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Everything posted by KRANG

  1. nije. to su jonas i mikael sami. a ti si debeo. edit: zaboravio sam da kažem: "a ti si debeo".
  2. još nešto.. sad gledam katatonia forum i primetim nešto super cool. slo train co. projekat svevišnjeg mikaela a. i jonasa r. o kome se malo pričalo. a to ne može da ne bude genijalno.. i sad, na opethovom sajtu, na mikaelovoj playlisti: Slo train co - My soul is empty, I must atone for my shame najava nečega?
  3. jel taj eits koncert onaj na koji je azal trebalo da ide? onaj rasprodati...? zvuk je perfektan, ne mogu ni da zamislim na šta je to ličilo. upravo idu na prvo mesto moje liste bendova koje bih gledao uživo. ---------- symmetry? link za .mpg ne radi.. ovo je self-released.. qrac ću da nadjem. mislim da sam pročitao jedno 800 istih ovakvih najava. epic mogwai radiohead weight climax ambient crescendo bla bla i svaki put me navuku!
  4. i za kraj mog dosadnog monologa/tirade sačuvao sam vam nešto lepo: Explosions in the Sky Live at the Bowery Ballroom Manhattan, NYC Monday, December 12th, 2005 1. First Breath After Coma 2. New Song 3. Six Days At The Bottom Of The Ocean 4. Have You Passed Through The Night? 5. Memorial 6. The Moon Is Down dirktni http linkovi, brzi onoliko koliko je vaša veza: http://www.bradleysalmanac.com/songs/2005-...rComa(live).mp3 http://www.bradleysalmanac.com/songs/2005-...wSong(live).mp3 http://www.bradleysalmanac.com/songs/2005-...Ocean(live).mp3 http://www.bradleysalmanac.com/songs/2005-...Night(live).mp3 http://www.bradleysalmanac.com/songs/2005-...orial(live).mp3 http://www.bradleysalmanac.com/songs/2005-...sDown(live).mp3 da parafraziram danila... "eits u mojoj sobi". ******* It was an excellent, ear-blistering set... the delicacy of their studio work was there, though trumped by the pedal-fueled moments of fury. These guys know how to swell to a sonic payoff, and they were as tight doing so as their recordings promised. Speaking of, I was finally able to pick up discs I'd only had as mp3s at their merch table, including the one-per-person / immediately-out-of-print Travels in Constants EP, 'The Rescue', which includes these words in the liner notes: "... for this, our idea was to take two weeks and write and record a song every day. (we ended up doing this for eight days and the rest of the two weeks was spent mixing the results). No riffs were to be written beforehand; things would be made up on the spot. It seemed daunting but fun and perhaps, instructive. A learning experience. A chance to try new instruments and new ways of thinking about writing songs." So that explains the 'Day One' through 'Day Eight' titles, for all you downloaders. The band is cool with you stealing that sucker online if you aren't fortunate enough to find it at one of the few shows they're playing right now. If you do get to see 'em in person, grab that EP early, because they were gone fast in NYC. As you can see on the setlist, we got what I'd imagine is one of the new songs that will end up on their in-progress next album (did anyone else get different unveilings at other shows?). If it's an old one I'm not familiar with, set me straight in the comments. For those upcoming show dates (two in LA this weekend, two in Texas next month), check out the EitS site, and for more frequent news updates, hit this excellent fan site. For a couple more pictures from the Bowery show, head over to my Flickr page. (12/19 eta: some excellent photos from the sunday show can be found at crackers united.)
  5. "Emotional, passionate, epic. Just a few words to describe this album. Each song sounds like an uphill climb, an epic battle against the world, and Redjetson have won. Redjetson are anthemic, their intense songs are full of fire, the emotion boundaries are being pushed to a new level. Underneath the masterpieces, the band are similar to a young Radiohead, technically brilliant, ridiculously passionate about their music. This album is fantastic, buy more than one copy and spread the word. Redjetson are phenomenal." ------- With a debut album as breathtakingly beautiful as this, Redjetson are guaranteed for far bigger things. They pedal a fine musical line which incorporates the innovation of bands such as Radiohead and Joy Division while feeding them through an extravagant 'post-rock' blender. I do not use 'post-rock' in a derogatory way either; this is not a band of shoe-gazers. They are impassioned in their delivery and have an unquestionable emotional intensity to their sound, many of the bands ilk lack. Not often are shivers sent down my spine, but Redjetson succeed frequently with luscious, slow-burning guitar lines and awe-inspiring vocals especially on tracks such as 'America is its only friend' and album opener 'Divorce'. Although often sounding bleak and distant, Redjetson have a definite warmth to their music, perhaps it's more appropriate to describe it as soul. There is undeniable feeling that this six piece from the lovely climbs of Southend are completely unpretentious and make music not for fame or commercial success but because they enjoy to, because it is this which makes them happy and it really shows. They combine the ability of being jaw-droppingly fragile and epic with an ear-pummeling heaviness, without ever losing the direction of their composition. There is no doubt in my mind that I'm going to be checking this lot out live as I get the feeling this would be the arena where their music really comes to life, buy the 'New General Catalogue' and then I suggest you do the same. -- tek sad.. jebem ti današnji svet. -- ovo pričam jer će moći da se slušaju nove pesme od sutra na online radio stanici www.xfm.co.uk a na proleće i novi album.
