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očekivao sam možda i album godine, ali ovo je nadmašilo sva moja očekivanja. trebalo mi je 3 puta da ga obrnem dok mi nije ušlo u glavu (n.h.). šta je ovo, post britpop?
are you mad because of my failure master, do you want to whip me now? I'll go get the whip. -- edit: ovaj aereogramme nije mogao više da me iznenadi.. ovo je čist britpop, u pičku materinu.. sad sam ispreskakao album, ne može rif da se čuje. deluje super cool, though
ne seri!! stvarno je aereogramme! transkod, ali nema veze. odoh na fax da skinem ovo. u jebote
Tom Waits - Orphans 1 Brawlers http://www.sendspace.com/file/khn7r7 Orphans 2 Bawlers http://www.sendspace.com/file/fm0ugqj Orphans 3 Bastards http://www.sendspace.com/file/feu3r7 -- postrockxchange. sad sam nasao tom waitsa tamo.. a ima i onaj alog. gledao sam ih sinoc na dispatchu. bili su prilicno zanimljivi. ali oni ljudi tamo... uh. bio je neki lik sa tankom majcom i prugastim shalom. ostali su bili jos gori. -------- ------- @balavko. daj link do te teme gde je ostavljen aereogramme
isti kao i svi prethodni . ako volis jedan, volis sve. -- btw ovde ima dosta zanimljivih albuma, link je zadnja rec. hideurl i obicno vodi na sendspace. http://ritmono.blogspot.com/
to sigurno nije novi aereogramme.. nema ga jos ni na oinku. evo ti kurac. 8=====D ---- 8==============D ---- otkud znam.. rekli su mi za 10-15 dana najvise, pre tacno 16 dana. posto je sada vikend, cenim u ponedeljak..
oćeš i pedikira uz to? slušaj kujo, ako hoćeš da donosiš neka pravila, bolje počni da doprinosiš temi tako što ćeš postovati koji album.
album je super.. ne kapiraš ti to, moj primitivni prijatelju.
sigurno nisi "dobro kliknuo na link" klinki bolje sledeći put
the cure? ako nema nikakvog repovanja i nu sranja, možda i skinem to.. čuo sam onu beware the water, dobra je.. ako ima boljih, skidam. ima li boljih?
nikog ne zanima šta ti misliš kujo
imam ja album, i uploadovaću ga čim mi puste adsl. hopefully sutra
evo još par stvari (uglavnom šugejz), sa sve malim recenzijama: naravno, pod jedan.. My Bloody Valentine - Loveless -{Download}- http://www.sendspace.com/file/fd30mc I think it would be borderline pretentious to start the thread in any other way. There's never been an album quite like it before, or since. There's been apeings of it (some of which are superb and feature later) but it's got a charm and an essence that defies artistic theft. It's like some kind of beautiful copyright. Obvious highlights being Sometimes and To Here Knows When. The former is probably the least adventerous song on the album, and it almost sounds of out-of-place. Luckily, it's a tune to die for. Absolute melt-o-rama, and my second favourite song of all time. To Here Knows When is a stark contrast, very difficult but utterly encapsulating. But I imagine most of you know all this. However, if just one person discovers Loveless from this thread, then it's all been worth it. Drop Nineteens - Delaware Released: 1992 -{Download}-http://www.sendspace.com/file/4ez1ic Drop Nineteens just never got there. They came so close, though. Delaware is almost a fantastic album, but it falls short due to one or two tracks being a bit lazy. Lazy, but interesting. The most admirable thing they ever did was to really focus on the dynamics of Delaware. Anybody and everybody that can play guitar reasonably and has shit hot equipment can drone your brain out with an Em extended over the course of ten minutes, but Drop Nineteens dared to try something a bit more interesting. Did it work? For the most part, yes. Mixing shoegazing songs with acoustic numbers is a really great idea, especially when the acoustic work on this album is quite mesmerising. Then there's Winona. A song that for about 10 to 15 seconds literally sounds like the greatest thing to ever pass through my ears. I really wish they could have written an album with songs as good as Winona but it's still a good album. Astrobrite - Pinkshinyultrablast Released: 2006 -{Download}- http://www.sendspace.com/file/b7si8m For this analogy I'm going to have to mention Loveless again. Sorry. If Loveless was Oasis's Morning Glory, then Pinkshinyultrablast is the bloated Be Here Now that My Bloody Valentine never got around to making. Pinkshinyultrablast is a collection of songs recorded by Scott Cortez (of various projects, such as lovesliescrushing) throughout the 90s. It really is hugely bloated, but it's absolutely beautiful in a really tacky way. It's all about being as noisy and melodic as possible without restraint. Let this sweep you away. 