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Everything posted by Oak

  1. Robert Heris - Otadžbina Preporuka za enigmu, ja lično ne volim trilere ali knjiga je odlična.
  2. Poslušah moneky3, ne znam samo šta sam čekao do sada, ovo je savršenstvo, riffovi solaže sve je savršeno. Najsjajniji momenat je solaža na Motorcycle Broer. Evo sad skidam undercover, nadam se da ce kvalitet biti barem približan.
  3. Check this shit Jeste da je album prekratak ali je rokanje za sve pare http://www.mediaboom.org/340129-xii-boar-xii-2011.html
  4. Oak


    Holy shit!! Što pre to bolje. Cover je odličan.
  5. Oak


    dajte link
  6. Oak


    Nisam jbg, ispraviće se to.
  7. Oak


    Odličan album, od Paracletus pa do sada najbolje black metal izdanje (koje sam ja čuo).
  8. Vala baš, da nema kartmena bilo bi golo govno, ovako ostaje da se nadamo da će buduće epizode biti bolje.
  9. And So I Watch You From Afar - Gangs (2011) Ovu temu niko ni ne gleda XD, ako nekoga interesuje topla preporuka, album je jebeno odličan i po mom mišljenju dosta bolji od prethodnika.
  10. Oak


  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn04vzcdlf8&feature=player_embedded Knights of the Black Sun singl izlazi trećeg juna Ovih nekoliko rifova sa snimka zvuči odlično.
  12. Oak


    Upalilo je, zahvaljujem
  13. Verovatno pišem za džabe ali ajde da pokušam, dakle ako neko može da iskopa link za monolith reissue, bio bih veoma zahvalan. Ja sam tražio 2 sata i ništa
  14. Oak

    BM noviteti

    Fenomenalna pesma. Kada treba album da izađe?
  15. Oak


    Kako da sprečim, kada kopiram link za neku sliku ili you tube link, da on to automatski stavlja u queue?
  16. Daj link da odlučimo A u vezi novog albuma Read here some information from Fursy Teyssier about the second Les Discrets album: "The concept of the new album is the fear of losing someone, and loss of that person. It is also about the land of the deads, how it could be, how we feel in it, and how a person who's there deal with his own death. Mostly, the album is darker than the first album, there is still a lot of acoustic parts, arpegios etc, and there is a serious work of composition on arrangements and vocals. We (the band) and everybody who listened to the premixes think it's the logical follower to the first album, musically and thematically and that it is much better than it. I'm pretty sure people who liked the first album will even like the second one more. There is still no title to it, I'm hesitating between 2 or 3 different ones. The cover art has already been done and it fits more than I could have imagined the whole album. It's a very dark, solemn and sad picture. I also started working on other illustrations that will be somewhere in the booklet etc. We still haven't decided on definitive formats, but I'm doing my best to make an Artbook again, I'd like that edition to be recurrent in the Les Discrets discography, but, maybe there is a better packaging somewhere that waits for us... I am anxiously waiting for it to be released (guess in late 2011). Hopefully, some appetizers will be uploaded sooner or later! Fursy & Il Discreto"
  17. Počelo je. Odlična prva epizoda, odlična serija.
  18. Old but gold
  19. Ladno niko nije skontao da je lemi bio sarkastičan
  20. Jel mogu linkovi za The Men From Dystopia i poslednji album?
  21. Nova pesma http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_nU6D1BZws&feature=player_embedded Odlična, jedva čekam album.
  22. http://www.mediaboom.org/338523-the-moon-and-the-nightspirit-mohalepte-2011.html Samo da kažem, ovo je jebeno fenomenalno, mislio sam da će biti pomalo smešno na mađarskom ali je apsolutno fantastičan album, ženski vokal je nebeski. Svakom ko voli neofolk toplo preporučujem
  23. Jel izašao i za širu javnost arkan? Vidim dosta ga hvale.
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