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Everything posted by niking

  1. kakvi tekstovi? e, ae nek neko okaci taj elbow... ako je kao ovo, zelim da ih cujem... EDIT: nisam ni video ovu stranu... Krang, sta imas jos od njiha, a nisi obesio? Jel imas ove Acoustic albume?
  2. Gledao sam dans spot za When You Were Yong... onako, pesmica je ok, ali nikako nije hiticnija od Somebody Told Me, IMHO
  3. besi!
  4. istripovao si se
  5. ne
  6. ma kuvar je bio najkul...
  7. e, to ti verujem...
  8. Sad sam skinuo spot! :) Kako je dobar! a album jos nisam lepo preslusao, ali mi ne deluje toliko dobro...
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_Of_Cydonia#Music_video
  10. Ja sam skroz zaboravio an to pa sam morao ponovo da vidim da se smejem :) a nije bilo tesko: Find all posts by member EDIT: Ali SillyJokes :) EDIT2:
  11. guess again... ona nije brucos
  12. http://www.yumetal.net/forum/index.php?act...t&p=1118827 :)
  13. Sta je Ghost? jel moze neki opis?
  14. Aladin, Simbad, Prince Of Persia... znam da vuce na tako nesto sigurno...
  15. ja znam, ali ne radi download nikako preko 3 kb/s pa onda zakuca
  16. njaške!? :)
  17. niking


    A video clip of Danish modern metallers RAUNCHY performing the track "Phantoms" from their latest album, "Death Pop Romance" on November 10, 2006 at Train in Århus, Denmark has been posted online at YouTube.com. ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1soG2ExP6I ) RAUNCHY recently commenced the songwriting process for their fourth record. The band will team up with HATESPHERE VOLBEAT for the Danish Dynamite Tour beginning mid-November. This trek will mark the first-ever European tour for RAUNCHY and VOLBEAT. A list of upcoming RAUNCHY dates can be found at this location. "Death Pop Romance" was released earlier in the year through Lifeforce Records. The CD was recorded last summer by Jacob Hansen (MERCENARY, FEAR MY THOUGHTS, COMMUNIC) at Hansen studio in Robe, Denmark and was mixed by Tue Madsen at Antfarm Studios (HATESPHERE, THE HAUNTED, MNEMIC) in Aarhus, Denmark. The album marks the recording debut with the group of new singer Kasper Thomsen, who replaced Lars Vognstrup in 2004. RAUNCHY split with Nuclear Blast Records in January 2005 after releasing two albums through the label (2002's "Velvet Noise" and 2004's "Confusion Bay").
  18. sto je dobra slika...
  19. dobri su... bas su dobri, ali nisam stigao bas fino da ih preslusam da bih davao neke dodatne komentare...
  20. ja cu da zalepim novcanicu od 100 kinti na celo... ili cu da se maskiram u nju... :)
  21. Rob Snajder fore
  22. zato sto je prso
  23. ova epizoda je nesto najbolesnije sto sam ikad gledao... Mislim, Nelson! to stvarno ne bi trebalo da bude smosno.... Ali meni jeste! SP pocinje da mi ispira mozak... ali zato: If you lose the big game, that boy is gonna die faster than Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays :) EDIT: a, da... i : "We need a Canadian!"
  24. http://www.911tabs.com/tabs/k/korn/twisted...nsistor_tab.htm
  25. http://www.killswitchengage.com/index.php obesili su novi sajt...
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