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Everything posted by МегафаН

  1. Lars tel mi to plej dis song tonajt haha ne bi drukcije.
  2. Samo sto je Metalika u svakom segmentu i pogledu iznad mejdena ubjedljivo. TO!
  3. Fridmen je uvjek bio gej, samo sto je to posle jutanazije postalo izrazenije , sto ne znaci da ne jebe kevu sto se tice gitare... a pjesma je vhunska i ne znam sto je ponekad ne bi odsvirali, a pogotovo bi trebali Dred end fjudzitiv majnd.
  4. Ovo zvuci predobro da bi bilo istina, ali bez obzira zvuci i izgleda awesome , ima li linak za cijeli uradak, jel se pojavilo vise!?
  5. http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/8991/tripgj9.swf
  6. Ovo što smo mi skidali je pirat, od onoga što je strimovano u teatrima valjda, aj ges, a ovo će da bude zvanično izdanje i mislim da ni ovde nema izbačenih pjesama.
  7. SLEJER??...... za slejer se moze reci sve osim da imaju dobre solaze TO!
  8. Load je ALBUMČINA, Mejden nece za 100 godina izdati ništa ni blizu toga, niti je izdao.
  9. Virtual XI je najbolji mejdenov album, ovo je vic od albuma.
  10. nije odavno, malo sam se poželio prepirke
  11. Endgame je albumčina u svakom pogledu...
  12. Bolji je Endgame od ovog sranja i Death Magnetic i World painted Blood Šalu na stranu album je jadan.
  13. U jebote pa vi predvidjate stvari... kao ona hobotnica.
  14. Izgleda da stvarno moraju poraditi na zvuku, gdje god citam utiske sa koncerata prvo sto svi kazu da nije valjao zvuk.... pa sta je onda valjalo?!?!
  15. jebala mu Kroeiša mater
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwMjrsnHgSg
  17. Megadeth, Megadeth aguante Megadeth!!!!
  18. Q: "Endgame" only came out last year. Is it too early to start talking about a new album? Ellefson: A little bit. It's funny because people are happy that I'm back and the first thing is, "How about the Big Four?" and then it's, "Hey, when are you going to do a new album?" It's because people are excited. People say they can't wait to hear new material with me and Dave playing together. We have one track called "Sudden Death", which is on "Guitar Hero VI", which is coming out and as soon as I played on it, right away it sounded like MEGADETH. That's the chemistry that Dave and I have playing together and it was really, really cool for that to happen. That'll be the first thing and then next year before we get to look seriously at the new record. Trying to do it when you're out here jumping from city to city, show to show, setlist to setlist, you're not focused. You're out here as a performer and when you go into that creative mode to write a record, you can't be thinking about "Are my clothes ironed?" and "Does my hair look okay?" and "Is my bass in tune?" It would probably take most of next year to make it, quite honestly. It could be next year, but my thought is that it's probably most likely a 2012 release, which supposedly is the year the world is going to end anyway, so it'll be perfect.
  19. mozda je bilo ...ali je dobro, probajte sa pretragom
  20. a po cemu je ovo motivejsnal poster, mislim na sta ovo treba nekoga da motivise... ovo je obicna zajebancija
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