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Everything posted by ..charlie..

  1. +1 Ne bitni su skroz. ja licno ne poznajem nikoga ko ih slusa, ali je jednostavno ne moguce ne slusati ih uzivo jer se jebeno trpaju svugde. Ja sam imao srece pa je to bilo samo jednom, i to na CMOK-u. Da li se ,postovani klavijaturisto, secas kako ste prosle godine usli u finale CMOK-a? Svih 200 ljudi je videlo vaseg menadzera kako prica sa clanovima zirija(dado topic, vajta i jos neki lik), a taj isti menadzer je hteo da bije Mrcaricu iz Rain Delay-a koji se pobunio kada je video to. Ni po cemu niste zasluzili da udjete u 4 najbolje, ali vas je menadzer progurao. Licno sam stajao pored vas i vaseg menadzera, kada vam je posle nastupa rekao da ste zvucali grozno, a vi se vadili na tonca i ozvucenje... Voleo bih da mi razjasnis malo taj CMOK od prosle godine?
  2. Koliko je tvoj zivot prazan kada primas mejlove sa aktivnostima na yumetalu...
  3. Sad cu da stavim da se skida... Valjda nece biti sve kao prva pesma...
  4. I koliko te je ukupno kostao odlazak tamo, hotel? Cime si isao? Smetaj?
  5. Spot za One more time.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SADM7eDRHPw
  6. On izgleda bas ne moze da preboli sto je izbacen iz Stratovariusa...
  7. Da li su Izdaju svirali na Pinku? A ovu ljigavu sa Brajicem jesu...
  8. What a feeling je bilo pre par godina, bili su ponovo pre par meseci... Taj Death Saw koji spominjes nisu, niti ce ikada biti deo scene, ako zbog niceg drugog onda zbog toga sto su izdali za city records ili neko neku njenu sestrinsku izdavacku kucu, a o njhovoj muzici necu ni da pricam. Ja se iskreno nadam da nijednom anonimnom bendu ne bi trebalo ni 2 minuta da razmisli da li da prihvati ili ne, vec bi odmah odbili. Zamisli Rain Delay kod Lee Kish? Uzas...
  9. Danas snimaju DVD...
  10. Hvala puno na pomoci...
  11. Bio bih zahvalan ako bi mi neko preporucio odakle da krenem da slusam ovaj bend, tj. sta prvo da poslusam?
  12. The legend lives on Dear fans, first of all thanks again for all the wonderful messages of support I have received in the last few days. The mental, financial and emotional strain of keeping the Blaze Bayley Band together has proven to be too much for me and has taken a terrible toll on my mental health. As a result of that, I have had to split with the Blaze Bayley Band, now I am just Blaze Bayley, a soloartist and also the lead singer of Wolfsbane. Since Anna and Larry left the Blaze Bayley Band, we've tried to do everything ourselves and for me it has been too much. Without a proper manager coordinating concerts, touring, festivals, promotion, record releases and all the finances, it's too much to cope with. Now I've finally taken this incredibly difficult decision, I feel I can breathe again. It has been an upsetting, frustrating and sad time because the Blaze Bayley Band will not be going on any more, but it is also for me a huge relief and a time to look forward. I wish David, Nico and Jay every succes with their future projects and like to thank them for their loyalty, commitment and sharing their musical talent on The Man Who Would Not Die and Promise and Terror. They are arguably two of the best metal albums I have ever made. We have made a live album and a DVD and I am immensly proud of all of those things as well as the incredible concerts we have played to fans all over the world. I apologize to my UK fans for postponing the upcoming tour. We are still in the process of rearranging all the dates that we can to happen in December. The shows I have booked with Wolfsbane will all go ahead. Also, all the festivals I have booked will go ahead with different musicians. I have a lot of plans that I am very excited about for the future and on top of that I am expecting my first child to be born in September. Look out for me popping up in different places all over Europe in the summer, because I am still available and being booked for festivals and guest appearances. The first two weeks of September is my unplugged acousticUK tour with Jase Edwards from Wolfsbane, called the 'Blaze and Jase: The incredible tour'. The full dates will be announced in the next few weeks. After that there will be a week of European full metal shows. I am going to the USA in October and November for my first ever headline tour since Iron Maiden. I will look forward to seeing all the Blaze Bayley fans over there. After that, the new wolfsbane album comes out. Next year, I am planning to do my first acoustic unplugged album with mostly new songs and that should come with an Unplugged World Tour. I'm planning to start work on my next full metal album in 2013. Thank you so much everyone for being there for me through these difficult years and for your continued support, thank you for being my blood and belief. BB
  13. 11.3.11. Dom Omladine, Gornji Milanovac 17.3.11. Dom Omladine, Beograd 19.3.11. Trema, Novi Sad
  14. http://www.sonataarcticafanclub.com/ Zvanicni fan klub....
  15. Meni je Sonata i vise nego dovoljna...
  16. Sonata potvrdjena za Siget... Maksimalno cu se potruditi da ne propustim ovo... Sonata Arctica are going to play at Sziget Festival, Budapest (H) this year. The festival takes place between August 8th - 14th, for more information check the festival's website.
  17. Hvala na linku... Skida se...
  18. Predgrupe su pocele oko 19:10, a Sonata je pocela da svira u 22:10... Tako su otprilike 3 predgrupe sa sve namestanjima trajale oko 3 sata, sem ako se nisam nesto pogubio...
  19. I ja se iskeno nadam, samo Natasa nesto zeza... Ja sam vec skinuo Demonlord, oni imaju vec 3-4 albuma iza sebe, postoje od 1997 i sviraju u originalnoj postavi, sto znaci da bubnjar definitivno ima vise od 16-17 godina...
  20. Moze neka slika toga? To je standardno pakovanje ili onaj special?
  21. Meni su bili ok, ali daleko od toga da su bili bolji od Sonate, cak mi je i Demonlord ostavio jaci utisak... Jesi saznala da li je basista samo privremeno tu ili je za stalno?
  22. Super pesma... Sada cekamo album...
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