  6. nije, ali kad već o tome pričamo... [ADVANCE] Swearing at Motorists - Last Night Becomes This Morning [2006/Secretly Canadian/LAME --aps/199 (VBR)] i naravno [ADVANCE] Monochrome - Eclat [2006/Paranoid/MP3/218 (VBR)]
  7. blago tebi.. album je njesra.. skidao sam ja diskografiju pre možda mesec dana, bilo mi zanimljivo ime.. trećerazredno. skini jensa lekmana.. to valja sa s.canadian .. u zadnjih par meseci, naravno. mada je i on dosadnjikav.
  8. to ti je vešto eskiviranje lose-lose situacije za njega --- This Is Your Captain Speaking - Storyboard (2005) ovi australijaneri su do jaja
  9. nemoj dodatno da doprisnosiš navodnoj hermetičnosti. svi će nas mrzeti.. ona lista se super primila na IT, ljudi počeli da postavljaju ostale albume.. samo niko neće da skida 65daysofstatic definitivno najpotcenjeniji album godine. bez sumnje.
  10. huh.. skinuo sam butlege 2 nove pesme. ne da sam očekivao nešto vredno, ali ovo je trećerazredno sranje.
  11. Postman Syndrome - Terraforming (2002, Unsigned, 192k MP3) jel to imaš neki remaster, rerelease.. ili ovo matoro izdanje?
  12. nigde nema jonasa.. -- super je ovaj retro fazon.. voda na bubnjevima.. što već reče jedan lik tamo. nisi valjda očekivao ribe iz reperskih spotova? edit: najgore je što su se ti likovi primili na ribu..
  13. haha.. katatonia završila snimanje spota. po screencapsovima mi se čini da će biti mnogo dobar http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=224519 holy fuck. stvano sam fanboy.. drhtim od uzbuđenja
  14. ti si mi rekao da se radi recenzija, zato nisam ni pominjao. @br zezam se za alasku, pacerčino debela. ali ozbiljno..stvarno dosta liči.. i podjednako je dobro, ako ne i bolje.
  15. sad sam nešto primetio... gde je orthrelm recenzija u BV? sad slušam album, i baš sam hteo da vidim recenziju, kad ono - nema je.. edit: još par zapažanja.. pera je gotičar u duši. redjetson album jebe kevu koliko je dobar.. jebena alaska je dobila naslednike. u dnevnik ću upisati: utorak, 19. januar, dan kad sam čuo redjetson - new general catalogue.
  16. aaa.. super album. najbolji je onaj solo na kožnoj fruli..
  17. so..... fucking..... gay..... kaži kako je bilo na tom frp turniru.. šteta što neće larp da organiziju.. "šetajući" larp po lokalnim šumama omfg
  18. sudoku je ona glupa puzla sa brojevima. šta tu može biti do jaja? mogu da zamislim takve likove.. ima ih na mom faxu pun kurac.
  19. ana se odsekla načisto.
  20. metalstorm recenzira novi in flames. e.. kao da sam ja pisao. divota http://www.metalstorm.ee/bands/review.php?...est_reviews=yes
  21. to je to. mr breast. dužine su prave. mr breast - "sisoje"?
  22. e cover je ubica! ozbiljno. neviđeno mi se dopada. probaj da experimentišeš sa bojama malo. npr da oduzmeš boju ostatku slike.. da ostane grayscale, a da ostane boja samo za neonku.
  23. mr beast i treba da se zove.. ona sa indietorrents koja se pojavila pre više od mesec dana je definitivno proper. sad to... što vi skidate sa slsk.. ko zna?! ispiši nazive i dužine pesama pa ću ti reći da li je prava ili nije. -- sad dođoh iz bioskopa. kiss kiss bang bang mnogo zabavan film. oduševljen sam. definitivno vredi odvesti curu na to. -- edit.. nisam ni primetio da piše "mr breast" hahaha mr breast
  24. haha.. jesi sklon ubistvu ili samoubistvu? pretera ga max.. zvuči kao moja baba kad je čula viva emptiness sa mog kompa jednom prilikom..
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