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Everything posted by Miilos

  1. Miilos


    As previously announced, WATAIN's "Reaping Death" single was certified gold in Sweden for sales in excess of 10.000 copies. A couple days ago, the band was awarded their gold record in Stockholm in front of journalists and various guests. We had no choice but to share with you the speech frontman E. made at this occasion: "'Reaping Death' is a song written as a tribute to the first murderer and Satanist, Cain. "Through the murder of his brother Abel, he was the first to break the shackles of creation and went against the will of God. Therefore, he was pushed away and found his way to his true father, the serpent in the Garden of Eden, also known as Satan. "To openly praise Cain, his origin, his works and his offspring is something that never would have been possible, say 300 years ago. 300 years ago they tied people such as us up and burned them alive. Now we are awarded gold discs and praise in the media. This is an encouraging proof that this road is leading to hell. "Through black metal, we now have a forum, in which we are without being persecuted and tortured, can celebrate the ancient ruin forces, revolutions and the gods of total liberation, and thus give them additional force. This gold disc is proof that the genre as such is one to be reckoned with, and with fire, fanaticism and passion as the driving force, we intend to take it even further, deep down in still unexplored abysses. "We also would like to thank Sound Pollution, Season of Mist, Sweden Rock and "Boss" at Black Mark." Ovaj čovek je izgubio vezu sa realnošcu. Kroz celu istoriju dešavali su se ratovi, katastrofe, padale su atomske bombe, pa život opet ide dalje, a ovaj je umislio da se svetu bliži kraj jer su prodali/poklonili 10.000 diskova. Svašta... Uzgred, dobar im je ovaj novi album. U početku mi se nije posebno svideo, ali sad mislim da je dobar, a bio bi još bolji da su izbacili par pesama i kad bi umesto 70 i kusur minuta album trajao nekih 60. Jedva čekam koncert. Ovo je sa jednog drugog foruma. Odnosi se na ove Erikove izjave. Svaka mu je na mestu. Would like to join in a bit on the criticism too here (and probably I will make one or two "friends" with this...). I have liked Watains previous releases, but like Alastor was mentioning...their egos are growing quite a bit... and for me a lot of their statements are bullshit considering what they have claimed they are preaching. Let's start with having some fun with this bible interpretation we see above. If Cains father was the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, and the criteria for being a Satanist is to turn against the will of God which E here says - that would make Eve the first Satanist, not Cain. Secondly - the reason why Cain murdered his brother was, from most interpretations, because his offerings to God (crops) were not accepted whereas his brother's offerings (a lamb...hmmm....usually a symbol for the Christian flock...oh well...just messing around here...) was accepted. Cain wished to please God, but was rejected, got pissed off and killed his brother in jealousy. Doesn't sound like a praiseworthy rebellion in my opinion - rather something an angry child would do. (Also, at the time God had not created any "law" against murder...) To continue, the talk about not being able to praise this and that openly in the past... I don't see that as a very true statement either. It has just been a matter of social status if you have been able to get away with it or not. And also, why are we only talking about the western world here? I don't think followers of Kali have been hiding in caves for instance. And do the forces Watain claim they are supporting care about western cultural limitations and governments? I could have one or two things to say about the statement about now having a forum where they are able to work "...without being persecuted and tortured...". Is that honourable? It's a hell of a lot more convenient of course, but if speaking of gods of total liberation....why the hell would they need human assistance in this form? That's my main point here. How come that a band that talks so much about ancient forces and mix up all ancient beliefs into some form of satanic new-age mishmash, put so much effort upon a biblical *mythological* figure and give so much importance to a story written down by supposed opposers of their own beliefs? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to see what lies beyond all these human stories?? I see the point of using mythology as an inspiration or symbol for things we want to describe. But when people like this are glorifying getting gold discs from institutions that are supported by empty minds only... I cannot respect it at all. At least I hope they are just bullshitting us to hide where they are doing their actual work. Sure, it's nice to recieve recognition to continue the work they really believe in, but to say it's a part of their true path... nah...don't think so. Sure, you can take interesting energy from cheering masses, but is that what will open the gates to hell and unexplored abysses? From my personal experience, such things can be brought out of the individual without the help of fools.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uvik4nYGSVs Prva polovina pesme je mnogo dobra, posle onako. Onaj rif od 0:44 do 1:18 je jedan od najboljih koje sam čuo u poslednje vreme.
  3. Ponekad se zaista isplati kad skineš album od grupe za koju nikad ranije nisi čuo. Odem Arcarum Outrageous Reverie Above The Erosion Of Barren Earth http://mediaboom.org/mp3/274590-odem-arcarum-outrageous-reverie-above-the-erosion-of-barren-earth-2010.html Od srca preporučujem.
  4. Miilos


  5. Miilos


    Nema na čemu.
  6. Miilos


    Sasvim sam slučajno naleteo na ovo. Black Metal pornić (?) sa Sabathanom u glavnoj ulozi. Njegova je slika na linku ispod, prepoznao sam ga po tetovaži. http://forum.norden-mosht.de/thread.php?postid=59572 http://ilikedeadthings.com/2006/05/phallus-lucifer-phalucifer.php http://www.warlust.net/black-metal-porn-t13591.html Ako neko hoće da gleda: http://ins-vast.blogspot.com/2009/11/dvd5-phallusifer-immoral-code-2007.html P.S. Nije loš ovaj novi album, ali mi se čini da je ipak njihov najslabiji album.
  7. Miilos


