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excel fan

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excel fan last won the day on March 24 2017

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Anonimus of Metal

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  1. Dodajem sledece naslove:Svi su po 10 evra, neotpakovani! Morbid angel -Altars of madness -Blessed are the sick -Domination -Gateways to... Running wild -Port royal -Blaze on stone -Branded and exiled -Death or glory -Under jolly roger -Pile of skulls -Masquerade Savatage-Gutter ballet Bolt thrower-IV crusade Immolation-Close to a world below Paradise lost-Icon Paradise lost-Lost paradise
  2. Imam dva mesta u kolima za Cro-Mags u Budimpesti, 3-eg oktobra.Krecem iz Beograda oko 14:00! Zainteresovani,mogu da mi pisu ovde u inbox ili na mob:060/737-1973 Pozdrav!
  3. Apdejt onoga sto je ostalo,ima i nekih noviteta,pitanja u inboks,hvala! Cathedral - The forest of equilibrium (Digi) 10 evra Disincarnate-Dreams of the carrion kind (neotpakovan) 10 evra Ritual carnage-Every nerve alive (japanski pres sa obi stripom ) 13 evra Envenomed-Venomous decay 8 evra Vindicator-The antique witcheries 13 evra Vindicator-split w/Metal witch 7 evra Demolition hammer-Tortured existence (https://www.discogs.com/Demolition-Hammer-Tortured-Existence/release/2540768) 20 evra Viking-man of straw (lost and found izdanje) 15 evra Speed kills again https://www.discogs.com/Various-Speed-KillsAgain/release/2696083) 5 evra Andralls (gotovo svi albumi) svi po 5 evra Anthrax-Spreading the disease (https://www.discogs.com/Anthrax-Spreading-The-Disease-/release/7788000) 11 evra Terrordome-Machete justice 8 evra Phrenetix - Fear 8 evra Malevolent creation - The will to kill 7 evra Megadeth (prva tri u razlicitim reizdanjima) svi po 7 evra Saxon - Power and the glory (https://www.discogs.com/Saxon-Power-The-Glory/release/3900597) 5 evra Ranger - Where evil dwells 8 evra Eugenic death-Crimes against humanity 7 evra Tankard-The morning after+Alien 7 evra Shakma-House of possession 9 evra Helstar-Nosferatu (prvi pres) 22 evra Nasty savage-Abstract reality+Indulgence 15 evra Nasty savage-S/T 10 evra Blind illusion-The sane asylum (prvi pres) 30 evra Luciferion-Demonication 30 evra Nominon-Diabolical bloodshed 14 evra Necrosanct-Incarnate 14 evra Carnivore-Retaliation (prvi pres) 18 evra Wratchild America-Climbin the walls 15 evra Vulcano-Bloody vengeance 15 evra Sacrifice-Soldiers of misfortune (dupli cd) 15 evra Dark angel-Time does not heal 10 evra Last descendants-One nation under god 19 evra Despair-History of hate (delux century media reizdanje-neotpakovan) 20 evra Asphyx-The rack (prvi pres) 20 evra Autopsy-Mental funeral (prvi pres) 20 evra Forced entry-Uncertain future (prvi pres) 19 evra Voivod-Rooaaaarrr (prvi pres) 25 evra Atheist-Piece of time (prvi pres) 20 evra Atheist-Unquestionable presence (reizdanje) 15 evra Iron angel-Hellish crossfire 10 evra Flotsam and jetsam-Flotsam and jetsam 8 evra Pro-Pain (prva 3 albuma) svi po 5 evra Deviate-State of grace 5 evta Lack of interest-Trapped inside 7 evra Exarsis-The Human project 6 evra Grand prix-Samurai (japansko izdanje sa obi stripom) 10 evra Violator-Violent mosh 8 evra Laaz rockit-Annihilation principle 15 evra Lazz rockit-Nothing sacred 12 evra Mortal sin-Mayhemic destruction 20 evra Destruction-Thrash anthems II 7 evra U.D.O.-Animal house 5 evra Raven-Nothing exceeds... 5 evra Accept-Blind rage 5 evra Epitaph-Seeming salvation ( oficijalno reizdanje) 15 evra Faith of fear-Punishment area (prvi pres) 15 evra Darkane-Rusted angel 6 evra Deliverance-What a joke 10 evra Razor-Open hostility 10 evra Sepultura - Arise (https://www.discogs.com/Sepultura-Arise/release/5740363) 7 evra Anthrax-Fistful of metal 7 evra M.O.D.-U.S.A. for M.O.D. (https://www.discogs.com/MOD-USA-For-MOD/release/2959249) 10 evra Space chaser-Watch the skies 10 evra Seprevation-Consumed 15 evra Traumatism-Truculent 8 evra Sadus-A vision of misery (prvi pres) 19 evra Visual discrimiantion-Step back and listen 12 evra Billingsgate-No apologies 12 evra Nations on fire-Strike the match 9 evra Tyranex-Death roll 8 evra Poison-Further down into the abyss 9 evra Inquisidor-Night tears 8 evra Raid-Above the law 7 evra
  4. Uskoro cu da apdejtujem sta je sve prodato a do tada,samo da dodam u prodaju: Disincarnate-Dreams of the carrion kind (neotpakovan) 10 evra
  5. Dodajem na spisak par diskova,svi su neotpakovani,po ceni od 10 evra! Bolt thrower - Realm of chaos (Digi) Bolt thrower - War master (Digi) Cathedral - The forest of equilibrium (Digi) Carcass - Symphonies of sickness (Digi) Carcass - Necroticism Death - Symbolic At the gates - Slaughter of the soul Vektor - Black future Asphyx - The rack Sva pitanja u inbox!
