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Everything posted by KRANG

  1. KRANG

    Sunn O)))

    4 evra razlika.. jebe mi se da li nas ide 7 ili 8. haha.. nema šanse da onaj lik sluša sunn 7 sati vožnje.. dođavola, nema šanse da ja slušam to.
  2. ovaj artic monkeys... ono.. ništa posebno. 360K za nedelju dana???!!!
  3. ma daj.. ---- čuo sam bre za njih, i pojavio se bio album na nekim sajtovima odakle skidam, ali nisam imao pojma da su posltali tako popularni za nedelju dana. baš me zanima na šta liči. kako je prošao lov?
  4. ha.. saznaću za 8 minuta (download) + t (t-vreme trajanja albuma). taj br fazon sa proćelavom svinjom je najbolji na ovoj temi ever.
  5. e, da.. kako komentarišete ovo: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/4660394.stm ////////////////// Arctic Monkeys make chart history Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys have had two number one singles The first album from indie band Arctic Monkeys has become the fastest-selling debut album in UK chart history. Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not was released on 23 January and has sold more than 360,000 copies. The Sheffield band's album is currently outselling the rest of the top 20 album chart combined. A spokesman for music retailer HMV said: "In terms of sheer impact... we haven't seen anything quite like this since The Beatles." ///////// jel čuo neko album? mrzi me da skidam edit: ma skidam.
  6. taj the ocean album.. stvarno. baš je bedno prošao... a super album. šteta što su nemci.
  7. ni ja se ne sećam da je neko postovao ovo:
  8. jebo wallpaper, jel našao neko pouzdane verzije tekstova? ima na darlyrics forumu ali su lupetanje.. btw, još nedelju dana do downloadovanja singla sa 2 nove cele pesme i "opium dub" verzijom my twina
  9. KRANG

    Sunn O)))

    neka.. onda ću snimati put...i koncert, pa makar se ništa ne čulo. pa ću vam narezati po dvd za dugo sećanje. stvarno, ko ide kombijem?
  10. haha.. nisam sigurno. možda samo odajem takav (lažni) utisak.. a ovo oko mog ushićenja na ovim stranicama: br sere.. ta recenzija koju sam linkovao je bend koji mi je ON preporučio.. pa sam mu ostavio recenziju da vidi.. a on je nahvalio još više nego u toj recenziji.. "tool meets isis itd.." posle dođe i kenja kako su je prehvalili. c'mon i ja sam mislio da vi volite to što ja postujem te recenzije. verujte da je to samo mali deo onoga što preslušam i stvarno se trudim da filtriram ono naj, naj, najbolje (hahah ) @jack rose: poradi na sintaksi.. zajebano je čitati to.. ipak je ovo forum, izražavaj se efektnije i zajebi pseudointelektualizme, niko ne želi da čita rečenicu 5 minuta da bi je shvatio. (dobronamerna primedba)
  11. KRANG

    Sunn O)))