    Izvoli... http://mediaboom.org/mp3/151772-emperor-thorns-vs-emperor-split-with-thorns-hq.html http://mediaboom.org/mp3/147505-emperor-prometheus-the-discipline-of-fire.html http://mediaboom.org/mp3/145401-emperor-anthems-to-the-welkin-at-dusk-1997-hq.html http://mediaboom.org/mp3/263052-emperor-emperial-live-ceremony-2000.html http://mediaboom.org/mp3/211152-emperor-in-the-nightside-eclipse-1994-reissue-2004.html http://mediaboom.org/mp3/211224-emperor-ix-equilibrium-1999-reissue-2006.html http://mediaboom.org/mp3/263912-emperor-scattered-ashes-a-decade-of-emperial-wrath-2003.html
  8. Miilos

    BM noviteti

    Novi Setherial i Graveland se mogu skinuti preko Soulseek-a. Setherial sam skinuo još pre dva-tri dana. Nisam imao vremena da ga pažljivo preslušam, ali mi se čini da je baš dobar.
  9. Diabolic - Excisions Of Exorcisms http://rghost.ru/1768074
  10. Miilos


  11. Miilos


    Za mene lično De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas je jedan od najboljih albuma ikad snimljenih. Sve ono što su ovi ljudi posle toga izdali me ne interesuje. Pomalo mi je krivo što su nastavili da izdaju muziku pod istim imenom. Da je Mayhem 1993. prestao da postoji, bio bi zapamćen po tom fenomenalnom albumu i ostali bi legende za sva vremena, a ovako mi je nakako bezveze. Sve mi se čini da je Hellhammer nastavio da radi pod istim imenom samo zato što je Mayhem već tada imao legendaran status, pa nije morao ponovo iz početka da se probija sa grupom koja će drugačije da se zove, a ne zato što je imao potrebu da nastavi tamo gde je Mayhem stao sa DMDS, ali dobro, šta je tu je, i ne smeta mi nešto posebno, ne sviđaju mi se, ne slušam ih i to je to, stvarno nemam više ništa da kažem o ovoj temi. Inače, uopšte nisam ograničen što se tiče muzike, sviđa mi se mnogo toga, Black i Death Metal, Dark Ambient, Industial, poneka Power Electronics grupa, čak slušam u manjoj meri i muslimansku muziku i šta još sve ne. Nemam ništa protiv eksperimentisanja. Na kraju krajeva, Black Metal ne bi nikad ni nastao da nije eksperimentisanja. Čak je i DMDS bio prilično eksperimentalan album za ono vreme. Što se Ulvera tiče, nisam ih slušao, pa ne mogu da pričam o njima, tj. čuo sam par pesama pre par godina, ali ih se ne sećam.
  12. Miilos


    Skinuo sam album preko Soulseek-a. Koga ne mrzi da instalira program i da skida album 2-3 sata može da ga skine.
  13. Massacre - The Second Coming (Remastered) http://mediaboom.org/mp3/269480-massacre-the-second-coming-1990-remastered-2008.html
  14. Divine Codex. Članovi iz Setherial, Attila Csihar je gost na albumu. Album je izašao još u februaru, ali ga još uvek nema na internetu da se skine. http://www.myspace.com/divinecodex
  15. Miilos


    Neka hvala. Pustio bi ga kad bi postojale i najmanje šanse da mi se svidi. Odsvirali su oni svoje odavno što se mene tiče.
  16. Miilos


    Preslušao sam ga dvaput, uopšte mi se ne sviđa.
  17. Miilos


    To sam i ja pomislio. Za mene je Mayhem umro zajedno sa Euronymous-om. Pre neki dan sam skinuo kompletnu diskografiju, čisto da se podsetim zašto ih ne slušam, jer godinama nisam pustio ništa što su snimili od 1993 pa na ovamo. Meni su svi albumi posle DMDS toliko loši da ih ne bi slušao ni da su ih izdali pod nekim drugim imenom, a kamoli ovako. Kad sam čuo ono repovanje na početku Crystalized Pain In Deconstruction nisam znao da li da se smejem il' da plačem. Po meni je ovaj današnji Mayhem totalno druga grupa od one dok je Euronymous bio živ, ni muzika ni ideologija nemaju apsolutno nikakve veze s onim pre, jedino je ime ostalo isto. A to što je Hellhammer ponovo osnovao grupu posle Euronymous-ove smrti je po meni isto kad bi sad npr. Richard Christy reoformio Death. Ali kome to ne smeta, neka ih sluša, nemam ništa protiv naravno.
  18. Miilos


    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BQB148XA Spor mi je internet, pa sam postavio samo drugu pesmu (jer je po meni bolja od prve, a treća je Reaping Death). Možeš preko Soulseek-a da skineš.
  19. Miilos


  20. Miilos


    Nije cela pesma obrada, nego su samo ubačeni neki delovi, na kraju pesme ili tako nešto, nisam baš sasvim siguran.
  21. Miilos


    Skinuo sam prve tri pesme preko Soulseek-a. Šta ja znam, nisu loše, ali sumnjam da će album biti dobar kao prethodna dva.
  22. Psalm 666 Symbol Ov Faith http://rghost.net/1462977 Raw Black Metal. Ja obično zaobilazim ovaj pravac u širokom luku, ali ne znam šta mi bi da skinem ovaj album i baš mi se svideo. Zvuči kao mešavina Mütiilation i Deathspell Omega.
  23. Miilos

    BM noviteti

    Enochian Crescent NEF.VI.LIM http://mediaboom.org/mp3/265954-enochian-crescent-nefvilim-ep-2010.html
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVCerb1Oxvs
  25. Infinitum Obscure - Internal Dark Force http://www.metal-archives.com/band.php?id=14486 Jedan od boljih death metal albuma u zadnjih par godina. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AHS8OHDD
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