  6. Dodajem na prosli spisak neke nove naslove,poruke u inbox u vezi cena! DISKOVI: Ritual carnage-Every nerve alive (japanski pres sa obi stripom ) 13 evra Envenomed-Venomous decay Vindicator-The antique witcheries Vindicator-split w/Metal witch Demolition hammer-Tortured existence (https://www.discogs.com/Demolition-Hammer-Tortured-Existence/release/2540768) Flotsam and jetsam - No place for disgrace (https://www.discogs.com/Flotsam-And-Jetsam-No-Place-For-Disgrace/release/2365740) Viking-man of straw (lost and found izdanje) Speed kills again https://www.discogs.com/Various-Speed-KillsAgain/release/2696083) Andralls (gotovo svi albumi) Anthrax-Spreading the disease (https://www.discogs.com/Anthrax-Spreading-The-Disease-/release/7788000) Terrordome-Machete justice Repulsor - Trapped in a nightmare Phrenetix - Fear Malevolent creation - The will to kill Megadeth (prva tri u razlicitim reizdanjima) Saxon - Power and the glory (https://www.discogs.com/Saxon-Power-The-Glory/release/3900597) Ranger - Skull splitting metal Eugenic death-Crimes against humanity Sepultura - Schizophrenia (https://www.discogs.com/Sepultura-Schizophrenia/release/8097537) Sepultura - Arise (https://www.discogs.com/Sepultura-Arise/release/5740363) Exodus-Another lesson in violence (https://www.discogs.com/Exodus-Another-Lesson-In-Violence/release/403036) Anthrax-Fistful of metal Dew-scented-Invocation (https://www.discogs.com/Dew-Scented-Invocation/release/7633494) M.O.D.-U.S.A. for M.O.D. (https://www.discogs.com/MOD-USA-For-MOD/release/2959249) PLOCE: Tankard - the morning after (https://www.discogs.com/Tankard-The-Morning-After/release/1217250) NM/NM Violator-Annihilation process (https://www.discogs.com/Violator-Annihilation-Process/release/4854290)M/M Violator-Annihilation process (https://www.discogs.com/Violator-Annihilation-Process/release/4314522) M/M Exodus-Bonded by blood (https://www.discogs.com/Exodus-Bonded-By-Blood/release/10529028) M/M Exodus-Pleasures of the flesh (https://www.discogs.com/Exodus-Pleasures-Of-The-Flesh/release/5876336) M/M Anthrax-Fistful of metal (https://www.discogs.com/Anthrax-Fistful-Of-Metal/release/6784696) NM/VG+ Nuclear assault - Game over (https://www.discogs.com/Nuclear-Assault-Game-Over/release/1433273) Vg/VG+ Megadeth - Rock sagas (https://www.discogs.com/Megadeth-Rock-Sagas-The-Chris-Tetley-Interviews/release/3080872) M/M Sepultura-Schizophrenia (https://www.discogs.com/Sepultura-Schizophrenia/release/4987904) M/M Holy Moses - The new machine of lichenstein (https://www.discogs.com/Holy-Moses-The-New-Machine-Of-Liechtenstein/release/6779897) VG+/VG+ Knjige: MURDER IN THE FRONT ROW (https://www.bazillionpoints.com/product/murder-in-the-front-row-by-brian-umlaut-lew-harald-o-oimoen/) METTALICA THE CLUB DAYZ (https://www.amazon.com/Metallica-Club-1982-1984-Without-Photo/dp/1550228765) MEGADETH ANOTHER TIME A DIFFERENT PLACE (https://www.amazon.com/Megadeth-Another-Time-Different-Place/dp/1576875970/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Megadeth+another+time+a+different+place&qid=1561468709&s=books&sr=1-1)