    a ja sam napredovao jedan nivo i sad nosim kamkorder. samo ne znam za snimanje koncerta.. kad god sam snimao, mikrofon je "probio".. ima li neko iskustva s tim sranjem? da držim ruku preko mikrofona neprekidno?
  12. kompleksna je do moga..
  13. mislim da bih dobio unutrašnje krvarenje kad mi me neko naterao to da preslušam. ozbiljno.
  14. u pravu si. stvarno je odlično. i booklet je super. naučio sam neke nove stvari iz astronomije. improv? nisam džabe skidao 300 mb danas..
  15. ideš po ovoj zimi? strašno.. -- @br: http://www.ninehertz.co.uk/reviews.php?id=211
  16. može li nešto biti iritirajuće u dobrom smislu? ne znam da li je sjebano, ali ceo album je strašno disonantan i iritirajuć (u pozitivnom smislu).
  17. opaka prašina se diže na [ADVANCE] The Ladies - They Mean Us [2006/Temporary Residence] Rob Crow: co-creator of San Diego's sentimental pop superstars Pinback; leader of absurdist metal outfit Goblin Cock; former leader of Thingy and Heavy Vegetable; former member of Physics; accomplished solo performer in his own right. Zach Hill: one-half of the outlandish noise duo Hella; member of Deftones side-project Team Sleep; drummer for post-Marilyn Manson/A Perfect Circle stoner-rock combo Goon Moon; one-third of the total sensory-overload that was Nervous Cop (along with Joanna Newsom and a member of Deerhoof). When you want the sound of three drummers playing at once, but only have room for one drum kit, Zach is your man. Rob Crow and Zach Hill are The Ladies. Now that we all know who The Ladies are, let's get to the point: They Mean Us is one of the strongest and most unique pop records of the last several years. Produced in various locations over the last 2 years, it is a genuine testament to the magnetic chemistry of Zach Hill and Rob Crow, and a shining example of what these two guys are capable of when they are at their most inspired. More adventurous than Pinback, and more accessible than Hella, The Ladies prove to be the best of both worlds. It's even better than the ideal album you've been making up in your head for the last half decade or so. probajte pesmu http://www.temporaryresidence.com/mp3s/ladies_empathy.mp3
  18. ovaj docent sa ekonomskog fakulteta u podgorici je veoma zanimljiva osoba... voleo bih da ga upoznam.
  19. nije to ništa. pazi ovo sa metal-archives. Art progressive indie noise avant-garde - 21% Written by LeTisonBrulant on January 11th, 2006 How to begin with this review? After reading this, i'm sure a lot of you are probably gonna think i'm the 'METAL ONLY' type of guy with no 'diverse' and 'open-minded' tastes in music as some would say, but don't get me wrong, I am a big lover of post/indie rock, noise rock, avant-garde and all other weirdies in between. 'Dowsing Anemone with Copper Tongue' is the second full-length from 'Avant' metal band Kayo Dot, and having 3 full-lengths under the name MOTW. Just before listening to this album, my bullshit radar immediately flashed. Huge line-up and very fucking arrogant titles (Amaranth the Peddler. seriously, what the fuck? I don't care how many drugs, or how 'arty' you think you are, that's a fucking GAY title). Well, after all that bullshit, I decided to spin the album and try to leave these (un)comforting prejudices aside. 'Gemini Becoming the Tripod' kicks things off, and for some reason it's EXACTLY how I thought it would sound - long, boring, uninspired, trying to create an interesting atmosphere but failing at it on almost every level. There's a riff near the end, but that's not enough to cover the 8 minutes of your life that you'll never get back. The loud and obnoxious instrumentation creates a post-rock atmosphere, plus arrogance, more random bullshit and whatnot. Instead of creating repetitive trance-inducing atmosphere (like certain black metal bands), or calming, soothing drones (like some drone bands), the stuff here is 80% filler, 15% avant-riff bullshit and 5% of good stuff. Seriously, what the fuck? The second song, 'Immortelle And Paper Caravelle' (I know, it's hard not to laugh at the titles). I waited forever for it to start. Thing is it doesn't start. You can skip to almost anywhere in this song and what you'll hear is near-silence. It's nearly 10 minutes long too. Yes, I know, as 'open-minded' asshats would say, this is 'grower' music, but trust me, I can tell the difference between bullshit 'avant' music and actually grower music, stuff that has a certain level of complexity. 'Aura On An Asylum Wall' is the strongest song here (or should I say, the song that doesn't suck as much as the rest), despite having some random-as-all-fuck lyrics and a considerable amount of filler. 