'Shot Forth Self Living' | Medicine Great album, I think this might be my favourite shoegaze album after Loveless. The first four tracks are stupendously brilliant. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5HOE96NS Lush - Gala Released: 1990 -{Download}-http://www.sendspace.com/file/5ocsah OH WELL THAT ONLY TOOK FOREVER. I had this uploaded to 98% and then I got disconnected! But I got there eventually. Gala is a collection of the bands early EPs but I think was flogged as their debut in America. The thing with Lush is, they're sort of good by default. Miki Bereny's vocals are very sexy, and the guitars are nicely disorientating. But there's not much more than that. If they could have written better songs they would have been really special but as it is, Gala works as a very nice bit of background music. Hmm. I'm not entirely sure why I've uploaded this. I think it's because they do seem to have a lot of fans, so I suppose someone who hasn't heard them before might download it and like them more than me. And I do like them. Just...not that much. But also, they're an important part of the history of shoegazing in a way. They had no real impact, but at times it sounds like they were perfectly valid in their own right and don't deserve to be called bandwagon jumpers. On the other hand, sometimes they do. Make up your own mind! Oh, but of course, an exception to all of that is the song De-Luxe, which features on here. Coolest song ever. Slowdive - Just For A Day Released: 1991 -{Download}- http://www.sendspace.com/file/g33bgp Nicky Wire once said that Slowdive were worse than Hitler. Mmmm ambient holocaust. I think Nicky has always taken issue with shoegazing, or anything that's gone through a fad and isn't so literally in your face as the Manics are. It's that kind of attitude that gives shoegazing a bit of a bad reputation. Why does music have to be loud, shouty and to-the-point for it to be intense? Don't get me wrong, I know not all music is means to a mutual end. I do think, though, that the line between abstract creativity and simplicity is quite blured in the eyes of shoegazings critics. Slowdive, from day one, have set themselves up for lazy reviews and are a soft target. The main reason for that, I think is because they were around when shoegazing was at its peak (yes, not a coincidence, I realise) so even their slightly more "difficult" approach was brought to the mainstream. Or the indie mainstream. Of course they do have tunes, they're not a drone act, and they're not an ambient act either -- they're just very pure. Just For A Day showcases them learning how to overwhelm by underwhelming, and how to make even the biggest, most suffocating waves of noise sound delightfully calm. BUT! It's not chill-out music, for gawds sake. That's the beauty of it. To a passing listener (like say, oh Nicky Wire) it probably does sound like something from "Soothing Vibes 10" but it's not. It's layered to fuck. And it's very conceptual, you have to stick with it until the very end. I said this about their song, Alison -- some days it sounds as bad as avarege. Other days it sounds as good as breathtakingly devastating. Asobi Seksu - Citrus Released: 2006 -{Download}-http://www.sendspace.com/file/kdfbz9 Posters in music chat may not be aware of the 89 page appreciation thread for our very own Nadine (N, Nads, nadinosaur TO AVOID CONFUSION wtf.gif) started by me. It actually has nothing to do with this, but anybody who turns me to something as good as Citrus deserves a WHEAT sized thread and a giant cheesecake. I don't care how sycophantic it is, ily nads for this. And when you hear it you should love her too. Although because it was technically me who passed this on, I'll be taking the love. That's final. Anyway. I don't really know how to describe this. In a lazy journalist kind of way, I'd say it's like Belle and Sebastian meets Lush. But just....much better than that suggests. There are a few things I should clear up from the start. This is shoegazing but it's evolved shoegazing, it's not just noise and drums. It meets indie half way, but somehow keeps it all about the noise underlying it. New Years is dreamy beyond belief, and I defy you not to melt yer glutes off during the swooping chorus. Then there's Strawberries, which is in fact probably the least shoegazery song on the whole album but it still characterises everything you'd get from a shoegazing song by being very