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Everything posted by lucassen&co

  1. Deonica da se najezis.
  2. Ala će ovo da sabija!
  3. Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi, Lopovi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jebem im mater.
  4. Album je standardan za Kamelot, samim tim i standardno dobar. Više mi je legao nego Ghost Opera. Nadam se da ćemo ih gledati na proleće .
  5. http://www.youtube.com/user/ArjenALucassen#p/a/u/0/71lNhl2bJlw
  6. Sad But True.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/user/ArjenALucassen#p/u/0/QiYeabPrQgc Opet Dream Team!!!
  8. Ovo je najbolji DVD koji sam gledao. Svaki minut je neverovatan. Blago onima koji su bili na ovom koncertu.
  9. Evo Hotfile (tek sam počeo da skidam, tako da ne znam da li valja): http://hotfile.com/dl/46910365/c62bd2c/PT-A-bunalti.com.rar http://hotfile.com/dl/46910944/9f3aec2/PT-A-CD2-bunalti.com.rar Pass: bunalti.com
  10. Pogledaj poslednji post na prethodnoj strani ako nisi . To su poslednje vesti.
  11. Evo odličnog neo - prog albuma iz Kanade: Mystery – One Among The Living (2010) http://hotfile.com/dl/43145617/aa09351/Mystery_2010_bunalti.com.rar Pass: bunalti.com http://www.progarchives.com/artist.asp?id=791
  12. ^ Nedavno sam ga preslušao, sasvim pristojno izdanje. Ne volim baš ženske vokale u prog muzici, ali ovde se sasvim lepo uklapa.
  13. http://hotfile.com/dl/42984662/ad3f273/Cynic-bunalti.com.rar Pass: bunalti.com
  14. 10 April, 2010 Star One demo listening party Those who follow Arjen on Facebook, Myspace or Twitter have probably already heard that the Mastermind is hard at work on what will be a new STAR ONE album. The instrumental demos are completed, and Arjen is now working on lyrics and melody lines. Stay tuned for more! A few weeks ago, Arjen's former manager Yvette graciously hosted a demo listening party for the people on Arjen's message board. It was an open invitation, although because of limitations of space, attendance was limited to the first few people who confirmed they could make it. The 9 attendees got to listen to the demos, munch on assorted goodies, and fill in feedback forms to catalog their reactions to the songs for Arjen. Keep in mind that they heard rough demos -- no vocals, no solos -- these are the first demos that Arjen puts together just to get the structure and feel of the songs down before starting serious work on lyrics and vocal melodies. Yvette kindly edited a very short video clip that gives an idea of what happened that day. In this video not only do you get to SEE what happened, you get to HEAR some snippets of the demos as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCjCJph1d-8&feature=player_embedded
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