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Adam_Davos last won the day on June 10 2010

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Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. You haven't lived until you've slept off a potato hangover in a gig bag.
  2. He's very lucky. It could have been a Samsung. You have to plant potatos? I thought they just... happened.
  3. What a horrible way to live.
  4. It's not Lemmy Sixx. His name is Scott Manning. He is Peyton Manning's cousin. They hate each other. Scott can't read because he ran away from home as a young child and lived in a guitar store. He hid and slept inside a bass drum during the day and would come out at night to play Megadeth and Dokken songs on the guitars. He ate only what he could find in the garbage bins, like chicken bones and pizza crusts. He still has all his baby teeth. On a necklace that he wears around his penis. He calls it Baron Von Bitecock. We don't ask him about it. This is Peyton Manning, in case you guys don't know about him. Scott's not really his cousin. And the baby teeth he wears aren't actually his. Ok, they are, but only because he paid good money for them. Enough about me! How are you guys doing?
  5. This is just wrong on so many levels. I suppose I set you up for this, and so I deserved it. Well played.
  6. Slovenian, actually. So who knows what he was doing with that stuff. We are still good friends with him. He writes us letters now. The new guy won't write letters if he is arrested for something. He cannot read. He tries hard though.
  7. You guys are weird but I love you. Did I mention we got a new guitar player? The old one was arrested for stealing body parts from biohazard dumpsters behind hospitals. We never learned what he did with the parts. The new one doesn't steal body parts.
  8. So much has changed. I... don't know this place anymore. I feel like I have returned home from a long voyage to discover my old house is now a gas station. With prostitutes. Who have herpes. Bad, bad, outbroken herpes. And crabs. Thank you guys. I now have crabs of the soul.
  9. I've missed you guys - how is everyone doing?
  10. I just wanted to drop back in and tell everyone that Grobodan has published our interview on Metal Sound. We think it went rather well and thank Grobodan for giving us the chance to talk to the Serbian audience.
  11. I approve of this.
  12. Yes, beer - the great thought scrambler. I am not even drunk right now. I think we may have to have a song about krmaca some day. Thank you! We intend to. You keep mentioning these gorgeous Serbian girls! We may need photographic evidence of this phenomenon, for the sake of cultural understanding. For getting drunk speedily and effectively I usually go for beers from Belgium, but I will definitely give this Serbian big obnoxious pig beer a try if I can! After all, we are Devils of Belgrade - not Devils of Bruges.
  13. I appreciate the explanation! Though I wasn't worried - you can't expect to go through life making instrumental thrash prog and not have people think you are insane. He will have to get in line behind Herzegovina. Yes, we might have moved things around a bit. Didn't you know - rock can move mountains! We would like to come to Serbia someday. We are fascinated by Nikola Tesla - in America he doesn't get the proper recognition. Here we name schools and roads after Thomas Edison and people only hear about Tesla on The History Channel (tv). I am also fascinated by these cheap, giant bottles of beer. Tell me more about this. Apologies! I forgot to mention that the album is out now. You can listen to the whole thing here for free: devilsofbelgrade.bandcamp.com
  14. Ok cool. I am going to send you a PM with a download code that you can redeem to download the album for free (since you are music press). Be sure to let your editor know I will be contacting him so he isn't surprised!
  15. Thank you for the translation! I assure you that it is very true. The album comes out tomorrow (6/11/2010) and will be available for full download at devilsofbelgrade.bandcamp.com tomorrow morning (US time). We are having a CD release show here in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA with awesome bands - Devil to Pay, Lo-Pan, and Sleepbringer. I know about Metal Sound - it's a great site! We would be happy to give you an interview whenever you want. If you like, send me your email address and I will contact you to go over the details.
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