strange and beautiful. Go back to Strawberries and play it again until you appreciate it, because it's difficult to realise how great it is after listening to the rest of the album. There are times when they depart their evolved middle-ground and go all-out on us. Red Sea starts in a similar fashion but then for the final half of the song it's just fucking majestic. It's relentless noise-attack to your lobes, but it's heart-crushingly immense. This, and a a couple of other songs are the things that I feel have come the nearest to touching MBV's creative crowning glory -- To Here Knows When. That's not a superficial comparason, though. It's based on the songs ability to strike at exactly the right moment and for exactly the right amount of time that does it. It's like when people say the secret to comedy is timing. The timing is superb here. Then as soon as that ends, Goodbye starts. A poppier number with an intro so good it nearly hurts. Such a simple little riff but I love it. I LOVE IT. I won't turn this into a track-by-track analysis, even though I easily could. But let's just say the first half works as a beautiful setup and then the second half will blow you away with sophisticated shoegazing and pop brilliance. Air Formation - 57 Octave EP http://www.sendspace.com/file/v7nklq Air Formation - Stay Inside/Feel Everything http://www.sendspace.com/file/a4j5y8 -- My Bloody Valentine - Ecstasy and Wine EP http://www.sendspace.com/file/y7o4vg -------- -------- i na kraju sam osavio ovu genijalštinu: novi tim heker Tim Hecker - Harmony in Ultraviolet. http://www.sendspace.com/file/ux6d63 mirror: http://rapidshare.de/files/36507490/tim_hecker_-_harmony_in_ultraviolet.rar.html i ovo sranje što je dobilo 8.2 na pičforku pre par dana. Malajube Trompe l'oeil http://www.sendspace.com/file/k20kk1 @kent: verovatno je tamo veza mnogo brža, ali sami ti sharing sajtovi te limitiraju dok skidas. pravu brzinu bi mogao da postignes samo kad bi skidao dobro seedovan torrent. jel mogu torrenti tamo?
ima li neko link za red sparowes retal verziju? imam onaj promo i nisam ni hteo da slušam.. --- evo nekih instrumental sranja.. možda nekom fali nešto. nemam pojma koliko rade ovi linkovi jer sam ih upravo pokupio -- 65 Days of Static - One Time For All Time http://rapidshare.de/files/27272276/65_Day...or_All_Time.rar A Silver Mt. Zion - Born into Trouble as the Sparks Fly Upward http://rapidshare.de/files/27342633/A_Silv...s_Fly_Upwar.rar A Silver Mt. Zion - He Has Left Us Alone But Shafts of Light Sometimes Grace the Corners of Our Rooms http://rapidshare.de/files/20866416/A_Silv...ts_of_Light.rar A Silver Mt. Zion - Horses In The Sky http://rapidshare.de/files/27347511/A_Silv..._In_The_Sky.rar A Silver Mt. Zion - Pretty Little Lightning Paw http://rapidshare.de/files/27348004/A_Silv...ghtning_Paw.rar A Silver Mt. 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haha koji su oni carevi. odoh sad do ortaka da poskidam ovo.. valjda mi stiže adsl sutra/prekosutra, pa se možete nadati jednom albumu dnevno od mene na ovoj temi.
ok, šta sad sa tim? da ne planiraš da odeš na neki od tih koncerata? battle of mice je strašan! danas sam tek uspeo da skinem marcomanov link (tj da uzmem od ortaka koji je skinuo sa tog linka, hvala (marcomanu)!), i samo sam jednom preslušao... ovo je super.
gravity x album.. meni bio u top 10 2005. Örebro, Sweden.
boro, šta kažeš za truckfighters?
haha (ti imaš veoma neobičan smisao za humor)
to care!!!!! svaka čast! kakav je album?
o da!!! daj link, otkud ti? ----- a ovo: Stephen Brodsky - Stephen Brodsky's Octave Museum [2006/Hydra Head/MP3/282] jebaše mu kevu.. nije valjda toliko govno? a novi Boris? -- @oot: kuarc ću ja da nađem.. zatvorili mi računarski centar na faxu zbog popravki, kablovski net sam otkazao jer mi dosta zavlačenja sa tim majmunima, i sad čekam adsl od beotela "koji će biti za par dana".
da . mislio sam da će odložiti epizodu zbog toga.. kakva je epizoda?
450 dinara valjda
..of babies?
Mystery of the Urinal Deuce The world’s biggest conspiracy of all time will finally be uncovered when Eric Cartman exposes the true culprit behind the September 11th attacks. An attempted assassination in South Park means no one is safe from the people who are the real brains behind the 9/11 conspiracy. When Kyle and Stan hit the road in search of the truth, they come face-to-face with the masterminds who pulled off the most elaborate, intricate and flawlessly executed operation in American history.. -- 9/11 može da bude zanimljivo.