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u narednom periodu bi mogli da ocekujemo novi video od megadeta ali ne za pesmu sa Endgame-a nego za pesmu (za sada neimenovanu) sa United Abominations albuma. Izvor: http://forums.megade...ad.php?t=391370 za one koji ne znaju dejvov nick je megaman
Za mene je Endgame metal album godine pa ide Kreator - Hordes of Chaos i treci je sleyer koji me je prijatno iznenadio
jebemti fb ceo dan vas trazim pod upitom the frayed ends of serbia i nista a trebao sam samo da izbacim ovo the....inace mogu da pozovem jos ljudi ima dosta fanboja ovde u boru..
naravno da vredi...najzesci album posle rip-a...
evo nekih skorijih klipova
Dejv: Droogies! Thank you all for your feedback. I am talking to the station guys formy show today and next week we'll be making some slight adjustments. I have read the entire thread and am closing it so that I can read nextweeks thread and be able to keep up with you crazy Droogies! Start anew one, and keep the suggestions coming, and you can always call metoo. I am so happy that I am with you all day and all night long now.You know how much I love you all (even the assholes). Some of the answers to your posts are: I will check out what songs were added, and in many bands cases, we gotit right. Sometimes there are going to be stinkers, and I will makeadjustments as I go. Remember though, we are playing zingers too, andthat means that just because a song is here, I don't necessarily likeit - it just had something to do with my life. EXAMPLE: "I was made forloving you" - KISS is played because that was the last song I heard byKISS as a fan. After that one I quit them, which helped me understandthe fan backlash from Bud Prager's failed attempt to break us with"Crush 'em". I am constantly considering new additions of the music from my life asI hear it or someone suggests it. I am not sure why Bullet For MyValentine was in there, it must have been a song that I tried to recalland got it wrong, although I still think that band has talent. I willalso look at some other genres, because I have eclectic taste in music,but as far as anything that is blatantly against my moral fiber, youcan fergit it! I am also changing "Hair of the Dog" - Nazareth, so thatit will always be Nazareth and no covers of that one. No one else hasthe right to sing those lines. They are one of the credos I lived byfor so many years and to hear someone else, anybody else sing it isjust not right. I am going to add the entire record "No Life To Leather" and have somefun with the comparisons between me and Kirk, but let's keep it fun andfair. I wouldn't even play them if I had a problem still. This is a newopportunity for us all to revolt against regular radio and together weare going to play hard and heavy music that we like, because I say so! I am glad that you are enjoying Ray Charles, Johnny Cash, and I can'twait to spring some more cultural stuff. Bob Dylan slipped through andwill be removed, as well as a couple others that I notice slipped in.This is going to be such a cool and educating experience for you all,and I am so glad that you are enjoying my twisted sense of humor withthe ads in between like, "we go to eleven" and then play Elton John. Since I picked the songs for now, I have several new bands that I amgoing to check out and pick some songs from. As you can imagine, thereare just too many bands, and just because you like them, doesn't mean Ido. Megadeth Radio is for the whole band, but I am the only one doingit as of yet. So, I will check into RATM, Deep Purple, definatelyPantera, Symphony X, Rammstein, and Violence. I dunno why there is twoversions of "Schools Out" - Alice Cooper and someone. I also got the ENDGAME requests and the picture glitch, I got somemessages at TLL about this, and when you call the studio number it goesto the studio, so if you want to talk to me directly, call my TLLnumber after you leave a message at the studio. I am also thinking about doing something cool on the weekends where weslam you with entire sides of classic albums - not the whole thing,because even classic records get hard to sit through. But you'll getthe jest. The decision to beep out songs is not mine. I was thinking of my new slogan, "Megadeth Radio - where you'llneeeeeeeever hear Nickleback!" Have a great weekend, check into the NetWorth Coffee Brokers site again for the Christmas blend that I amreturning with. That's exceptionally good coffee! God Bless and kick some ass, Dave Mustaine
megadet radio http://www.iheartrad...egadeth%20Radio dejv pusta odlicne stvari poslusajte
ma sve je to super ali po mom misljenju to nije put umetnosti...
ovo je prejako http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQh5x8qPsOU jel ima negde na netu ovaj koncert? ja sam trazio do sada i nisam nasao...
i ti si mi neki fan... koristi tortex trzalice debljine 0.73 mm
znam da su bili ocu da vidim megadet ponovo
najveca pouka odavde :haha: a bre ce da dolaze ovi majmuni u srbiju nekad????
zasto je gitarski ton ovolko slab??
pogledajte ovo...rani clanak o megadetu link. tad su se zvali megadeath i imali su clana po imenu Dijon Ellefson :haha:
najbolji metal album svih vremena je Mercyful Fate - Don't Break the Oath...... dalje Mercyful Fate - Melissa Black Sabbath - Master of Reality Judas Priest - Unleashed in the East Motorhead - No Remorse Kreator - Pleasure to Kill Venom - Black Metal Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales/Emperor's Return Watchtower - Energetic Dissassembly Bathory - Hammerheart Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son malo ''moderniji'' albumi Death - Human Coroner - Grin Megadeth - Rust in Peace Anacrusis - Manic Impressions Terrorizer - World Downfall Morbid Saint - Spectrum of Death Atheist - Unquestionable Presence
ja mislim da sam veoma dobro upoznat sa istorijom megadeta i zato pricam tako sto se tice ostalog sto si napisao slazem se potpuno
lol i posle ko je iskompleksiran... niko ovde nije vodio takvu raspravu a to da je metalika veci bend to stoji ali samo po broju prodatih ploca i masivnoj histeriji koja ih okruzuje (moje misljenje) a taj rif mi vise lici na immigrant song od cepelina i imam osecaj da kad god se ovde metalika spomene u kontekstu kome nekom iz nekih razloga ne odgovara taj mora da dodje i da ''ispravi nanetu nepravdu'' tako sto ce ili opsovati dejva ili postovati neku demorališuću tvrdnju slicnu ovoj...ja ne znam sta vam je dejv skrivio,znam da su lars i james UVEK imali lepih reci za njega: ocito je da im on nista nije lose ucinio...zato ljudi oladite malo ...
pocinje od 1:49 Fuck it all and no regrets I hit the lights on these dark sets I need a voice to let myself To let myself go free Fuck it all and fuckin' no regrets I hit the lights on these dark sets Medallion noose, I hang myself Saint Anger 'round my neck Welcome to our fortress tall Take some time to show you around Impossible to break these walls For you see the steel is much too strong Computer banks to rule the world Instruments to sight the stars ovo sam provalio posto sam skoro nakon par godina ponovo preslusao sve njihove albume cisto onako da se podsetim ali kad sam ovo cuo prso sam od smeha
intro iz the god that failed je cist dawn patrol rip off a skoro cela pesma je zasnovana na istoj ritmickoj ideji, a vokalna melodija u jednoj strofi u pesmi st. anger je zapanjujuce slicna sa onom iz hangara 18
preporucio bih ti da poslusas njihove savremenike Anacrusis i to poslednja 2 albuma (Manic Impressions i Screams & Whispers). Veoma originalan i talentovan bend da ne serem vise procitaj recenzije na allmusic i sve ce ti biti jasno link.
poslednji put kad su svirali reckoning day je na that one night koncertu 2005-te..