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Everything posted by niking

  1. Jel ja tripujem ili je tebi danas rodj?
  2. Sto ces mi narezati
  3. Yes it did meni je kompletno nejasno kako nigde na google-u nema nista o "Petofi Csarnock Open Air" ??? btw, to je to gde ovi nastupaju
  4. niking


    u jeeeeeeeeeeee vidi stvarno, sad sam ga izguglao i nadje da je ceo ovaj deo: I've got no patience now So sick of complacence now I've got no patience now So sick of complacence now Sick of, sick of, sick of, sick of you Time has come to pay... faking Mejnrd ali ja nemam taj spot... must download... ne kapiram kako mi je promakao ... pa da, on nije objavljen na DVD-ima... ali ovo je jedan od najjacih linkova koje sam pronasao u poslednje vreme: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Know_Your_Enemy_(song)
  5. ali pocela je svirka skoro na vreme valjda... a za diskove su se unapred izvinili...
  6. niking


    ili Dejvonomija?
  7. niking


    iz kog to predmeta???
  8. i Beer Festu... i mom rodjendanu (tj nasem Dane, ako budemo slavili zajedno, ali znam da nista od toga)
  9. EDIT: nista, nista, moja greska
  10. niking


    gde tu Maynard ima deo? ne verujem da nisam provalio, ako si u pravu...
  11. Cisto da podsetim (copy-paste sa forum.eyesburnmusic.com) SHCP records vam predstavlja jos jedan dobar koncert zakazan za subotu 8.april. Mesto zbivanja je Dom omladine, a pocetak je u 22h. Apelujemo na posetioce da ovo prihvate krajnje ozbiljno kako ne bi propustili neki od bendova. Vrata ce se otvoriti u 21:30h, a prvi bend ce nastupiti u 22h tacno! Bendovi koji ce nastuliti : CROWFISH - bugarski pop-punk bend. Vec smo ih slusali pre par meseci na "this is just a punk-rock show festu", i sudeci po komentarima mnogobrojne publike dobro su prosli. Ovaj koncert je u sklopu njihove evropske turneje i pored beograda nastupice i u Nishu, Senti i Subotici. Za vise informacija o bendu : www.crowfish.de . GROUND ZERO - novosadski hardcorepunk bend. Agresivnost, energicnost i haoticnost su odlike ovoga benda. Vecina nas ih je vec i slusala, u pitanju je shvedska skola sa velikim uticajem metala. Za vise informacija : www.groundzerohc.com . NOTHING LEFT - Melodicni mosh-metal bend. Sta vise reci?! Za sve ljubitelje novijeg zvuka, definitivno poslastica. Jako- jako perspektivan i kvalitetan bend!!! Fazon : Unearth, Heaven shall burn, As i lay dying, Shadows fall itd... LINGA - Noviji hardcorepunk bend. Uticaji ovoga benda su : Ensign, Stretch arm strong, Comeback kid itd...Ovaj koncert im je prvi koncert, stoga im treba pruziti maksimalnu podrsku. SUBOTA 8.APRIL - DOM OMLADINE - TACNO U 22h - KARTA : 200 DINARA
  12. ali ti.... no comment... ko vidi i Rokanje znace...
  13. niking


    posto sam se iscimao da googlujem negde sam nasao da je to Maynardova pesma, a negde cak da je sa Bowie-jem... ali samo na par mesta, a ima i mrtav link za toolshed... a za Choked je gostovao na "Flyin' Traps: Stereo Drums" kompilaciji, sta god to bilo... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000000OK...v=glance&n=5174 12-a pesma ali sam zato nasao da postoji i Revolution (feat: Zack Dela Rocha), to moram skinuti sto pre, tj cim nadjem gde ima...
  14. ne mogu nista da nadjem, ali posto cu ja videti da se iscimam na Chainse, cim nesto saznam, bacam ovde...
  15. Mislis ovaj: ?
  16. znam, bilo bi lepo otici... mislim na AIC... a i nije toliko cudno sto ce Maynard pevati, on donekle kopira (ili jednostavno ima slican) glas kao Layne
  17. meni je ta pesma savrsena...
  18. nije losa, ocajna je mislim stvarno, totalno je losa pesma... jedino je lozana sto svi mrzimo amere, pa smo se naprzili (pricam i u svoje ime)
  19. Realno Crawl Through Knives i Dead End, koliko god pesma bila gay...
  20. STONE SOUR, the band featuring SLIPKNOT singer Corey Taylor and guitarist Jim Root, have officially parted ways with drummer Joel Ekman. "This is something that we all discussed and feel is best for the five of us and for the future of STONE SOUR," the group write in a statement. "This has been the most intense recording process of our career and the next year of touring will be equally, if not more, intense. Our world tour kicks off June 2nd in Germany and our goal is to play as many cities and countries as possible. We're in discussions with a few drummers now and will let you know who that person will be as soon as we come to a decision. We wish the best to Joel and to his family." STONE SOUR's sophomore album, which is being recorded in Los Angeles with producer Nick Rasculinecz (FOO FIGHTERS, VELVET REVOLVER), features a guest appearance on drums by Roy Mayorga (ex-SOULFLY, currently a touring member of SEPULTURA). Mayorga was enlisted to lay down the drum tracks after Ekman was forced to sit out the recording sessions for the CD in order to spend time with his nine-year-old son, who was diagnosed with brain stem glioma (brain cancer) last fall. In a recent interview with Revolver magazine (web site), Taylor said about the recording process for the new CD, "The first record was really just us making music and laughing a lot and having a good time in a studio in Iowa. There were no real expectations. Now that we know we have an audience, it's way more crazy." He continued, "It's priority No. 1 this year for Roadrunner [the band's record label], and they keep telling us, 'You've gotta stick to the schedule!' And then there's kids just fuckin' blowin' me up on the Internet, like, 'When's it coming out? When's it coming out?' I'm like, 'Wait, calm down — we just finished the fucking drum tracks, fer chrissakes!' but it's cool, you know? I thrive on the pressure, because it gets me going, and it gets me that much more psyched about it." "This album's gonna be miles above the first one," promised Taylor. "Even with scratch guitar and really shitty scratch vocals, it already sounds powerful as fuck." Musically he describes it as "more melodic and darker than the first one. It's not goth rock, it's not fucking emo, it's not garage; it's fucking hard rock, man. It's good, heavy rock that's going to kick you in the face. Why would you want anything else?" As for the disc's lyrical content, Taylor described it as a combination of "pain, pleasure, happiness, and grief. People keep asking me what the theme of the album is. Well, there is no theme, you know? If anything, the theme is life, because life is spontaneous and aggravating all at once. You never know what you're going to have to go through on a daily basis — you never know what life's gonna throw at you. "There's a track we recorded, that I hope makes it on the album, that's basically a love song to my wife, thanking her for dragging me out of the fire and helping me get sober. I've never written anything like that before, but it was very important for me to tell the world not only how much she saved me, but how much she means to me."
  21. uci, uci trebace ti... e na x jel si ti ovde bas ceo dan... sad postajem prilicno siguran da me pratis! Jel se ja to tebi svidjam?
  22. Pa naravno da se super provela kad sam bio ja! Spavao doduse, ali svejedno... Idemo na rokanje?
  23. joj, nemoj, jezim se... osobu koja je izmislila dvoglas treba eshumirati i reanimirati da bih mogao da je... nesto... btw, thnx za cd!
  24. i meni je original...
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