Talking about (da) shit thing...Greg Puciato je ubedljivo najbolja stvar koja se desila Dillingeru... On je po meni uneo jedan un-expendable momenat (koji Dimitri nije imao), a koji instrumentalistima dillingera, Benu i ekipi, daje prostor za mnogo vishe raznovrsnosti, kojoj su i sami skloni, samim tim i prostor za josh mnogo dobrih i razlichitih albuma... Kad sve saberem, definitivno, metal bend koji najvishe ima da ponudi i najvishe obecava od svih metal bendova koji su trenutno aktivni... Mnogo ochekujem od njih!
Jednostavno, sa moje tachke gledishta, Greg je tachno zna svoj posao...
''I used to always concentrate more on the sound of the vocals, as an instrument, and I still think that the sound is more important, because that is what you are hearing all the time regardless of whether you are reading along or whether you are consciously paying attention to the music. The way a word sounds can mean just as much as what it actually means, and can hold just as much weight. Lyrics are important though. It should make you feel something when you hear them or read them. It's just I think that the sound of them is more important. When the sound of the word and it's meaning both carry the same feeling, that's the perfect fit. That's the real challenge when writing lyrics.'' Greg Puciato
...a ovo su inache doslovno moje rechi od pre par godina.. i nachin na koji uvek uklapam vokal i lyrics (a kroz tu prizmu vrednujem i vokale bendova koje slusham)... a shto vishe chitam Gregove izjave, sve vishe padam na dupe... chovek je praktichno moj soul mate kao muzichar... (praktichno nov LS=LZ)