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Everything posted by KRANG

  1. that was soooo last week n00b
  2. snus?
  3. jel radi neko recenziju za Om novi?
  4. ovog lika treba postnatalno abortirati. jebeni debil. "rapchinu" omfg
  5. slažem se.. meni sgurno u top3 godine u ovom trenutku. sramota koliko malo ljudi znaju za njih.. npr na oink-u ima ukupno 34 downloada, a oceansize album u svom ko zna kom repostu preko 400. a nigde ga nisam ni video, osim tamo. seriously, what the fuck?
  6. da, da, sve sa 2 simfonijska orkestra, evnusima, klovnovima i slonovima-akrobatama.
  7. KRANG


    haha.. i ja slušam upravo po prvi put.. trebali su promeniti ime..
  8. to je vic za aristocrats film, i nema veze sa italijanima.. otvorio sam i temu ovde, uradi search za "aristocrats". - necenzurisani muhamed u zadnjoj epizodi. na to sam mislio.
  9. KRANG


  10. kružiil su netom oni necenzurisani klipovi, ali su svi bili fake. kao, pojaviće se necenzurisano na dvd-u.
  11. ma nisam ni mislio na to što si ti rekao, nego na ovakve pesme.. (da se ovo ne pretvori u copy paste temu narodnjačkih textova, a onda ode sve u kurac) ovaj asobi seksu je sranje, iako ima perfect 5 kao ocenu na IT, a hipsteri se utrkuju ko će više da ga nahvali.
  12. a??? ozbiljno, ovo nije ni duhovito.. samo dobijam još jaču želju da napustim ovu zemlju. a još ne nađoh ništa zanimljivo da skidam jutros, pa skidam Asobi Seksu - Citrus..
  13. ovo sam sad slučajno pokupio, pa da doprinesem: "Sinoc kad sam bila kod dragog na zurci, culi su se neki mnogo cudni zvuci. A ja volim harmonike zvuke, mesto strane galame i buke" "За тебе била сам ја у граду дроља последња, и све сам пристала ја, само да би с`тобом остала, Ти пропадаш, ти пропадаш јер се опијаш ти пропадаш, ти пропадаш јер се дрогираш Пристала заувјек сам ја, крај тебе бити робиња, и она кап из ока, што тече кад си дрогиран Ти пропадаш, ти пропадаш јер се опијаш ти пропадаш, ти пропадаш јер се дрогираш Окреће се свјет и са њиме ја, свако заљубљен само нисам ја Нек брину сад они сви, што пију исто као ти, нек брину исто као ти, свој живот што су срушили Ти пропадаш, ти пропадаш јер се опијаш ти пропадаш, ти пропадаш јер се дрогираш"
  14. KRANG


    napaljeni kreten™ -- spot ima cool delova. pesma mi malo zvuči kao mešuga za mentalno hendikepirane meets apc. kad su pričali po netu oni likovi što su slušali bila je skroz druga priča. nisam mnogo razočaran, though.. npr..6/10 za ovu prvu.
  15. naprotiv.. samo prevazilazi tvoje poimanje duhovitog.
  16. KRANG


