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Everything posted by LukaHM

  1. LukaHM


    ne znam, sve mi je to nekako traljavo odradjeno na prvi pogled...
  2. LukaHM


  3. LukaHM


    najvise gresaka ima kod bubnjeva, pogresni fillovi i jos stosta mada opet nije ni toliko katastrofalno....a dejv bi mogo da sedne i da ponovo lepo izvezba svoj najbolji solo u karijeri..
  4. LukaHM


    pazi ovo oni uopste nisu ni vezbali, tako da je jos i dobro ispalo...ali zvuk ovog bas bubnja je kriminalan, ddrum je apsolutno sranje sad je na shawna red da ode na metalikin koncert i zatrazi im frayed ends of sanity!
  5. LukaHM


  6. LukaHM


    sa atheist foruma: Wow, seriously folks... I'm not sure how this was taken so far out of context. Actually, I am. I know exactly how this got taken so far. It's PR 101. The statement needed to be more simple, devoid of emotion, and to the point. It was a poor attempt and it was too long. However, there is a LOT of truth in that original press statement and there is a WHOLE LOT that people took the wrong way. Period. It's really quite simple. The whole point of the statement was that Atheist became what Atheist eventually became a very, very long time before Tony Choy played in the band....it's fact, it is most certainly not opinion...It's VERY very simple. Tony knows this and will agree without hesitation. Tony called me and said that he didn't want to continue doing this sort of music....In fact, he said it on multiple occasions previously....simple....the problem was, when he said it the last time and decided to pull the plug it was 4 weeks before we went to studio. THAT CLEARLY SUCKED!! We were pissed. If you’re in a band, can imagine? We then tried to explain that his absence has, in no way, any significant impact on the sound, writing, musicianship, that made Atheist whatever it is to this day and/or the new record - Jupiter. The truth is (and nobody will or can argue the simple point) from day 1 it was Kelly and me who were primarily responsible for writing, arranging, and so forth...just as it is today - with Baker and J.T. in 2010 contributing significantly. The Unquestionable Presence lineup (the guys that wrote the music) did not include Tony. It’s simple. Tony stepped in and played on the album. He played what was already written. TONY HIMSELF would NOT disagree with that. We will release a joint letter soon so everybody gets it. That's it! That's all we tried to say.... QUITE poorly obviously!!! Again, our apologies. The "legend" of Atheist and who was part of the original lineup has become quite distorted over the past 20 years. Again, read the first press release. While we're friends, we love Tony, we may still tour together (if Tony wants to still do this sort of music) and on and on... he was not part of what made the sound that is to this day recognized as Atheist. Tony (not a judgment in any way) simply played what was already written on Unquestionable Presence. Now, he was a contributor on Elements to be sure. Kelly will tell you he was a significant contributor. But, scattered individual opinions aside, that album is NOT considered by most people as a quintessential "Atheist" record....where P.O.T., U.P. are.... Does that make sense to everybody? I wasn’t part of Elements. Tony was. Tony wasn’t a part of U.P. or P.O.T. I was. Does that make sense? The foundational lineup did not include Tony, and it was that foundational lineup that is responsible for whatever you think of Atheist in 2010. Tony and I talked about this subject last week at length. No harm...no foul....It's simple. The press release was poorly done. Again, while it communicated much truth, it was written with and taken with the wrong tone, and that we did NOT intend. We simply wanted the truth to be out there. Though, I will say that in many folk's defense, I can see how it was interpreted as it was. We’re not professional PR folks. We’re just trying to exist, work, and play cause we love the music! All's well. Tony's well, we're well. I'm sure Tony's new endeavors will be great..... we'll probably be touring together (did everybody miss that on the last release), we're still friends, I'm going to Miami to visit in a couple weeks to hang out with him .....so, again, apologies for the drama. But, please, everybody..... Chill. If anybody would like to discuss, we’ll be glad to have a conference call, video interview, whatever. Again, it’s just music. There’s been a LOT of heated debate here. It’s all good. Steve Flynn
  7. LukaHM


    ni ja to ne razumem
  8. LukaHM


    a picka je ispao tony...
  9. to sam ja video
  10. LukaHM


    najnoviji intervju
  11. ukucajte na google translate mladi svestenik na srpskom i potom prevedite na malajski jezik and be ready to shit brix!
  12. LukaHM


    ne...mada bih voleo da je cujem, kul pesmica..
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBqrT-XDnAo
  14. LukaHM


  15. LukaHM


    Droogies! So now that the Big Four dates have come and gone, I feel it is timeto check-in, say, "Hello" and tell you what has been going on in myworld. First off, when we left San Marcos and Mustaine Music Studios aka'Vic's Garage,' we had no idea what to expect, other than the fact thatwe wanted to make a point; we wanted to make the other bands feelcomfortable, we wanted the fans to all leave this momentous occasionfeeling completely satiated, we wanted the guys in Metallica to know that we could be depended on to pull our share... I don't know if we delivered for everyone, but for the tens ofthousands of people each night, and ultimately hundreds of thousands offans over the entire run of the Big Four festivals (affectionatelydubbed "Sonisphere"), it seemed to me that the fanswere finally able to put aside the silly stuff that the press has kepton life support for so many, many years. We did several round-tableinterviews with a member from each camp of the Big Four, and one thingthat was a constant and that we all agreed on was that the press wasthe responsible parties for keeping the feuds alive. You heard it straight from our mouths; we are all at peace with oneanother, and we all are friends. End of story - or in other words,several shit magazines will now have to learn how to write realinterviews, reviews, and features, instead of causing so much turmoilwith us four, all in the spirit of selling their publications. tako je muso! udri po dusmanima
  16. LukaHM


  17. LukaHM


    u jbt jel ima neka torrent verzija ovoga??
  18. LukaHM


    :mrtav: @ Mr.Hate zasto ti je mental vortex slab? I na koj tehno mislis? Grin ili Coroner kompilacija iz 95-e? Po meni Grin i MA su ubedljivo najbolji Coroner albumi
  19. i naravno zna se gde ce kirk odmah da pogleda
  20. LukaHM


    world taekwondo federation?
  21. LukaHM


    pogledajte ovo...veoma interesantno.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBDifFE4n8g
  22. LukaHM


    lomenco se nije uopste ni pojavljivao u spotu...
  23. staro ali extra
  24. John Arch
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