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TheTrooper6666's Achievements

Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. Prodajem kartu za gornje tribine.... dogovor na 066/ 20-40-15
  2. Prodajem kartu za gornje tribine.... karta kupljena za 3000 a prodajem za 2500.... Hitno! Dogovor na PM
  3. uff......bilo do jaja.... uhvatio 2 trzalice....
  4. kupio sam kartu još u avgustu....imam taj mng(osećam da ga neće ni biti -.- ) i nisam baš nešto presrećan zbog certa..... ali ae...videćemo......
  5. a zar nisu i za strat one lepe karte sa m&g...?
  6. m&g će najverovatnije biti pre certa.... ono kad udjemo pola sata ranije.....malo bzv...al ae....
  7. e baš šteta.... :/
  8. el zna neko neku noviju set-listu?
  9. Chaoswave supporting Evergrey on the fall European tour Italian metalists CHAOSWAVE have been chosen as support for the up and coming European tour. So please check them out at www.chaoswave.it.
  10. evo i ja sam poručio.... al ne odgovaraš...
  11. ej....jel ima još onih fancy karata??? i kako da ih poručim??
  12. kolki ste indosi....uništili ste temu o jednom stvarno do jaja bendu i vrednom poštovanja... al jbg.... bacite pogled na LH sajt..: Faith followers and die hard believers, ex fans and passive likers. The time has come to unveil some secrets about the new material. After massive waves of misery from all fans around the world praying in years for exposing a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. about the new magic we have decided that we are now ready to do that. Here are 3 clips from 3 different songs that will appear on the new album. Its midi drums here only and the whole thing is taken directly from a raw working/recording document, which means neither mix nor any kind of sound improvement has been applied on the clips, which is the very point of leaving the final effect for the real album. Also, its MP3 format of course. Feel and absorb the magical power, and if not then sell Your metal gears and buy golf equipment! Mighty regards! /LOST HORIZON </FONT> evo pesama sa radnim imenom.... 1. Wizard 2. Spirit 3. Fire nije loše....
  13. http://www.soundguardian.com/soundguardian...oo-08.04.2009./ pročitaj te ovo...neka pojašnjenja oko stila i o imenu benda.... a nevezano da prokomentarišem albume.... nosferatu - savršeno book of the dead - moglo je i bolje.... tabula rasa - solidno sve u svemu - kvalitetan bend...gotivim ih..
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