  7. Diskovi i par ploca za prodaju,o cenama i izdanjima,pisite mi u inboks ili na mejl>[email protected] Destruction-sentence of deah+infernal overkill Destruction-Thrash anthem II Destruction-Metal discharge Tiamat-The astral sleep Vicious rumors-razorback killers Accept-Objection overruled Accept-Blind rage Saxon- Power and the glory UDO-animal house Raven-Nothing exceeds like excess Megadeth-Killing is my... Celtic frost-into the pandemonium Sepultura-Beneath the remain SEPULTURA-Morbid visions+bestial devastation Iron angel-Hellish crossfire Kreator-Pleasure to kill+flag of hate Inquisidor-Night tears Gama bomb (svi albumi, osim poslednjeg) Anthrax-armed and dangerous Cyclone temple-i hate there fore.. Holy moses-finished with the dogs Holy moses-Master of disaster Holy moses-World chaos Razor-shotgun justice Razor-open hostility Flotsam and jetsam-S/T Atrophy-Violent by nature Tankard-The morning after+alien Tankard-20th anniversary bday Znowhite-act of god Fates warning-no exit Evile-enter the grave Violator-chemical assault Violator-Violent most Overkill-Taking over Sacrifice-Soldiers of misfortune Ratos de porao-Brasil Ratos de porao-Anarchophobia Alhakill-Unmitigated disaster Harlott-Origin Distillator-Revolutionary cells Nuclear assault-atomic waste Brainstorm-Soul temptation Brainstorm-memorial roots Nervosa-Agony Pro pain-Foul taste... Pro pan-straight to the dome Pro pain-the truth hurts Dust Bolt-Mass confusion Traitor-Venomizer Thraitor-Thrash command Evil army-S/T Exarsis-the human project Overthrow-within suffering Space chaser-Watch the skies Saxon-power and the glory Shakma-House of possession Condor-Unstoppable power Ploce: Helstar-Remnants of war Onslaught-In search of sanity Onslaught-Shellshock Onslaught-Let there be rock Raven-Nothing exceeds like excess Alcoholator-Escape from reality Holy moses-Finished with the dogs UDO-Animal house Brain storm-Metus mortis Brain storm-Memorial roots Razor-Custom killing Svi diskovi i ploce su u gotovo ne slusanom stanju! Pozdrav
  8. Pestilence je prodat!
  9. Prodati> Death, Vader i Fates warning-Theories of flight Dodajem za prodaju> Coroner-No more color prvi pres 16 evra Pestilence-Malleus Maleficarum 16 evra Kreator-Pleasure to kill 10 evra
  10. Prodati Powermad,Immolation i Heathen!
  11. Prodat Dark angel! Zaboravih da dodam jos dva neotpakovana diska> Heathen-Breaking the silence 9 evra Helloween-Keepers part II 7 evra
  12. Prodajem sledece diskove,svi su neotpakovani: Dark angel-Leave scars. 10 Immolation - Here in after. 12 Celtic frost -into the pandemonium 12 Tiamat - The astral sleep 12 Tiamat -Clouds. 12 Sepultura -Beneath the remains. 10 Testament -The legacy. 10 Fates warning - perfect symmetry 12 Fates warning - Theories of flight 12 Vader - Litany. 10 Destruction - Sentence of death/infernal overkill. (Prvi pres. 18) Death-sound of perseverance ( prvi pres 20) Powermad - absolute power.(polovan) 15 Darkness - broken heart. (Polovan) 7 After forever - Prison of desire. ( polovan digi) 7
  13. U ponudi neotpakovani sledeci naslovi: Entombed-Left hand path (komada 2) 11 evra svaki Grave-Into the grave. 11 evra Sepultura-Morbid visions+bestial devastation 11 evra Suffocation-Effigy of the forgotten. 11 evra
  14. Otisli Morgoth i Dark angel! Dodajem na listu,po istoj ceni ,takodje neotpakovani: Celtic frost-Monoteist Dark angel-Leave scars Sanctuary (novi album,digipak izdanje) Gorguts -obscura Morbid angel-altars..... Asphyx-incoming death Bolt thrower-Those loyal once Bolt thrower-Honour valour....
  15. Svi diskovi su neotpakovani,cena za svaki cd je 11 evra! Massacra-Enjoy the violence Megadeth-Rust in piece Morgoth-Cursed Demolition hammer-Epidemic of violence Demolition hammer-Tortured existence Dark angel-,Darkness descends Dark angel-Time does not heal Cannibal corpse-Kill Atheist-Unquestionable Anthrax-Among the living Unleashed-Where life dwells Sepultura-Beneath the remains Death-Symbolic Forbidden-Twisted into form
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