7. KRANG


    (n)utopia je đavolski dobar album. nisam ga još dovoljno preslušao, ali prvi utisak je prilično jak
  8. bravo curice aj sad maknite te kukaste krstove, vređate moja pro-jevrejska osećanja
  9. a evo i malo besplatne pornografije:
  10. ovo je zakon: Gothics. When they're not getting their asses kicked, they're busy getting drunk and having sex with dead animals. They give me diarrhea. What the hell's wrong with them? They always look pale, weak and sickly. Nothing a reality check can't fix. But no, they choose to dress up like french poets and walk around like vampires. Why don't you losers get a life and quit pretending like you're depressed? Maybe then people will stop treating you like the dipshits that you are, and you'll gain some respect. You know, I've done my homework. I've probably checked out over 50 pages by people who consider themselves "gothic." I've read over 20 definitions, and none of them were consistent. They're quick to label themselves as gothics, but they can't even pick a definition and stick with it. Instead, they allow people like myself to stereotype them by aesthetics. The bottom line is, that there probably isn't a universally accepted definition of a gothic because the entire movement or lifestyle (or lack thereof) revolves around just that: aesthetics. Sounds trivial and unimportant to me. Don't get me wrong here, I have nothing against depressed people. As I come to understand it, most gothics aren't even depressed. They just act that way because they're cowards. Cowards afraid of dying. I almost laughed out loud when I first read this. Afraid of dying? Why is this even an issue? Well tough shit. If they're so afraid of dying, then they shouldn't have been born. Not my loss. They're so afraid of death and dying, yet they smoke, drink and have unprotected sex. I know not all gothics are like that, but I don't give a shit about being politically correct. So don't mail me saying "On your page you said all [insert name of dipshits here] are [insert stereotype here]." Yes, I know. Nobody cares. My point is that gothics are shitty, and something should be done about them. I propose that we build a giant cannon, gather up all the gothics, pack them into the cannon, and launch them into a brick wall. SLAM. No more gothics. Maybe then they'd have a reason to be depressed. That is, if any of them lived. They're all so pale and weak that a mere launch into a brick wall might finish them off. I was going to talk about this girl I went to high school with that was a shit-eating gothic, but I'm too tired. Just take my word for it, she was shitty.
  11. ommm.. lethe : meni najbolja pesma u celom melodeath pravcu.. nikad prevaziđena.. jebi ga, ali ovaj novi ima mnogo dobrih pesama.. tj SVE su dobre.. ispada da mi je najslabija lost to apathy, a i ona mi je izuzetno dobra!! sad baš slušam endless feed.. to da čuješ sinko, pa da vidiš šta je moderno, melodično i još uvek jebe keve u maniru starog d.t-a
  12. KRANG


    našao sam lepu recenziju za deliverance: 1. wreath 100/100 2. deliverance 100/100 3. a fair judgement 100/100 4. for absent friends 100/100 5. master's apprenices 100/100 6. by the pain i see in others 100/100 šta reći.. apsolutno se slažem.. meni je prvih par meseci to bio najlošiji opeth-ov album, ali brzo se to promenilo. u svakom slučaju, album je bolno potcenjen.. šteta.
  13. leba ti? mora da si odgledao spot za "rejection role"..
  14. pa da.. a posle sam slušao pero defformero.. onda mi je novi dark tranquilliy izgledao kao planina -- ozbiljno: stvarno mislim da im je ovo najbolji album.. videćemo samo koliki mu je rok trajanja
  15. ona četvrta.. što leškari na travi.. je muško? ja glasam za drugu.
  16. nešto kratko sam gledao onaj njihov dvd, i oduševio se.. btw, zadnji album je odličan... kao i "awaking.." uostalom
  17. o, zašto li sam i nabavljao ovo? ima puno potencijala, ali usrani core vokal ga ubi!! jednostvno ne mogu da slušam..
  18. ja sam ga preslušao 3 puta.. ne volim tako rano da dajem neke komentare, ali ipak evo: mislim da je ovo najbolji album d.t. do sada.. da , bolji i od gallery, i od damage done... i od svih ostalih.. najbolji album u 2005 do sada znao sam da me neće razočarati.. character je BOMBA!!!!!
  19. @Agarth : ok..možda... nego, bio sam u toj fazi kad sam o napisao.. sad se ne skidam sa sunn0))) i sa mar de grises ali meni je pantheist bolji od zadnja 2 shape of despaira (da se razumemo: ta 2 SoD albuma smatram apsolutno genijalnim)
  20. o tome mi ovde gulimo već zadnje 2 strane..
  21. bla.. ne znam.. jotun, swim, moonshield, jeseter race, only ftw, artefacts.., embody..
  22. zezaš me?? joj, mrzi me da idem da se preganjam sa onim mentolima na faxu, sad ću ti poslati spisak šta da mi narežeš!!!! jedva čekam da čujem ovo! novi dt. ... .. to sam čekao
  23. KRANG

    Sunn O)))

    kažem da postoji bend Moonn D))) kao neki tribute. i sranje je. ¦³µÛ¤@ÂIÂIªº¤£ª¾©Ò±¹, ¦ý§Ú¨S¦³¤Ó¦hªº±Ã¤ã. §Ú¤£©È, ¦]§Ú•|«Ü«i´±«Ü°í±j¦a¥h­±¹ï. ³Ì«á¤@¤Ñ¤F, ¦^•Q³o¨Ç¦~¦, ¦bccfªº¤é¤l, µo²{§ÚOªÅªÅªº¨Ó, º¡º¡ªº¨«. ¸g¹ ¥~­±ªºªÅ¦a, ¤UµÛ•L•Lªº²Ó«B, •Q°_¨º¦~, s³­§Ú¦b¿OW¤U§¤µÛ. ¥Lݵۧڭúݨ£¤F§ÚªºË¤ß»P±Y¼ì. §Ú­Ì•|O¤@½ú¤lªºªB¤Í~~~§Úªº¹ï¯ºÖO¤£•|°±¤îªº, §AÄ@•N¸ò§Ú¥h»{ÃѤ@¤U¨º¦ìÅý§Ú¥i¥Hº¡¤ß¥­¦wªºÍ¢Ü? kapiraš?
  24. šteta što se ovde malo govori o njima.. moj prvi utisak kad sam čuo je bio da su vokali fenomenalni. malo sam se plašio kad je mike otišao, ali Peter je odradio za medalju
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