    imaš nešto na umu? i'm gettin' all
  17. KRANG


    spot je odličan. a pesma... ne znam. nisam impresioniran, a očekivao sam da ću biti.
  18. pa??? proveri, pa ćeš videti. isto je kao megaupoad, ili bilo koji od tih hosting sranja, samo što ovi uglavom hostuju pornjavu. ali, to jeste album, provereno.
  19. koliko god to bilo dobro, imaš milion takvih recenzija po netu. najbojle recenzije su one za kayo dot sa metal-archives prosto moram da kopiram: <!--QuoteBegin-Art progressive indie noise avant-garde - 21% Written by LeTisonBrulant on January 11th+ 2006--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Art progressive indie noise avant-garde - 21% Written by LeTisonBrulant on January 11th @ 2006)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> How to begin with this review? After reading this, i'm sure a lot of you are probably gonna think i'm the 'METAL ONLY' type of guy with no 'diverse' and 'open-minded' tastes in music as some would say, but don't get me wrong, I am a big lover of post/indie rock, noise rock, avant-garde and all other weirdies in between. 'Dowsing Anemone with Copper Tongue' is the second full-length from 'Avant' metal band Kayo Dot, and having 3 full-lengths under the name MOTW. Just before listening to this album, my bullshit radar immediately flashed. Huge line-up and very fucking arrogant titles (Amaranth the Peddler. seriously, what the fuck? I don't care how many drugs, or how 'arty' you think you are, that's a fucking GAY title). Well, after all that bullshit, I decided to spin the album and try to leave these (un)comforting prejudices aside. 'Gemini Becoming the Tripod' kicks things off, and for some reason it's EXACTLY how I thought it would sound - long, boring, uninspired, trying to create an interesting atmosphere but failing at it on almost every level. There's a riff near the end, but that's not enough to cover the 8 minutes of your life that you'll never get back. The loud and obnoxious instrumentation creates a post-rock atmosphere, plus arrogance, more random bullshit and whatnot. Instead of creating repetitive trance-inducing atmosphere (like certain black metal bands), or calming, soothing drones (like some drone bands), the stuff here is 80% filler, 15% avant-riff bullshit and 5% of good stuff. Seriously, what the fuck? The second song, 'Immortelle And Paper Caravelle' (I know, it's hard not to laugh at the titles). I waited forever for it to start. Thing is it doesn't start. You can skip to almost anywhere in this song and what you'll hear is near-silence. It's nearly 10 minutes long too. Yes, I know, as 'open-minded' asshats would say, this is 'grower' music, but trust me, I can tell the difference between bullshit 'avant' music and actually grower music, stuff that has a certain level of complexity. 'Aura On An Asylum Wall' is the strongest song here (or should I say, the song that doesn't suck as much as the rest), despite having some random-as-all-fuck lyrics and a considerable amount of filler. 'On Limpid Form', the longest track (and supposedly the 'highlight), drags on for 18 fucking minutes. Eighteen. There's a few good moments (I'd say maybe a minute and a half of that), but it's usually just trying to be noise. Yeah, I said it. They try to be that noisy post-rock band that tries to be 'noise'. This isn't actual noise. Noise is stuff like Merzbow, Borbetomagus, Government Alpha etc. Not randomly plucking your instrument with that asian art chick that listens to indie rock and wears purple highliner and dies her hair pink (which, if you haven't realized it yet, is what Kayo Dot is all about). So, verdict? No matter how 'avant', 'indie', 'arty', 'original' or 'open-minded' you try to be, there's no enjoying of this album. I'd like to thank Opeth and misunderstanding of the 'avant-garde' term for breeding this monster that creates scenester kids. You know, that kid who walks around campus with a Pelican or Opeth shirt, arrogant look, and who's probably gonna end up writing a book about music and spirituality and...ok, i'll stop that for now. This is arrogant, over-the-top, 'noisy, and last but definitely not least boring music. Don't get it. Download it if you want, but whipe the dust off you delete button before you do. haha
  20. odakle? btw, fenomenalna epizoda!
  21. a koja je poenta kopiranja ovde recenzije nekog pank benda koju je pisala devojčica od 17 godina?
  22. mnogo bolji od remote.. relapse ima par opasnih naboda u zadnjih mesec dana..
  23. skinuću ajde.. jebote, ova poplava će me izludeti. uopšte ne mogu da odem do grada.. onaj put preko košutnjaka sa jednom trakom je zakrčen i treba mi 3 sata, a pored sajma je sada već preko pola metra vode, a mislim da su ga i zatvorili edit: gadget imam mesec dana, i rekao sam i ovde.. odličan album!
  24. ja hoću ako nije hip hop edit: Gnarls Barkley - St. Elsewhere [2006/MP3/224 (VBR)](New) HIP HOP eh..
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