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Everything posted by MunzeMetal

  1. +1 Meni je taj album fenomenalan u svakom pogledu. Imam neko specijalno izdanje tog albuma sa bonus DVD-jem, na kome su pesme sa albuma u video varijanti.
  2. Imaju taj jedan album, dok je drugi u pripremi(vidi prethodnu stranu). Skoro su svirali u Beogradu u Dangubi.
  3. Za ovaj post eve ti i od mene plus. HAIL AND KILL
  4. MunzeMetal


    Boban(Ritam nereda) u jet set-u. Neka zajebancija
  5. Konacno! Ovo se nikako ne sme propustiti.:rockdevil:
  6. Izgleda da je tako. Nevezano za ovu temu fin ti taj potpis (WH rules)
  7. Steta sto je posle uspeha Alogije ovaj bend zapostavljen. Je l' neko uopste zna da li ce izaci taj cetvrti album? Najavljuju ga sigurno jedno 4-5 godina a od albuma nista.
  8. Finnish folk metallers Korpiklaani have issued the followingannouncement about appearing in the documentary "Promised Land of HeavyMetal:" "Nowadays metal is one of the main export products of Finland. Finnishmetal is mainstream and valued all over the world. How come? "The documentary ‘Promised Land of Heavy Metal’ deals with thisphenomena, and tells about the history and philosophy of Finnish HeavyMetal. This documentary contains many interviews with musicians, amongwhich also Korpiklaani features. The story of the success of Finnishmetal is regarded from different angles and illustrated by many musicalfragments. "More about Promised Land of Heavy Metal you can find on their website, where the trailer can be viewed and this dvd can be ordered online."
  9. Sto? I na njihovoj my space stranici pise da su iz Zemuna. A gde se odrzava ovaj fest?
  10. Da . Koliko je meni poznato nekoliko clanova benda zivi u Zemunu.
  11. MANOWAR guitarist Karl Logan is accepting a limited number of students to receive personal one to one online guitar lessons. Each lesson will be individually crafted to the students wishes. Karl Logan will be your personal instructor. Now you will be able to learn how to play guitar, like the Kings Of Metal! Do not miss this exciting, new opportunity created especially for you by the Kingdom Of Steel. You can now obtain live, private, guitar lessons online with MANOWAR's, Karl Logan. Lessons will cover all styles on all levels. Lessons are available that cover everything from theory, scales and modes, chord construction and last but not least Karl's personal secret burning lead guitar techniques. Karl Logan has toured all over the world and played to the biggest rock and metal crowds in the world and now Karl will personally teach you everything you want to know in an individual, online, 30 minute guitar lesson. You will be able to take your guitar playing to new heights and see your playing instantly improve with Karl Logan's personal support and guidance. This is all you are going to need to get started immediately: - High Speed Internet Connection - Web camera - Microphone and headphones - Skype (www.skype.com) - A guitar & amplifier NOTICE: Each guitar lesson is 30 minutes in duration and it is strictly for one (1) individual. Please do not invite friends and family during your lesson, we do not want you to be distracted but rather to concentrate on your guitar playing. Fill out the following form, provide us with your contact information and we will send you a confirmation via e-mail with a scheduled date and time for your lesson, based on your availability. For a very limited time only every student who purchases a guitar lesson with Karl Logan will also receive a 5% discount on any of Karl's Signature MC Guitar models (www.mcguitars.net)! Do not wait, reserve your lesson NOW! You too can learn to BURN!!!!!! Click HERE to schedule your lesson!
  12. Je si li ti sad upisao FON,ove godine? Oni su nesto menjali, pa sad imas na prvoj godini odmah podelili na dva smera:menadzment i IT,pa posle u drugoj godini ponovo se dele ti smerovi. Ja sad treba da biram smer pre pocetka druge godine,jer je nama prva godina bila opsti smer.
  13. Znam gde je Široka staza ali nikad nisam išao tamo,nisam neki ljubitelj riblje corbe.Svi kazu da je super tamo, ćaletov kolega pravi riblju čorbu pa često idu tamo.
  14. To je onda verovatno ona ''drvena''. Jbg. tako ti zapalo.
  15. Dobro si ostao ziv. Na koju pekaru mislis: onu sto je cela napravljena od drveta ili onu preko puta trznog centra. Koja god da je ne bih nikad ni pomislio da ce se nekome desiti tako nesto. Ja sam jednom nasao pecenog skakavca na korici hleba, al' se ne secam pekare u kojoj sam kupio.
  16. Dave Mustaine, the lead singer and guitarist of American thrash metal legends Megadeth, announced today that he will be having some neck surgery done soon. A message from Mustaine reads as follows: "Droogies! When you love someone or something so much that it actually starts to hurt you, yet you continue to stay in a relationship, or in a circumstance, or in a situation where you start to do damage to yourself and others. "Well, I have been working with a very badly damaged neck and the few lower vertebrae, right beneath my neck in between my shoulders is damaged too. What I have currently injured, and am requiring the start of what could be a very quick and painless procedure. I would work my ass off to heal again, like I did with my arm injury, and should be back in the saddle in no time. "I will have to get a much more complicated procedure done, between my shoulders, after I get back from this year's touring which will end sometime short of the Christmas Holidays. "I am asking for you to please send some prayers, and good thoughts my way on Thursday morning at 10:30 AM PST, July 30th. "Thanks to my family; I love you all! Come on Oz!"