'On Limpid Form', the longest track (and supposedly the 'highlight), drags on for 18 fucking minutes. Eighteen. There's a few good moments (I'd say maybe a minute and a half of that), but it's usually just trying to be noise. Yeah, I said it. They try to be that noisy post-rock band that tries to be 'noise'. This isn't actual noise. Noise is stuff like Merzbow, Borbetomagus, Government Alpha etc. Not randomly plucking your instrument with that asian art chick that listens to indie rock and wears purple highliner and dies her hair pink (which, if you haven't realized it yet, is what Kayo Dot is all about). So, verdict? No matter how 'avant', 'indie', 'arty', 'original' or 'open-minded' you try to be, there's no enjoying of this album. I'd like to thank Opeth and misunderstanding of the 'avant-garde' term for breeding this monster that creates scenester kids. You know, that kid who walks around campus with a Pelican or Opeth shirt, arrogant look, and who's probably gonna end up writing a book about music and spirituality and...ok, i'll stop that for now. This is arrogant, over-the-top, 'noisy, and last but definitely not least boring music. Don't get it. Download it if you want, but whipe the dust off you delete button before you do. + The art in procrastination and calling it art - 30% Written by megafury on January 23rd, 2006 Umm..Okay what happened? The last album was a masterpiece I praised like a psycho but this is just pretty mediocre. I gave it so many listens over a couple months and it just doesn't click with me. You know how some CD's you keep forever in hopes that you'll grow on it one day? Well I thought that would happen but the opposite was true. I hated it even more the more I tried liking it. First of all, the songs are way too abstract. There's nothing really coherent. The music indulges in cliché dark classical atmosphere with random sparingly used gentle guitar plucking (a post-rock cliché) and cliché mild build-ups that fail to deliver anything, as if they were just one long intro. That sums it up; every song is just one long drawn-out intro to a song that doesn't even exist! No, I don't think my expectations were too unreasonably high. I just expected some good tunes and got nothing but what seems to be puffs of airs (literally PUFFS OF AIR!) and psuedo-classical music combined with mediocre post-rock trying to pass off as "eclectic experimental art". It sounds like your standard Sigur Ros/GSYBE!Mogwai/Tristeza clone with a done-to-oblivion doom metal pace and "we have trumpets and flutes too" gimmick. The only people that would think this is radically different from anything else ever are the geeky 15 year old metal kids that felt like taking a break from Slayer so they went to metal-archives or amazon.com and tried to find something avant-garde, in order to pat themselves on the back for listening to something "diverse". Maybe AFI and Strokes fans will find this CD and think they stumbled upon a secret treasure, too "challenging" for anybody else to enjoy. It's classical for scenster indie kids majoring in art and clueless about classical music, post-rock for metalheads clueless about post-rock, and just plain stale pointless random noise that stalls and stalls from doing anything remotely interesting for anyone without their heads up their asses. The music is forever looped in procrastination; never even starting a song at all. A huge disappointment for a huge MOTW fan such as myself. It's such a waste that a huge line-up achieves nothing but a new ego-boosting album for psuedo-intellectuals. The very few redeeming qualities of this CD (vocals are decent) are discredited from the tedious length
  20. haha.. inače, novi dragonforce spot je must see. jebote. dragonforce
  21. jao --------------- daj bre, gregor samsa su imali split sa red sparowes, a upravo su završili turneju sa kayo dot. i nisu skandinavci, iz illinoisa su. - a ovo za khomu... pa s obzirom da će za 95% ljudi koji čuju novi album, prvi album biti potpuno nepoznat, ok je što su ubacili ove 3 pesme. i jesu najbolje sa prvog. Sounds Like: Radiohead, Muse, Mew, Sigur Ros, Kashmir...
  22. u stvari.. bio je do jaja. matori je crko i sada je smešno. i konačno. još jedna cool stvar: http://www.khoma.net/ pušten sajt. the second wave is coming! MEDEA.. nova pesma.. može se čuti ovde: http://www.myspace.com/khoma tracklist: The tracklisting for the album is as follows: 1.) The Guillotine 2.) Stop Making Speeches 3.) If all else fails 4.) Medea 5.) Hyenas 6.) Through Walls 7.) Like Coming Home 8.) Asleep 9.) Last Call 10.) 1909.08.04 11.) One Of Us Must Hang heh. gurnuli su 3 pesme sa prošlog albuma ovde.. nema veze. biće super kakogod
  23. vidim. -- pre pola h me pita ortak kako se na engleskom kaže "hvaliti se", jer chatuje sa nekom sestrom iz kanade koja ne zna srpski.. i ja mu kažem "rim job". posle 10 minuta vidim da me je stavio na ignore listu. baš me zanima kako je tekla konverzacija. -- i tako.. baš u pravo vreme za moju ranjenu dušu: [ADVANCE]Gregor Samsa - 55:12 [2006/The Kora/MP3/320] a baš si tražio full album debeli, a? eto ti full album! konkurencija za post rock album godine je veoma ozbiljna, a nije ni februar. haha edit: a i santoro - nalbandian meč je do jaja
  24. ti kraljica downloada? pa ja skidam 16 post rock albuma dnevno. ja sam kraljica downloada.
  25. dobro, jeste. ---------- ok, ako ti je on rekao. šta će im on?? nigde nisam čitao da se to snima.. verovatno neka kućna tehnika.. nadam se da će da izdaju to sranje. jel ti rekao bilo šta drugo o projektu? edit: a.. vidim da si i tamo nešto kenjao. "ov" edit2: http://www.yumetal.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=24883 creep.
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