  17. E Lazo sad kad si konacno ovde ostavljam ti da nastavis da prosvetljujes ljude. Sto se tice ove svadje sa Rhapsody ne verujem da ce se u ovom trenutku saznati nesto vise. Ma saznace se i to u narednom periodu.
  18. Svaka cast! Sve najbolje na predstojecoj turneji!
  19. Za Grcku ti ne mogu pomoci jer nisam bio tamo a sto se tice Felix-a: www.felixff.com ali treba da imas korisnicko ime i sifru(koje dobijas kad kupis njihovu robu) kako bi video katalog. edit. Probaj jedino mail da im posaljes.
  20. Lazo ne bi da ti uzimam posao ali dok se ne ti vratis : True Metal fans had a chance to prove their party qualities during the third edition of MAGIC CIRCLE FESTIVAL that was celebrated on July 17th and 18th at Loreley/Germany. An international line up, including KINGDOM COME, VAN CANTO and newcomers ULYTAU from Kazakhstan rocked the Rhine valley, and not only headliners MANOWAR premiered songs from their new album but also JACK STARR'S BURNING STARR, METALFORCE and rising stars HOLYHELL hit the stage with songs from their new albums. For the stars of the evening, MANOWAR, the Loreley appearance was a special highlight on their "DEATH TO INFIDELS TOUR" with the live premiere of their new songs from 'Thunder In The Sky', the first CD from 'THE ASGARD SAGA', the band's multimedia project with fantasy author Wolfgang Hohlbein, an action adventure based on the Norse mythology that will be expanded with further releases continuously. Before MANOWAR shook the earth with their latest pieces, including the pounding 'Let The Gods Decide' and 'God or Man', Wolfgang Hohlbein took the stage to announce the release of his first book from 'THE ASGARD SAGA' for March 2010. For MANOWAR's upcoming longplay album 'Hammer Of The Gods' that is planned for release this Winter, he promised an additional exclusive story, like he provided for each song of the 'Thunder In The Sky' EP. The author especially thanked the fans for the great response to his reading session on Friday, when he publicly read from these short stories for the first time. "I was amazed by the great interest from the audience, especially at this early stage of the project, and by the very warm welcome I was given", the author said afterwards. Joey DeMaio, who had to visit a hospital for an emergency on Friday, says "I wish I could have been there to witness Wolfgang premiering his stories and joining him in the Q&A session. The collaboration with him has been a great experience and I am looking forward to expand the project with him." For the next festival the partners promised more time and space for 'Asgard' related activities. Parallel to the live premiere of 'Thunder In The Sky' a Deluxe 2-Disc Edition of the CD was released on July 17th. The EP features 6 songs and a Bonus CD with the power ballad "Father" recorded in 16 different languages. It also holds a booklet with more than 50 pages of song lyrics and exclusive short stories by Wolfgang Hohlbein, revealing additional aspects from 'THE ASGARD SAGA'. The Deluxe 2-Disc Edition is available in retail outlets throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland and other European countries, and for international shipment at the Kingdom Of Steel Online Store, where also a high-quality, DRM-free, MP3 format can be purchased. The downloadable version contains the exact same audio content as the EP: Thunder In The Sky, God Or Man, Let The Gods Decide, Father, Die With Honor, The Crown And The Ring (2008 Metal Version) and versions of Father recorded in German, Italian, Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Norwegian, Spanish, French, Greek, Turkish, Polish, Japanese, Croatian, Portuguese and Finnish. As a special 'Thank You' to the fans, the booklet stories from 'Thunder In The Sky' and further special features will be made available on the official website of 'THE ASGARD SAGA', http://www.asgard-saga.com/. More information on http://www.magiccirclemusic.com/, http://www.manowar.com/ and http://www.asgard-saga.com/
  21. Sad sam video najavu za Madden 2010.(ili americki fudbal) izlazi 31.jula a u igrici je uglavnom zastupljena metal muzika: 2pac - Can't C Me Airbourne - Heads Are Gonna Roll Alice In Chains - Them Bones B.O.B. - Created A Monster Bang Camaro - Revolution Beastie Boys - Sabotage Black Sabbath - Paranoid Cypress Hill - Get 'em Up Helmet - Unsung Iron Maiden - Aces High Judas Priest - Painkiller Kid Rock - I Am The Bulldog Killswitch Engage - Reckoning Korn - Blind Mastodon - Divinations Nas feat. Puff Daddy - Hate Me Now Nirvana - Breed Pantera - Walk Public Enemy - Shut 'em Down Rage Against The Machine - Guerilla Radio Set Your Goals - Gaia Bleeds (Make Way For Man) Slipknot - Duality System Of A Down - Sugar The Vanity Plan - Before I Die Young Dre The Truth - Cheah Beah
  22. Manowar u Rusiji: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC9ritPCRXc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JrOLth-lFY itd. Ima jos snimaka da ne stavljam bas sve.
  23. Super su bili i Talicni Tom(stara sinhronizacija) i Alfred Dzonatan Kvak. Je l' se neko mozda seca Inspektor Gedzeta,pustali su ga na Politici? Taj crtani je bio isto odlican.
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